Oh damn, if only he hadn't left that lottery card out in plain sight.
So Yotsumura's goal is to bring down the JAA-- do you think they knew his wife was in on the plot and conveniently forgot to tell him? Why does he hold a grudge against the JAA for what happened?
I wonder why Amane already disliked his dad. Personality differences or maybe the mother was manipulating how the son felt about his dad? Maybe Amane's just always been a little hissing edgelord and I shouldn't think about it too hard.
The panels in the tunnel and in the car (is that a Toyota Crown?) are so clean and nicely composed. I also realized that Yotsumura reminds me of Steve Buscemi
Shishiba really is 1) efficient and 2) cold, to the point that he probably thought what happened to Yotsu was bound to happen no matter what, and that he shouldn't have made himself vulnerable by having a family. I wonder if Sakamoto (or Osaragi?) will change his mind about that or if he'll continue to be a lone wolf.
Another great chapter that leaves me wondering about how everyone fits together! I still don't understand what was happening in this flashback from a couple of chapters ago. Why did Shishiba have to intervene that night?