Phew... there is too much wrong with this post.
Let's start with this, posting my thoughts on someone's alignment or a certain incident might only cause confusion if I didn't validate it in any shape or way first, so I'm usually very considerate in what I'm saying. Sometimes I can present a conclusion without evidence in hand because it might be counterproductive. I can't blindly give you reads when I'm not either sure about them or I think it's a good time to present them.
I'm not sure why you're trying to see things with only one angle. There isn't one way of engaging and trying to find scum. Generating reads early on based little posts, and ending the argument when you feel like it's not necessary to do is not scum inductive, it's about generating content from what got or engage in things the way you desire, everyone doesn't like doing debates for the sake of debate. I don't see why you can't see that, and focusing on nonsense like "You back down from that discussion". It's such a contrived reason to suspect someone.
Not only do scum rarely try to back down from arguments, but scum also loves to bus people and never try to back down from their argument... because their main agenda is to appear "consistent"
I am not sure how I am avoiding attention when I have the highest post count in this thread and clearly asking questions that I want to ask.
Also, I have said it before I will say it again. As long as we can't lynch two scums in one DP, there's no need to focus on more than one, especially if it's Rej like a case where he's obvious scum. Right I will do is look other players gameplay and if something strikes me bad I will address that if either my mind change on Rej or he's lynched since doing any sooner than that is usless
Lmao, why are being no fun? You can engage me on that, feel free to do that. Honestly, if I ask you your reads(Which I rarely do) you're allowed to say you can't right now, I don't really expect people to actually provide me reads because I am kinda stick to my own cases until the bitter end
How do you plan to generate reads? You do that by asking questions, while the same tactic could be used to appear as town therefore I didn't like Drago one-liner questions there because they were hardly worth it.
However, and more importantly, for another reason, i just want to take a break here to underline the fact that your
alone is filled with many misconceptions - in bold - that someone like me would call convenient reasonings. You can go back and read the page I suspected Rej way before and Rej was not even on me in any form way or shape before that.
Let's start with this, posting my thoughts on someone's alignment or a certain incident might only cause confusion if I didn't validate it in any shape or way first, so I'm usually very considerate in what I'm saying. Sometimes I can present a conclusion without evidence in hand because it might be counterproductive. I can't blindly give you reads when I'm not either sure about them or I think it's a good time to present them.
I'm not sure why you're trying to see things with only one angle. There isn't one way of engaging and trying to find scum. Generating reads early on based little posts, and ending the argument when you feel like it's not necessary to do is not scum inductive, it's about generating content from what got or engage in things the way you desire, everyone doesn't like doing debates for the sake of debate. I don't see why you can't see that, and focusing on nonsense like "You back down from that discussion". It's such a contrived reason to suspect someone.
Not only do scum rarely try to back down from arguments, but scum also loves to bus people and never try to back down from their argument... because their main agenda is to appear "consistent"
I am not sure how I am avoiding attention when I have the highest post count in this thread and clearly asking questions that I want to ask.
Also, I have said it before I will say it again. As long as we can't lynch two scums in one DP, there's no need to focus on more than one, especially if it's Rej like a case where he's obvious scum. Right I will do is look other players gameplay and if something strikes me bad I will address that if either my mind change on Rej or he's lynched since doing any sooner than that is usless
Lmao, why are being no fun? You can engage me on that, feel free to do that. Honestly, if I ask you your reads(Which I rarely do) you're allowed to say you can't right now, I don't really expect people to actually provide me reads because I am kinda stick to my own cases until the bitter end
How do you plan to generate reads? You do that by asking questions, while the same tactic could be used to appear as town therefore I didn't like Drago one-liner questions there because they were hardly worth it.
However, and more importantly, for another reason, i just want to take a break here to underline the fact that your
alone is filled with many misconceptions - in bold - that someone like me would call convenient reasonings. You can go back and read the page I suspected Rej way before and Rej was not even on me in any form way or shape before that.
however I dont see a towni backing down from a conversation based on a lie
you did quote drago
and you did ask him specifically how he planned on generating convo.
"I don't really expect people to actually provide me reads because I am kinda stick to my own cases until the bitter end"
you asked for drago's read on certain players and nat's read on you
you werent expecting a response?
"I'm not sure why you're trying to see things with only one angle. There isn't one way of engaging and trying to find scum. Generating reads early on based little posts, and ending the argument when you feel like it's not necessary to do is not scum inductive, it's about generating content from what got or engage in things the way you desire, everyone doesn't like doing debates for the sake of debate. I don't see why you can't see that, and focusing on nonsense like "You back down from that discussion". It's such a contrived reason to suspect someone."
thats great. but I will not take advice from you while we are playing the same game because that could be beneficial to how I see you.
sure backing down isnt scum indicative but its the way and manner you did so. would you say sussing someone like rej for a bomb comment is not contrived ?