There are definitely inconsistencies going on here. Tac, since you already claimed, what passive did you lose? Also, Sera, that ability of yours sounds really fishy. I mean it's the same ability that scum flower claimed in PH.
Also, you were not challenged to an R/P/S match but flower was, meaning the RPS and perma crush are different, or one of you is lying.
Secondly, Marimo and Juliet were role crushed for 2 cycles last phase, and today Beta claims that he's role crushed for 2 cycles too. Juliet got a one shot of that ability and said she targeted Blother, and we couldn't see what Blother flipped. So we can't confirm Juliet at all.
But here's the catch, Juliet said that the ability will role crush anyone who visits target and whoever the target visits for 2 cycles. And I targeted Light and Typo last phase and I was role crushed for 2 cycles as well.
But if TAC is telling the truth, then Light doesn't have any ability like that, and that means it can only be Typo. So there are only 3 possibilities here:
- Beta targeted Fuji and was role crushed and Fuji targeted me thus role crushing me.
- Typo targeted Beta and I targeted Typo and both of us were role crushed.
- Juliet lied about the ability and it doesn't work the way she explained.