You are Charlotte Smoothie!
[Passive - Sweet Commander] As a Sweet Commander, you have authority over a majority of your crewmates. As such, you will receive the result of the first investigative ability in each phase.
[Passive - Fear of Doors] Those damn doors. Evil, absolutely evil. They must be giving you nightmares every time you sleep huh? During the day phase, a door will show up. Once it does, you must post as if you’re scared, screaming and shouting, trying to get away from it. You will only have to do this for one post.
[Passive - Useless] You haven’t done squat. Didn’t do anything on WCI and you aren’t doing anything in Wano either. To unlock your active ability, you need to prove to town that you can be of use. To do that, you must participate in a lynch on an anti-town player.
[Active - Juicy Fruit - LOCKED]
Hidden from view: this is a two-part ability.
Target a player during the day phase and if in the following night they perform a harmful action, then you will discover the details of the ability.
Upon discovering the details, you must guess what character the player is. If guessed correctly, you will gain +1 vote power. It accumulates.
Wincon: Eliminate all threats to the Big Mom Pirates