[FNZ] Super Role Madness Round 12: Death Note

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You ain't paying to details this day phase Neutral. You are way weird then simply changing your playstyle and feel like Beta to much degree. 🤦‍♂️

I am not liking this Neutral at all if you are townie.
nw was active for most of the day phase, I'm not buying this clueless act
might have to remove him from town list
Nah i meant the big least you provided before.
You need to understand this so that we are on the same line, when I say I didn’t pay attention to him, I don’t mean I don’t suspect him, I mean wether he is scum or town, I’m studying other people‘s posts that In my eyes, are possible scum that need to be taken care of.
let’s say one of my sus got lynched today turned out to be real scum. The next thing I’m gonna do next DP is return to the very first post of light/lanji and start to analyze him to the tiniest of details.
you may find this odd, but this is how I like to play, focus at a limited ranges of sus one at a time.

you didn't vote or can't, along with this ability?
I must ask you to lend me some time until I can answer you to this question, you will understand later on, promise.

This is enough to sus her despite Claim clearing her townie, bt you won't look into some like Lanji at all?
Like I said, it doesn’t matter how sus you find him to be if I didn’t even look up his posts. Like the only way I can answer this question right now is if I take 1 hour to read his posts and then give you my opinion on how I think of him.
this is inconsistent, I had sus D1 that I completely moved on to another sus on D2 because either they were cleared/killed/ claimed or any other reason, as I said, one bunch of sus at a time I my thing.
Hold the fuck up. I investigated Poison and she was innocent. Not sure if any scum role can be that at this point, but I’m not willing to risk it right now.

I really disliked your jump on this wagon.

Yours too. What do you mean you have no choice? That’s crap and untrue.

Hehehe only mafia would be more fixated on 3rd party :catsure:
my vote on kiwi was mainly due to her reaction to drago asking her to claim if she's really town with a guarantee of protection and she still was not forthcoming. it felt more like personal preservation than a desire to help town. am a bit behind but give me a couple to catch up. its particularly tricky since cops cant necessarily prove she's innocent and her night actions according to her arent useful. you literally just have to take her word for it.
What would you do if you came up with innocent result on someone?
Depends on the game at hand,
right now, we are playing role madness, so if I get one of my sus came up inoocent, I would give percentage chances of the Possiblities. Especially after light was shown to have some invest immune abilities, why not assume other maf like Miss have the same?


This is Light reads from what I gathered.

Just burnout. End of the workmonth, in my case the 10th, is horrible for me. I've been working 12 hours a day for the past few days and will do so until the 10th. That's why I hoped this game would start around the 10th or at worst 9th, because after the 10th I usually take a day or two off.

I've skimmed it now.

NW leaning townie. Doesn't match his scum meta at all. He's more active and useful.

Gambit leaning townie. I took his L claim as a joke and mimicking when L introduces himself to Light. No way he'd claim such an important role that easily and be the primary target for scum. He's playing much differently than the game we observed from the dead chat, but since I am not familiar with his meta, I am basing it off on his play now, and he's active, probing, asking questions.

TAC mounted a good enough defense against Gambit's questioning. But TAC always feels scumy to me, so I'll put him neutral for now, until I see more of him. Don't wanna sus someone that stated they'll be gone.

You. As of now leaning townie. But please stop measuring how long people take to respond or when they are gone. We are all here of our own volition and have real lives and stuff to deal with, not to mention all the different timezones. Don't base your sus on that.

Queen's matching her style. Silent at the start, more active later on.

Cobra I genuinely don't know lmao. Seemed to be a bit more content playing this round that he usually is, but I am not gonna judge him on that.

The rest nothing much. I either haven't played with them before (Poison) or they haven't caught my eye in any way.
Gambit I'll place him neutral for now. He was previously townie for me, ngl reading Kiwi's post made me doubt that. Not enough to read him as scum, but enough for me to doubt my read.

Cobra I believe is a dumb townie, but he's not being helpful, which kinda matches his style. But the things he's saying and doing are awful.

I've got a town read on Yo. He's putting himself out there and asking questions and interacting with players.

Rayan's looking better than he did yesterday. He doesn't remind me of his scum meta.

I wanna see more from Melon. So far she's not done anything for me to consider her townie, and she's usually more proactive when townie.

Flower's been awfully quiet. Reminds me of her meta in the cat game. Let's see what she has to say.

Vote lynch @Flower @Rej @Noctis

I'll give more detailed reads later when I finish work.
He only sus Flower based on inactivity
my vote on kiwi was mainly due to her reaction to drago asking her to claim if she's really town with a guarantee of protection and she still was not forthcoming. it felt more like personal preservation than a desire to help town. am a bit behind but give me a couple to catch up. its particularly tricky since cops cant necessarily prove she's innocent and her night actions according to her arent useful. you literally just have to take her word for it.
When you catch up, tell us who you sus. And did he do anything last night. Target and if you got anything.
nw was active for most of the day phase, I'm not buying this clueless act
might have to remove him from town list
You need to understand this so that we are on the same line, when I say I didn’t pay attention to him, I don’t mean I don’t suspect him, I mean wether he is scum or town, I’m studying other people‘s posts that In my eyes, are possible scum that need to be taken care of.
let’s say one of my sus got lynched today turned out to be real scum. The next thing I’m gonna do next DP is return to the very first post of light/lanji and start to analyze him to the tiniest of details.
you may find this odd, but this is how I like to play, focus at a limited ranges of sus one at a time.

I must ask you to lend me some time until I can answer you to this question, you will understand later on, promise.

Like I said, it doesn’t matter how sus you find him to be if I didn’t even look up his posts. Like the only way I can answer this question right now is if I take 1 hour to read his posts and then give you my opinion on how I think of him.
this is inconsistent, I had sus D1 that I completely moved on to another sus on D2 because either they were cleared/killed/ claimed or any other reason, as I said, one bunch of sus at a time I my thing.
So you are looking into Jew, right?

Okie look into him, and tell us what you can find. I will read you based on that.


Regarding 2 mafia invest immune I think Dragomir has explained it.

His post:

We have a Miller claim. Miller already nerfs the Cop. That's the role's purpose. Then you potentially have a Godfather on the mafia team who will appear innocent(in almost all Mafia games, there will be a Godfather). This nerfs the Cop even more. Now, say you got TWO Mafia who investigate innocent? And what about the Serial Killer? Only God knows if that role is invest immune.

We could then be looking at 2 invest immune mafia, invest immune indie, and a town miller. That's atrocious.
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