Announcement Rest in Peace, Jmena/Un-amed(we will never forget you)

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Rest in peace. Also didnt knew him that much.

after I read some comments here:
Unfortunately a suicidal almost rarely shows his true feelings about being hurt inside.
instead they are trying to hide it as good as possible. It's because that topic is like a forbidden topic in our fucked up society.
The fact that you're right about suicidal people rarely showing how hurt they are on the inside is just heartbreaking
I couldn't log in these days but I saw the news on Twitter I knew him from the spanish forums with he's bird avy a good lad with sense of humour and music passionate man I was frozen and shocked i knew he was going through some stuff he but that young....
No one expect these kind of news of a close person and I hope he could finally find peace in the afterlife
I will always remembe you jmena
My condolences.RIP
We all go through a bunch of different mental states during our lives, some good, some bad, but unfortunately sometimes the bad becomes reality and it's impossible to see outside of it.

If anyone feels like that, seek help. If you have to take prescription drugs from a psychiatrist, do it. At least it will let you see life from a different perspective. It's better than ending your life. RIP unamed.
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