Questions & Mysteries Say something positive about Wano

Luffy's advCoA build was good... some flashbacks of roger..
but Oda fucked up with aCoC and irrelevant plots and forced fights at fairy tail level
Zoros fight was the rescue for wano. Now Luffy needs to do something good and kaido shouldn't disappoint.

We need some twists in the story and a full blown kaido flashback.
Oden's backstory was good (aside from that 5 year dancing which was quite stupid).
Stealth Black.
Udon was entertaining. Queen was top here.
Start/Entrance to Wano (wow, I was totally hyped with the Seppuku chapter and when the waterfall :suresure:).

And... nothing more comes to my mind atm.
1. The Strawhats are finally together.
2. Page 1 and Ulti's sibling bond
3. Luffy and Zoro's reunion
4. Robin vs Black Maria
5. Roof Piece
6. Zoro blocking Hakai
7. Zoro vs King
8. Oda finally revealing that cursed swords don't exist
9. Zoro's advCoC with Zoro accepting that he has the traits to be a king.
10. Luffy's advCoc
11. Luffy and Kaido splitting the sky
12. Oda focusing on Devil Fruits again.
13. Young King and his unadulterated belief that Kaido is Joy Boy, as well as his vow to make him Pirate King
14. Luffy and Momo's interactions
15. Sanji saving Momo from King
16. This is how X dinosaur hunted! (I really love this because I don't think I will have read another piece of fiction that utilizes ridiculous dinosaur head canons the way that Oda did).
wano is a very good arc for me. Onigashima has its flaws but it's still a huge and enjoyable battle like we never had in one piece, except in marineford.
I really liked in wano :
- the introduction chapter
- the Japanese landscapes
- the time travel twist
- the introduction of kaido and the first defeat of luffy
- the legendary flashback of oden
- the epic arrival of luffy, kid and law
- the return of jinbei
- robin getting a real fight
- jinbei getting his first 1vs1
- zoro getting one of his 3 best fights, against king ( zoro vs mr1 remains the best )
- roofpiece which is probably one of the most spectacular battles in one piece
- the adv coc pu
- a fantastic highlight for law, kid and killer ( the chapter where he breaks hawkins ass is one of my favorites of the whole work ). I'm so glad to see these guys shine and get some great achievements
- nice secondary antagonists, i think about king, queen, ulti, kanjuro.
- cpo in action
- lunarian's lore

If I had to summarize very briefly what I hated:
- udon
- the sumo part
- tama and the smiles
- the chapter where big mom gets run over
- the numbers
- JACK'S TREATMENT and the shameful off screen of his battles, the first one against the sulongs army on the roof and the second one against inuarashi
- sanji vs queen which is a shitty fight
- fake deaths, the biggest flaw of one piece
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