Mr. Reloaded

Cause a pirate is free
I wonder if the rest of CP0 might be nearby? Like... in Wano? We know CP0 knows how to access the country/the palace.

Rather than send in a military force, using CP0 to negotiate directly with Wano's royalty, or kidnap them, would make sense.
That's actually a pretty good point, would make sense too. The marines are about to basically go to war with Luffy afterall.

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
That's actually a pretty good point, would make sense too. The marines are about to basically go to war with Luffy afterall.
The World Govenment is totally out for his blood now. Luffy's subordinates infiltrated Mary Geoise during the Reverie, and attempted to assassinate a Celestial Dragon, then bragged about it afterwards to the people nearby (LOL Leo and Sai are madmen). Between this and the Sun God Nika Fruit, the Gorosei KNOW they have to take out Luffy, NOW. No more fucking around.

Fishman Island, Alabasta, Wano, and possibly Dressrosa are all in some hot shit right now.

Regarding CP0, the former CP9 members were also focused on securing what? Pluton. Reintroducing former CP9 characters after revealing Pluton's existence in Wano means they're going to get involved with it, again, IMO.
Zoro fans take things at face value only when it benefits them..

You have the mental aptitudes to discern that Kaku was a good amount more powerful than Jabra based on their respective fight even though Oda put narrative clues hinting the contrary..

Yet yall can't recognize that Zoro didn't use AdCoC cause you're too blind to the truth.. Simply being that Zoro unlocked a new CoA Sword technique due to unleashing base CoC.. That's crazy bias fanboy.. Wake up..