[FNZ] Super Role Madness Round 12: Death Note

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I looked at the vote sequence Ali, I think I get what you mean.
you never disappoint me Gambi, one more thing, I still have one more surprise , just wait for it <3

Why do you town read Lanji/Light.
I never town flagged him. If you mean why didn’t i ask Tris about what she thinks of him and went for the three I mentioned, simply because I wasn’t paying attention to Lanji even when the role was played by light ... this Is something I always do, I never open my mouth about people I hadn’t read their posts carefully.

Who you voted for last Day phase?
I haven’t voted, I manipulated and Broke the tie for Gambi’s Favor.
Why you seem so sure your investigaton went 100% According to plan? She could be immune to invest just like light, never thought of that Nat?
Why do you believe she is sus despite, Night claim clearing her? Anything other than inactivity?

Maybe because too many people town clearing nw would leave you suspect? :smithnie:
I did not take any actions last night; I swapped in for Melon right as D1 ended and opted to spend the night catching up on all 80 pages that had accumulated to that point. Not sure if any actions were taken against me.
see this is the kinda stuff I don’t like, I know you have subbed in for Melon and had 80 pages to read, but you gotta give me something on your last NP, the I didn’t take actions and don’t know if someone took action against me ... I don’t believe you didn’t take action because you had to catch up to the thread, unless you are a noob (which you aren’t), you would always consider utilizing an ability N1.

Why do you believe she is sus despite, Night claim clearing her? Anything other than inactivity?
Only inactivity.

Maybe because too many people town clearing nw would leave you suspect
If you have something against me, I’ll be more than glad to answer cuz I have nothing to hide, other than that, please don’t put unnecessary distractions while I’m trying to see why Poison is supposed to be a townie based on invest results only.
I never town flagged him. If you mean why didn’t i ask Tris about what she thinks of him and went for the three I mentioned, simply because I wasn’t paying attention to Lanji even when the role was played by light ... this Is something I always do, I never open my mouth about people I hadn’t read their posts carefully.
Nah i meant the big least you provided before.
I haven’t voted, I manipulated and Broke the tie for Gambi’s Favor.
you didn't vote or can't, along with this ability?
Only Inactivity
This is enough to sus her despite Claim clearing her townie, bt you won't look into some like Lanji at all?
If you have something against me, I’ll be more than glad to answer cuz I have nothing to hide, other than that, please don’t put unnecessary distractions while I’m trying to see why Poison is supposed to be a townie based on invest results only.
I have, that's why i am questioning you.

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
see this is the kinda stuff I don’t like, I know you have subbed in for Melon and had 80 pages to read, but you gotta give me something on your last NP, the I didn’t take actions and don’t know if someone took action against me ... I don’t believe you didn’t take action because you had to catch up to the thread, unless you are a noob (which you aren’t), you would always consider utilizing an ability N1.

Only inactivity.

If you have something against me, I’ll be more than glad to answer cuz I have nothing to hide, other than that, please don’t put unnecessary distractions while I’m trying to see why Poison is supposed to be a townie based on invest results only.
Hahaha, I’m DEFINITELY still green...this is maybe my fifth or sixth game ever, and all of them have happened in 2020. I guess I can’t prove it without showing the PM, so if you don’t trust me, I can’t reveal anything to confirm what I said. Regardless, I’m telling the absolute truth when I say I did nothing on N1 except catch up.
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