[FNZ] Super Role Madness Round 12: Death Note

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Quite possible that Light's mother and sister are town here. Could be a reason why a couple ppl wouldn't know the passive since those two weren't part of the Kira investigation.
We got a problem with Cobra though. There's a chance he's scum, but there's also a chance that he's just a townie who had no idea what we're talking about. As Nat pointed out, she was being pretty vague. And the problem is that the hidden passive doesn't even show in write ups when someone dies, we can't even confirm if every townie has that passive or not if he gets lynched and flips town.

I'd say there's a 50/50 chance of Cobra being scum or simply misunderstanding Nat, but we have no other leads at the moment so I'll go for it.

Vote Cobra @Noctis

Also if Fuji, NW, and Nat are all town, then that means Tac put townies under one colour, which makes my fear of Tac's list being bullshit increase.


So about Kiwi, 2 posts from TAC imo make her look bad.
Kiwi — Miller. Enough said, should always be somewhat wary of her until something happens.
Yo Tan is the same. Kiwi I lean town but her Miller claim is an issue and I won’t pretend it’s not.
I dislike the way he's approaching the read on her and the Miller claim. It smells to me that TAC is setting up a situation where he can easily fall back on a scenario where Kiwi gets caught in a pinch and he can easily vote her. It's classic distancing between two buddies where they're like "hey, I'm lean town on you but not too strongly and I'll leave a bit of doubt in it so I can change my mind easier if you get caught." Now, Kiwi probably wouldn't be aware of the distancing cause mafia don't know their GF, but that wouldn't stop TAC from trying. He's forcibly using her Miller claim as a cop out from town reading her.

Holy crap. I'm dumb. Why did I ignore this thought? Ok, so a very simple and good to verify Miller claims is to have the player claim their character. The logic is, if the character doesn't match with someone who would be town but investigates guilty, then...there's a problem.

@Kiwipom if you so kindly would, claim your character for us.
And that I hinted pretty early in the game. Probably Nat town for that?!

Vote Lynch Cobra.
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*back to sleep*
I can confirm that Poison hinted about knowing about the hidden passive as well.

Well well at least we gotta make sure we don't mislynch. Cause avoiding mislynch this game is as important as lynching scum.
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I like 3rd party too
I... Thank you for explaining the common goal of mafia. It sounds like you want to say something without actually saying something.
Did you get it though what I meant?

My Cobra theory is getting more powerful by the minute. It's like you're all giving me your energy as I'm about to kill scum. We've managed to confirm so many townies in the last hour.



So about Kiwi, 2 posts from TAC imo make her look bad.

I dislike the way he's approaching the read on her and the Miller claim. It smells to me that TAC is setting up a situation where he can easily fall back on a scenario where Kiwi gets caught in a pinch and he can easily vote her. It's classic distancing between two buddies where they're like "hey, I'm lean town on you but not too strongly and I'll leave a bit of doubt in it so I can change my mind easier if you get caught." Now, Kiwi probably wouldn't be aware of the distancing cause mafia don't know their GF, but that wouldn't stop TAC from trying. He's forcibly using her Miller claim as a cop out from town reading her.

Holy crap. I'm dumb. Why did I ignore this thought? Ok, so a very simple and good to verify Miller claims is to have the player claim their character. The logic is, if the character doesn't match with someone who would be town but investigates guilty, then...there's a problem.

@Kiwipom if you so kindly would, claim your character for us.
There's some more things I'd like to talk about on Kiwi, but for now @Zara take a look on this.

Chill on the Cobra votes. Let's not go overboard. He's not really my lynch target for this phase tbh. I think he's better off getting vigged. I can explain why if y'all want.
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