1. Sanji's dream is way different from Zolo's
Sanji's dream is supposed to be fantasy, a myth, not real.
While Zolo just need to find some smuck floating in a coffin and defeat him.
Mihawk is real, All blue is thought to be a myth.
All Blue >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mihawk
Thus you need a way stronger will to chase the unknown
than a well known middle aged guy with a big sword.
It's like comparing:
A guy that wants to be a millionaire vs a guy that wants to find Narnia
Obviously becoming millionaire is easier, require less effort and will because it's a realistic dream.
2. Zolo had an easy life
This is a fact. Zolo had easy peasy life.
The worst thing that happened in this life is that he lost to an 10yr old girl in duel and then he cried. Big woop
Sanji was being treated as shit by his blood family, then imprisoned by them.
Then after escaping them, he got deserted on an island and starved for 70+days (which I mind you even adult Zolo couldn't last couple of days without some food in his tummy and fainting as a little weak willed person that he is).
Breaking a child's will is a lot easier after than a man's.
After all event's that happened to Sanji, he grew up and decided to stop chasing an unrealistic dream and decided to repay his debt to a person that saved his life.
And Zolo just trained....
3. Zolo never had his will tested as much as Sanji
"but muh Kuma"- obviously this argument doesn't work because both Zolo and Sanji offered their lives to Kuma. So if Kuma was an evidence for a strong will, this thread wouldn't be needed to be made because Sanji also decided to give up everything for his crew.
"But muh Zolo bowed to Mihawk"- this barely means anything.
In exchange for bowing to Mihawk, Zolo got to get trained by the best swordsman, live free in a castle and free food for years.
You know how stupid that sounds? That's some luxury there just for bowing.
It would've meant more if Zolo got nothing in return for bowing, just some words from Mihawk about how Luffy's doing.
But nope, this guy gets a 5star hotel and best training.
Many swordsmen would give everything they have to be trained by Mihawk, yet Zolo gets this for free.
Lmao, strong will my ass.
Unironically, Sanji staying in Okama island required WAY more will than Zolo bowing for few seconds.
Sanji stayed in a placed he HATED for 2years, doing nothing but running. Do you realize how much mental strength you need in order to do that?
Zolo is just all talk with an easy life.
4. Zolokeks hate character development
Your whole argument was built on a baratie Sanji that gave up on his dreams because he grew out of it.
A guy that chose to stay and help out his father figure over pursuing some fantasy sea.
Then met people his age that also chased dreams the same way he used to.
He got inspired by them + some pushing from his father figure Zeff that he should leave him and live for himself.
Don't see how this is a bad thing.
Certainly beats a man still crying over losing to 10yr old girl.