Character Discussion Sanji is weak willed compared to Zoro and Luffy

Is Sanji as strong willed as Zoro and Luffy

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If Kuina didn't commit suicide then why didn't Koushirou told Zoro about it? Why did Zoro called Kuina a coward then?
The manga said she fell down stairs and died. Anything beyond that is headcanon.

Point is you saying Sanji is strong willed because he didn’t kill himself after his brothers bullied him is the biggest joke ever and proves there are like zero instances of him being strong willed if you have to reach that hard for an example.


Talent is something you make bloom.
Zoro and Luffy would be OP Green Lanterns.
Sanji would be an OP Indigo Tribe member.
What's your point exactly with this "who has more willpower" questioning?
To justify some kind of headcanon "only willpower character can get stronger" BS? Because this is something that is very prevalent in this forum these past few weeks. To justify that character A is better than character B, because character A has more willpower? That's a personal preference for you, nothing wrong with that, but far from being some kind of universal truth.
People create these one dimensional motivations for characters and then complain when the story is trash, boring, predictable or whatever.
The manga said she fell down stairs and died. Anything beyond that is headcanon.

Point is you saying Sanji is strong willed because he didn’t kill himself after his brothers bullied him is the biggest joke ever and proves there are like zero instances of him being strong willed if you have to reach that hard for an example.
Stairs-sama too Stronk

That's even worse for Zoro because he lost to a girl that got killed by a stair.:milaugh::milaugh::milaugh::milaugh::milaugh::rolaugh::rolaugh::rolaugh::rolaugh::rolaugh::rolaugh:
If Kuina didn't commit suicide then why didn't Koushirou told Zoro about it? Why did Zoro called Kuina a coward then?
Kuina was a kid who lived with demons on her head .gender complex etc etc and a father who ignites that opinions of her.Truely she had odds to commit suicide.She did it or fall down from stairs ,idc about that shit but if u compare sanji with her to show how sanji's will is strong , than sanji's stuation is worse than i thought. What u have to compare with is zoro or luffy as title states
This analysis is ridiculous and you didn't understand the arc of Baratie nor Sanji's character. And, on top of that...

. But even if he wasnt serious would Zoro ever throw away his dream as ajoke? would luffy throw away his dream as a joke? they both wont because they know how important it is for them. Sanji joking around with his goal like that just shows that hes not as serious about it as Zoro and Luffy.
...Luffy can't even decide whether finding One Piece is greater than an Atlas beetle or not, he's joking around with his goal too.


Talent is something you make bloom.
Willpower alone doesn't translate into power alone.
Also, lots of things can motivate someone.
Zoro wants to get stronger because HE wants to get stronger for Luffy, also because he made a promise to Kuina.
Luffy wants to get stronger because he wants to be Pirate King, also because he wants to protect his friends.
Sanji wants to get stronger to help Luffy, he also wants to protect his friends.

All of these are valid motivations for a character to get strong. None of these is "more" than the others.
What separates them is a combination of "talent + good training + willpower".
Let's ASSUME both 3 of these characters have the same "talent" potential. There are still 2 other factors that could set them apart. Their training (Luffy and Zoro had better trainers than Sanji, and that translated into a better development post TS).
Willpower, now that's a WAY more indirect answer. How do you measure someone's willpower? Hal Jordan is considered one of the, if not, the greatest Green Lantern there was, a corp based entirely on Willpower. Hal Jordan also had his ups and downs during his life. Does a character that hits rock bottom like Sanji did in WCI, is forever bound to not have a strong will? Other fictions say that's BS. Zoro managed to survive in Thriller Bark basically on sheer Willpower alone. His body was waaaaaay past his limit. Luffy had a similar feat with his recover in Impel Down, to fight Magellan's poison.
Saying a character has "less willpower" because he is not 100% top notch willpower peak performance during the entirety of the story, is just a simplistic analysis that doesn't even break the shell of the situation.

And before someone says that I'm defending that Sanji has "more" willpower than Zoro or Luffy, I'm not.
It would demand me to reread the entire manga, also look into publishes about "willpower" in fiction and so on to accurately analyze this matter. Just saying things "from memory" or based on "I think willpower is this or that" it's baseless conjecture.

Fuck Enma. And Oden.
Just gotta drop some segment of my essay here real quick.

Sanji endured beating from his siblings for years, usually normal kids would kill or hang themselves to get out of suffering but Sanji still keep enduring the beating days to days. That's a strong willed.

Sanji also endured starvation in the island with Zeff for 60 days straight without dying. That's a strong determination. Sanji struggled and grow from it.
Ant nothing else to say you cleared it up and shanks
It is not even worse to have less willpower than Zoro and Luffy, nothing wrong with that.

I mean it's clear like water that Zoro and Luffys willpower > Sanjis willpower.

I'm not discussing about the margin or the gap, that's for the Fanboys.

To sum up quick: Sanjis willpower is inferior to The Captain and Vice Captain Willpower.
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I have to say something more, there is no need to downplay Sanji because of him having less willpower than Zoro and Luffy, I mean this 2 guys will most likely become the strongest Characters EOS.

Sanji being the right hand man of the Pirate King and his rivalry with the World Strongest Swordsman speaks for himself.

He is a great fighter, he has strong willpower nevertheless. Sanji is strong.
It is not even worse to have less willpower than Zoro and Luffy, nothing wrong with that.

I mean it's clear like water that Zoro and Luffys willpower > Sanjis willpower.

I'm not discussing about the margin or the gap, that's for the Fanboys.

To sum up quick: Sanjis willpower is inferior to The Captain and Vice Captain Willpower.
That's just common sense and for me personally zoro and sanji are like goku and vegeta goku will always be stronger but at sometimes vegeta surpass but goku comes back and be on top again I've seen it been the same way for zoro and sanji
Luffy Zoro and Sanji will always be the top 3 Strawhats in terms of Powerlevel, that won't change till EOS.
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Sanji might be a goofy character and he's pervert, but he was like that since OP started.

Some people think Sanji is a gag character, of course he is and was always a gag character but that's ok, Oda wanted him like that.

But let's not forget that Oda always showed us his pride side too, for instance his sacrafice for Luffy in TB arc.

I'm a Zoro fan, but I dare to underestimate Sanji, he's the left hand man of the Pirate king.
Pre-time skip Sanji is more human than Luffy/Zoro. That why he is inspired by Luffy to chase All Blue, suspects something is wrong with Robin in Water7 and is incapable of hitting Khalifa.

Still, this dont make him inferior to others because he is probably one of the most intelligent characters in OP [even though Sanji's perversion has gone from funny to intolerable for me]
1. Sanji's dream is way different from Zolo's
Sanji's dream is supposed to be fantasy, a myth, not real.
While Zolo just need to find some smuck floating in a coffin and defeat him.
Mihawk is real, All blue is thought to be a myth.
All Blue >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mihawk
Thus you need a way stronger will to chase the unknown
than a well known middle aged guy with a big sword.

It's like comparing:
A guy that wants to be a millionaire vs a guy that wants to find Narnia
Obviously becoming millionaire is easier, require less effort and will because it's a realistic dream.

2. Zolo had an easy life
This is a fact. Zolo had easy peasy life.
The worst thing that happened in this life is that he lost to an 10yr old girl in duel and then he cried. Big woop

Sanji was being treated as shit by his blood family, then imprisoned by them.
Then after escaping them, he got deserted on an island and starved for 70+days (which I mind you even adult Zolo couldn't last couple of days without some food in his tummy and fainting as a little weak willed person that he is).

Breaking a child's will is a lot easier after than a man's.
After all event's that happened to Sanji, he grew up and decided to stop chasing an unrealistic dream and decided to repay his debt to a person that saved his life.
And Zolo just trained....

3. Zolo never had his will tested as much as Sanji
"but muh Kuma"- obviously this argument doesn't work because both Zolo and Sanji offered their lives to Kuma. So if Kuma was an evidence for a strong will, this thread wouldn't be needed to be made because Sanji also decided to give up everything for his crew.
"But muh Zolo bowed to Mihawk"- this barely means anything.
In exchange for bowing to Mihawk, Zolo got to get trained by the best swordsman, live free in a castle and free food for years.
You know how stupid that sounds? That's some luxury there just for bowing.
It would've meant more if Zolo got nothing in return for bowing, just some words from Mihawk about how Luffy's doing.
But nope, this guy gets a 5star hotel and best training.
Many swordsmen would give everything they have to be trained by Mihawk, yet Zolo gets this for free.
Lmao, strong will my ass.

Unironically, Sanji staying in Okama island required WAY more will than Zolo bowing for few seconds.
Sanji stayed in a placed he HATED for 2years, doing nothing but running. Do you realize how much mental strength you need in order to do that?
Zolo is just all talk with an easy life.

4. Zolokeks hate character development
Your whole argument was built on a baratie Sanji that gave up on his dreams because he grew out of it.
A guy that chose to stay and help out his father figure over pursuing some fantasy sea.
Then met people his age that also chased dreams the same way he used to.
He got inspired by them + some pushing from his father figure Zeff that he should leave him and live for himself.

Don't see how this is a bad thing.
Certainly beats a man still crying over losing to 10yr old girl.

Formerly Seth

How Zoro fans read the Baratie arc

- Purposely forget that Sanji couldn't leave due to his debt to Zeff
- Purposely forget that Kid Sanji wanted to die for his dream to find the All Blue
- Purposely forget that the SH's are hypocrites that would sacrifice theirs lives for something but wouldn't want someone else to do the same

Legit tho why can't yall actually make a proper thread about why Zoro has a stronger will than Sanji without being fallacious about it. The fact that you guys keep on making these bad threads look worse on Zoro.
Also Sanji:
"Just throw away that ambition of yours!".
