Announcement Rest in Peace, Jmena/Un-amed(we will never forget you)

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@Bogard @Pantheos @Playa4321 it's time to make a thread for our fellow members here where we could hear their stories and we try to help them with ideas or at least in that time those members who are suffering could feel safe in their own selves since there are people here who could hear them to kill any ideas of suicide ; finding out members i know who they commit suicide for whatever reasons, it isn't a good feeling either for me or for u all to hear something like that ; there are members who have phobia of seeing doctors we could encourage them to do it instead of just replying with casual things that No one would give a fuck about.
It's time to move .

I'm Doctor u are welcome to talk to me .
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Gorosei Informer

Oh for fucks sake! Wtf!?

I should have spoken with him more, I had a feeling he was troubled but I was too self centered to reach out to him more.

I am such a freaking idiot.

This is fucking horrifying and tragic news, I'm speechless. Please excuse my vulgarity and outrage, but I'm lost for words, I'm speechless. I could have done so much more for him, especially given he was autistic like I am and he reached out to me in the past for support too in private.

Fuck man. I hate this godamn year already. Something always goes horribly wrong this time of year for me but this is the worst I've ever had by far but ignoring myself and making it all about me, I can't believe he's gone and specifically for those reasons too.

My heart sank when I saw the notice come up, I had a bad feeling someone else has died too but I couldn't believe we just lost someone else too and hearing that news, I just, I'm fucking stunned.

I'm gonna take some time away from here for a bit I think, this is just too fucked up and tragic, it should never have come to this for him and I feel like I could have reached out to him more, I could have been more supportive and cheked up on him more and made sure he was OK But now it's too late and it's too easy to regret it instead, to say what we could have done in hindsight and should have done.


RIP Jmena/Un-Named, you didn't deserve this and you never did, I hope you're at peace now man and you're no longer troubled or suffering. I wish I had done better by you but I hope you are in a better place now. I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you more.

I'll be brutally honest, I've battled suicidal idealations for most of my life now, since early teen years and it never goes away, it never truly leaves you, like depression, anxiety, trauma and all that. A few of my own personal heroes took their own lives too, my best friends uncle took his own life too and I've watched it tear him and his mother apart as they tried to cope with their loss. They just lost his other uncle and his mother's other brother and only remaining sibling too recently.

Whoever is responsible for taking these people away from us, I swear I will find them and I will make them suffer somehow. Some kind of truly malicious, malovent force beyond our own comprehension.
Alternatively, I want to believe they were taken from us to not suffer anymore, to be at peace and rest eternally instead but I can't agree with that either, especially when it involves them taking their own lives, one of the worst ways to ever go in this world and at such young ages too.

This world has a habit of taking the best people away from us sometimes. As the saying goes, "only the good die young."
Oh for fucks sake! Wtf!?

I should have spoken with him more, I had a feeling he was troubled but I was too self centered to reach out to him more.

I am such a freaking idiot.

This is fucking horrifying and tragic news, I'm speechless. Please excuse my vulgarity and outrage, but I'm lost for words, I'm speechless. I could have done so much more for him, especially given he was autistic like I am and he reached out to me in the past for support too in private.

Fuck man. I hate this godamn year already. Something always goes horribly wrong this time of year for me but this is the worst I've ever had by far but ignoring myself and making it all about me, I can;t believe he's gone and specifically for those reasons too.

My heart sank when I saw the notice come up, I had a bad feeling someone else has died too but I couldn't believe we just lost someone else too and hearing that news, I just, I'm fucking stunned.

I'm gonna take some time away from here for a bit I think, this is just too fucked up and tragic, it should never have come to this for him and I feel like I could have reached out to him more, I could have been more supportive and cheked up on him more and made sure he was OK But now it's too late and it's too easy to regret it instead, to say what we could have done in hindsight and should have done.


RIP Jmena/Un-Named, you didn't deserve this and you never did, I hope you're at peace now man and you're no longer troubled or suffering. I wish I had done better by you but I hope you are in a better place now. I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you more.
He reached to you in private for support? Maybe we should study @Fleet Leader Fenaker to make a thread for users who are struggling in life
@Bogard @Pantheos @Playa4321 it's time to make a thread for our fellow members here where we could hear their stories and we try to help them with ideas or at least in that time those members who are suffering could feel safe in their own selves since there are people here who could hear them to kill any ideas of suicide ; finding out members i know who they commit suicide for whatever reasons isn't a good feeling either for me or for u all ; there are members who have phobia of seeing doctors we could encourage them to do instead of just replying with casual things that No one would give a fuck about ;
It's time to move .

I'm Doctor u are welcome to talk to me .
I also am a doctor and will gladly help. I also have raised an issue regarding this. Its high time.

Gorosei Informer

He reached to you in private for support? Maybe we should study @Fleet Leader Fenaker to make a thread for users who are struggling in life
Yeah when everybody was clowning on him for fake spoilers a long time ago, he reached out to me in private on here and was really upset. This was quite a long time ago now, but I think its probably left an impact on him unfortunately.

I knew he had his problems, especially being autistic too, I can only imagine how much he was suffering and had suffered IRL for personal reasons.
I had no idea what his personal life was like, I barely remember my conversation with him tbh, but I do remember him reaching out to me and we even set up contact on Discord, for when he wanted to take a break from here.

He's not the first user to reach out to me in private like that too. I keep quiet for their sake out of respect for their privacy/confidentiality, its not my place to share what they say to me in confidence, especially without their consent but as per usual, I think I underestimated how much he and others were tormented, when I should really know far better than that from direct, first hand, life long experience.

We didn't really talk again after that tbh and then there was the drama with him and fake/wrong spoilers on here again a while ago and with it happening a few times in a row, given how much he got upset over the first time when he got dragged hard on here for it, I fear given he apparently was mistaken about the spoilers a few times in a row and got mercilessly roasted for it on here too (as well as on Twitter and Reddit by others), it probably helped to eventually push him in this terminal direction he took unfortunately.

But granted we also have no idea what was going on in his personal life, all I know is that he was autistic and had anxiety issues like me, he was troubled. I thought he was doing ok, well I assumed so for a while but I should have contacted him, reached out to him and made sure specifically.

Feels like he was dealing with a lot and something finally broke him once and for all, something pushed him over that edge of no return, whatever it was unfortunately. Fuck's sake man. He deserved much better than this, wtf. I can't process this at all, my head is just spinning.
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