Questions & Mysteries Sanji's final bounty over 3 billion

Not really, he been doing fine and those are exaggeration as Oda is far concern as he isn't making Sanji weak if your able to fight off top tiers and damage them hard. Wano is showing how Oda feels again by him being one to defeat an top tier while Zoro gets the fainting treatment and have yet to fight and beat anyone credible again. By that logic does Oda hates Zoro now after using him hype tool? You guys take things too seriously thinking on how character should be build in your mind.

Sanji is doing fine as only issue was to have ending fights, but him fighting off top tiers were good in his fight history and we going to see in Wano him beating another top tier again in either Queen or King.

Also idea of him stop training over RS is also stupid, he isn't his family and won't stop training and always be strong on his own as shown fighting off Drake. He isn't dependent for power, just for disguise and stealth. Heck even Enma Zoro couldn't hit Base Sanji when he wasn't looking. He is not weak nor helpless as he strong with and without RS overall.
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He probably will as didn't you guys push a lot how weak Shanks is, so your stating he too above now? Which is it? Your can't be hypocrites like this, you know.
Right of the bat your bias is showing .. these aren’t exaggerations literally it’s what happened in the manga.

Don’t come to me about Zoro cause he has nothing to do with this. Oda has placed Sanji on the back burner when it comes to battling if he is relying on a dumb suit.
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When Sanji's bounty wasn't near Zoro's? When the marines didnt know what Sanji did in a Warlord saga and had a draw as wanted poster?
Are you referencing the Mr.Prince moment ?
Smoker was there and witnessed the whole thing.
Right of the bat your bias is showing .. these aren’t exaggerations literally it’s what happened in the manga.

Don’t come to me about Zoro cause he has nothing to do with this. Oda has placed Sanji on the back burner when it comes to battling if he is relying on a dumb suit.
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Are you referencing the Mr.Prince moment ?
Smoker was there and witnessed the whole thing.
Right of the bat your bias is showing .. these aren’t exaggerations literally it’s what happened in the manga.

Don’t come to me about Zoro cause he has nothing to do with this. Oda has placed Sanji on the back burner when it comes to battling if he is relying on a dumb suit.
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Are you referencing the Mr.Prince moment ?
Smoker was there and witnessed the whole thing.
That be you my friend as your always showing biased. If you want us to talk like we used to, get off Zoro-Brainer side and talk to me like normal person to have normal conversation.

Yet in Wano he beaten Dinosaurs back to back and Zoro is hype tool in 4 of his fights and beaten no one credible still. You still think that? He use suit for disguise never for more power as stated by him. You got read context and see canon facts that Sanji is doing better than Zoro with or without RS.
Are you referencing the Mr.Prince moment ?
Smoker was there and witnessed the whole thing
To Mr 2 defeat. I don't think the marines knew he was defeated
Moreover Mr2 had a pretty big bounty after the Alabasta's fact while the one who defeated him had none. He was also the one fighting Hina in the cover story, the others were nothing compared to her.
To Mr 2 defeat. I don't think the marines knew he was defeated
Moreover Mr2 had a pretty big bounty after the Alabasta's fact while the one who defeated him had none. He was also the one fighting Hina in the cover story, the others were nothing compared to her.
So everyone else puts there opponent down for good Sanji can’t accomplish that but deserves a bounty for it?
I think we can gauge what Sanji's bounty would be better if we knew what Rayleigh and Gaban's bounties were, until then there is just no way of knowing, but I think he should at least be above 2 billion if he is going to be a low top tier and past 2.5 Billion if he is going into being a mid-top tier, plus he is going to be the third strongest in the PK's crew so that is definitely going to bump his bounty up, just by association.
Comparing Zoro to other first commanders of other crews is totally logical let it be Rayleigh or Oden they fall as the 2nd strongest of each crew
Not really as no telling him being stronger than them or not, so can't be hypocritical on using it for one character and used it against another with same stance.


yeah pretty sure both Sanji and Zoro will surpass the 3 billion mark ,they are the top 2 after Luffy . they will be at the same level of the current yonko as individuals and even if they are not captains , which play a role in the bounties , they are part of the crew who will bring the WG down . Roger and his crew didn't really confronted the WG even after they went to Raftel.
You mean like EoS? Yeah I could see that as Sanji's final bounty.

In fact I think it makes sense that:


All be around 3 Billion at the end of the series.

Post Wano though? I'm expecting them to be each 1 Billion after taking down Kaido's Calamities.

Luffy's current bounty is 1.5 Billion so I think they'd be just slightly less than that after this arc.


Zoro Worshipper
If he really defeats admiral Ryokugyu at end of story like i expect, i can see his bounty ranging in between 2B and 3B. iirc Sanji once said he would be the man who the marines would consider the most dangerous or something like that.
That would easily put him in the 3B range but I'm not sure he will do that. Something tells me Kizaru will be his final opponent anyways but he won't put him down.