This is my reads so far.
This no claim game and we have to rely on reads to identify scums. To me, the best way always have been asking questions. So my reads are Based on reactions I got to my questions and also the reading of the thread.
Now earlier I Said that out of 15 players, we can have 4 or 5 Scums and 11 or 10 townies. Anything less or more would not Make much sense.
Now let's assume worst case scenario. That is we have five Scums and 10 townies.
Confirmed townie to everyone - (3)
Confirmed scum - (1)
Cinera - mafia
So as per Worst case scenario, we have 7 townies and 4 Scums left.
Townie read - (4)
Jew d boy - game play is open, decisive and not shying away from giving reads
Neutral watcher - same as jew
Rayan - his timing of vote on cinera implies that he isn't mafia. Also, as of now I don't see anything that can raise much sus on him. So putting him here.
So now we have total of 7 townies and out of remaining ones only 3 could be townie and rest are Scums.
Neutral but slit tilt towards townie
Marimo - his response has been good. But not enough for me to put him in townie list.
If I consider marimo in my town read as well then we now have 8 townies so out of remaining ones only two are townie and rest are Scums.
Neutral but slight tilt towards being sus
Tac - as I said earlier that he was the first one to highlight cinera by voting against him and putting a case against him when there was not much. Now it could be bold mafia strategy but I doubt it. So I don't see him as mafia.
And, his cinera vs final flip flop is still a bit suspicious but as I said not much to brand him as scum. He could still be a Third party if not townie. Being mafia is really less likely because his voting on cinera right at the beginning was too bold and risky move.
Light - his response to my questions was fine. But there is a problem with his game play.
He isn't decisive. Yesterday,in final vs cinera he didn't take decision on the issue and went with random vote on tac.
Today again he isn't that much decisive on sera and tac much. He is simply interacting with tac and keep on saying that his posts are rubbing him off but doing nothing to build case on him nor being decisive about it.
It's like something is holding him back. And, I am not fan of such passiveness.
Another reason that I am putting light and tac here and not in sus list below is their responses to the questions asked by me or others. They haven't dodged, deflected or gave weird responses and has shown a bit consistency regarding this.
Possible sus
Sera - his reactions to my questions were way off. I mean who assume scums like that without any reads. And, he hasn't said much in his defense at all and went offline while I was sussing him.
Queen - already told everyone why I feel so
Krog - there is a problem with his game play as well.
Yesterday, he said that townie should always Lynch on day one. This Imply that he considered lynching very important. Yet, he didn't vote at all.
Because lynching is using your weapons to the most of your abilities. A mislynch doesn't help and removes a mislynch from happening in the future.
My view is town should lynch D1 even without much info because it makes the odds of hitting mafia in subsequent lynches hire.
And, today he has remain almost inactive. He barely made 8-10 posts so far without much sucm hunting. That's off for me.
Until I get further information on him, I am seeing as sus.
Final beta - cinera vs Final doesn't clear him off. I don't see him as townie and that's clear to me. He has been active and says that he is townie but all he has done is counter sus people with absolutely no active role in scum hunting by asking questions and cooperating with others.
If an experienced Player plays like this then I have good reason to see him as sus because if townie then he is really playing bad as one like this because counter sussing game play adds confusion among townie and is detrimental for townies.
Now my reads could be wrong and this isn't confirmed list as it's liable to change because this day phase many players were not so active. But this is what I feel as of now