[FNZ] Super Role Madness Round 12: Death Note

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Ghost Princess
Ok, I have some 40 pages to read. This is gonna be a pain to read cause I'm on mobile.

I did view the thread a couple of times before, so I would say that Kiwi is a consensus town read, Gambit and TAC a couple scum reads that some ppl share, and then my predecessor was suspicious to several folks earlier. That's correct, yes?
He was scum lean for me mostly because of vibes.
I didn’t really see a lot of people going after him so I didn’t expect him to cave in to pressure and quit.
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You and Nat are similar.
I disagree lol
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Flower is a lot more aggressive
I could easily save myself from getting lynched if town really suspected me, but I don't expect to be lynched today
Jow? Lololol
Yeah I decided to chill tf out in general, for my own well-being. You'll see more of me but not like the last 2 games sweet Rayan.

The naruto game, and also the ToL one.

That sounds reasonable. In ToL when she was scum I found her to be more active day 1 than in this game's day 1.

Fake news :catpole:
I called out Poison for her weird vote and came to a different conclusion than yours. I observed her today and she was more into conversing than actually playing the game. And I didn't see a proper explanation for her vote on you IIRC today.
And then for Gambit, yeah I'm ready to admit Kiwi's reasoning is hella convincing. That's what changed it for me. That and the fact that his prying was losing a lot of momentum, especially that slip(?!) about "the most important role" vs "important role". Nah
Your reads are forced.
Hmmm...well, I don't know how much I buy the probbing excuse to clear inconsistencies and for reactions. It's a common scum excuse when D1 cases flop -- but I'm not going to deny that there are town who do this too and it can be logical depending on the context.
I think your verdict of your case here is well crafted......but I'm not a big fan of you back off now when you're saying that you still have concerns about him but wanting to go with Poison instead yet not voting her. Diplomatic a bit.

You've explained why you went after TAC but my main concern was that I feel like the whole timing with your case was off, first looking to see town's interest, then casting vote, then coming back to explain when people questioned you.

However, one takeaway is I do agree that I thought that TAC's swift change of vote did feel off. However, for the purpose of my ego I like to believe that it's because my case was amazing and convinced him

Anyways, I'm keeping my eyes on you. Until I see a better lead or I see strong reasons why you're town, I'm not changing my vote.
I did read it bt Everyone likes to think so.

Vote Lynch Queen @Noctis
No worries
I don't really think anyone is scum as for now lol
but cobra definitely shouldn't be ignored, with his explanation for the reason why he voted me
and even though gambit was getting town creds before, this felt like deflecting:
Eh? But what you're doing now 3merrily deflecting too. I don't think I need to deflecting. I'm clean.
I read it nw Gambit. I didn't like your read on me, none of my post stood out to you? Can you speak more on this, you read my reads?
No offence fan. Nothing stood out. Hence I don't remember.

Anybody upnfor a flower lynch? I feel like she was coasting hard.

Lemme do it.
Vote lynch flower
Jow? Lololol

Your reads are forced.


No worries

Eh? But what you're doing now 3merrily deflecting too. I don't think I need to deflecting. I'm clean.

No offence fan. Nothing stood out. Hence I don't remember.

Anybody upnfor a flower lynch? I feel like she was coasting hard.

Lemme do it.
Vote lynch flower
Riiight...did I hit a nerve?
Fuck you.

4 mafia, 3 indies, and 11 townies? Oh, God heavens no.

I can believe 4 mafia, but 3 indies isn't happening period. At most 2. We're minimum having 12 townies. Probably 13.

12v4v2 or 13v4v1 is likely the setup.
That's my guess but I guess you're just more experienced in this kinda setup as a host.
Jow? Lololol

Your reads are forced.


No worries

Eh? But what you're doing now 3merrily deflecting too. I don't think I need to deflecting. I'm clean.

No offence fan. Nothing stood out. Hence I don't remember.

Anybody upnfor a flower lynch? I feel like she was coasting hard.

Lemme do it.
Vote lynch flower
Why would you vote flower for coasting when shes starting to become active now? Wouldnt it have made more sense to vote her earlier for coasting when she was MIA? Not when shes here now being active?


I will never forgive Oda
Scum Flower is very forceful with her reads, eager to push players and lead town. Playing with her as a vampire and against her when she was a cat taught me that well enough. Flower isn’t exhibiting either trait in this game. She’s being pretty low key and conservative which doesn’t fit her scum meta.

don’t get the votes on her at all.
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Why would you vote flower for coasting when shes starting to become active now? Wouldnt it have made more sense to vote her earlier for coasting when she was MIA? Not when shes here now being active?
Unless he is afraid of the direction she’s going in and needs another easy target.
Scum Flower is very forceful with her reads, eager to push players and lead town. Playing with her as a vampire and against her when she was a cat taught me that well enough. Flower isn’t exhibiting either trait in this game. She’s being pretty low key and conservative which doesn’t fit her scum meta.

don’t get the votes on her at all.
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Unless he is afraid of the direction she’s going in and needs another easy target.
Dw, I can clear myself if necessary.


When were you under the impression this game is..
About Gambit, in my first mafia game which is almost a year ago, Gambit was scum and I was a townie. And he built a really long case on me D1 that was opportunistic, and well, I've never played with town Gambit but I'm just looking at the way he is building his case on TAC, it's kinda reminding me of back then.

First, I feel like he started off by going after Poison and TAC.
He asks Poison if her off-handed comment about Ryuk was to try and convince town later:

He also accused her of parroting when she explained what she thought about the game set up.

So you'd think that he doesn't want to hear anyone else's ideas about game set ups or something but then he asks Mel later what she thinks about the set up.....

So that felt a bit weird to me. Moreover, he also went after TAC by saying that he felt like he was pushing a weak case on Zara. I think that's a valid opinion, but what I didn't really like was that he asked what other people thought about the exchange.

The posts that followed that question immediately suggested that people sussed TAC more than Zara.

And immediately afterwards, Gambit casts a vote on TAC.

This is the part that feels unnatural to me. It feels like he asked the question to others to see what other people's opinions are and to test the waters to know what reactions will get once he casts the lynch vote. The reason being, none of those posts raised a point about why Zara is more town than TAC or why they think TAC is more scummy, yet that was enough to be the final straw for Gambit to cast his lynch vote. That's why to me, that question seems more like he is trying to see if town would find him suspicious for voting TAC.

And yes, Mel pointed this out:

So Gambit (who I think was originally planning to leave the vote on TAC and not explain further), comes back with a longer post about why he thinks TAC is scum.

I feel like the order which this case was built doesn't sit very well with me. I remember back in ToS game, Drago who was mafia did something like this too, cast vote then come back later to follow up with a long post that breaks it down just to have his bases covered and make the case look legit.

And then even later Gambit going after TAC just feels more like tunnelling and nitpicking. I'm not gonna quote because this is turning into a wallie that everyone will scroll past but I don't really like Gambit's read progression. It didn't feel natural to me. It feels more like scum looking for a target than town scum hunting.
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oh I forgot

Vote Lynch Gambit @Noctis @Rej
Ehhhhh, while yes gambit was first on poison for ''parroting'', i believe he said that because someone else already gave an answer than then she did the same, the mel case is different because she brought in new info.
As for gambit vs tac, whil it does seem he jumped on the tac bandwagon, he was first to sus him. The only bad part would be him saying/thinking zara is more town than tac and it does seem to have weak reasoning.

Coming in with further explanation about why tac is scum feels like scum trying to cover up if they mislynch yes, but then he was planning to vote on him without explanation, those two are contradictions, why would he plan to do the first if he is scum ? Voting him first would cast scrutiny on him. Idk what to think of this either he is scum and then saw that people were biting for tac and so he brought up even more reasoning to seal the deal. Or an overzealous town, it seems like you guys already came to you conclusions?
Still way far back lol.

But this is what you asked @Kiwipom
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