So we will talk about the elphant in the room.
The decision that was made at the end of the game.
Myself, Dragomir and Novas all felt that it would be the most fair to end that scenario in a draw.
However, I never made rules for those 1 v 1 scenarios for myself to use, and by default I always use the wiki when those situations arise.
Since I did find the situation unfair I did automatically convert Usopp to a Vampire, because he truly wanted to play by his actual wincon since he felt he messed up earlier and owed that to town.
I thought the 3 transporter in one game caused me the most grief before, but it was actually this scenario right now.
I hope I didn't upset anyone too much with the decision I made, it just seemed like the only fair way was to go with the wiki since that is what I have always done in the past.