[FNZ] Role Madness [Season 2] Round 12 - Genshin Impact

Is Flower always scum?

  • A) Yes

    Votes: 22 66.7%
  • B) Option A

    Votes: 11 33.3%

  • Total voters
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Actually, Ekko can role crush Ali and Hayumi can vig him. You can commute someone else. We lynch Rej. He's the best lynch without a doubt in my mind.


What could have been...
Actually, Ekko can role crush Ali and Hayumi can vig him. You can commute someone else. We lynch Rej. He's the best lynch without a doubt in my mind.
i cant rolecurhs, i can only destroy 1 ability at random

also discussing actions in the open is super poor rn it rly wont benefit us until we flip the roles that can control/busdrive
relax and stop panicking prof

TAC is just town, there is only one failed kill


there is a susus ... amog us
Not panicking lol. I think TAC is Town. But I will always include the alternative scenario where someone isn’t Town too.

On an alternative note, if you didn’t visit TAC It’s odd that there is only one failed kill.


What could have been...
there havent been any frame so far, unless rej is framed thats y hes been this super pushed
thats a possibility

i would be impressed if scum tpein/emilia r pulling this frame rej and lynch him play. good one


I think that Ali should be the lynch. What's the point of Commuting him if he can't be shot? Because he'll only die via the lynch. And if he flips Wolf, Rej might be Wolf because Ali was deflecting from him, then we just Commute or Jail Rej.
Rej has to be the lynch. His death provides us far far more information that Ali's. There's a legit conflict between Rej and T-Pein that guarantees a liar between them. One of them has to go. It makes zero sense to lynch anybody else. Ali can be taken care of easily. He ain't our problem. Rej vs T-Pein is.
Rej has to be the lynch. His death provides us far far more information that Ali's. There's a legit conflict between Rej and T-Pein that guarantees a liar between them. One of them has to go. It makes zero sense to lynch anybody else. Ali can be taken care of easily. He ain't our problem. Rej vs T-Pein is.
With framing in the game is it possible that neither Rej & T-Pein are lying?


What could have been...
Rej has to be the lynch. His death provides us far far more information that Ali's. There's a legit conflict between Rej and T-Pein that guarantees a liar between them. One of them has to go. It makes zero sense to lynch anybody else. Ali can be taken care of easily. He ain't our problem. Rej vs T-Pein is.
this 100%
perma commute ali until his turn comes

check with host i think commutes bypass bus drives too normally so he cant even bus drive away
Mr. Yagoo Steps In Poo

Okay first and foremost I'm going to keep a tally of how many of Rej's 95 posts are just flavor talk instead of referencing them.

Flavor Posts: 22

Setting peeps on flavour increases the joy for everyone. I dont want to focus flavour I just gave a sum up and I planned to do that even before I randed my role. I have no time to engage into reads and such a blunt shading attempt is awful fam.

You can look at me and you wont find anything. I will look at you and probs find more scummy shit than I might find in a trash deposit.

I will now visit the doctor and probs be away for another hours. I am apologizing that I cant fully contribute this day due to all this irl stuff I gotta resolve today.
Just so we know that Rej didn't just want to focus on flavor.

Post 1503 was weird for me. At this point Tobi had posted like, twenty times, so I don't really see how it's THAT much of a step up in inactivity from Tobi.

Post 1674 is also kind of weird post. My feigning defense of Fuji for Town cred?

Post 3116 soft push on Tpein for something he apparently does every game. If he does it every game, why is it suss? Tpein might be someone who is easy to put some suss on for a Wolf looking to fake it. Post 3378 Rej votes Tpein.

Post 3220 is kind of funny because out of Rej's like, 30 posts, 12 of them were talking about flavor. UB also called out Rej for this post. Melkor also called out this post.

Post 3527 did vote for UWU.

Post 3777 pushed Drago quickly after TAC said he was Aether.

Post 3818 and post 3860 is where he claims his abilities. Honestly, they kind of seem pretty strong.

Post 4313 Rej fishes for Lumine. This isn't the only time he tried to do this as well. If Rej is Wolf, and since he's a lore master, he probably knew one of Aether or Lumine was Cult Leader and would understandably want Lumine's identity.

Post 5335 did vote for Tris.

Post 6324 is Rej confirming he dropped his claim so he could dip. Pretty good excuse if Wolf.

@Rej the hangman has come.
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