A Sanji fan - the literal sole creator of this thread, explaining why he doesn't like Oda's (the mangaka of one piece fyi) treament of his favourite character post timeskip.
Sanji tards- "OMG, Zoro bois always hating on Sanji, pls stop".

"What a shit fanbase"
You mans haven't even comprehended his first post, haven't comprehended the fact that it's a Sanji fan who made this thread, a person from your own garrison, yet you go on to attack other fanbases for no reason. Wow.
If you can't even comprehend who's made this thread and what's actually being explained on the first post, then it's no wonder you peeps don't understand a long running manga like One Piece.

This is targetted to the tards, not to the guys who are actively trying to discuss or breakdown what the op is saying in the first post.
