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What could have been...
No, nat will not be lynched on my watch.
i dont think there is a scenario where we lynch nat b4 u anyway lol

how its gna go is we might get couple vig kills, but im thinking for night kills one or two of me, fuji, jordon, reborn, luthon is likely gna die. i mean these r kinda universally town reads at this point. i do hope our doctors cuck u guys on whichever one u choose to kill or force u to eliminate outside of this town pool, which helps us too

there will likely be 2 kills from that, and our vig shud hit either robin, u, gambit or light, while our roleblockers try to cuck the rest

in short, u guys r basically fked mango


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Of course I'm part of the wagon but I came up with the knowledge that Rej confessed that his life was dependant on Midnight and also that Gambit is probably scum, so it's normal for me to come up with these reads despite I went after Mid as well. Besides, not everyone necessarily voted Mid by following my reasoning, and perhaps wanted Gambit saved. You can find my point about Rej a few pages earlier, I will quote it to you differently.
I am not sussing for casting vote on midnight or leading the wagon.

I am questioning that why trying too hard to come out clean. That's the difference.

There could be one or two scums on midnight wagon but I also wanna look into who voted Gambit and other than midnight/gambit.

Why? Midnight was already getting sussed hard. His game play was not good either.

Now activate the thinking cap and think that why scums would wagon such candidate when town itself was going hard to Lynch him?

Why scums would wagon on someone whose flip would come out to be town?

Tbh, my understanding says that the ones who voted Gambit or cast vote on someone other than Gambit/midnight must be looked into.

And I am saying this because I still feel gambit is scum. His post in which he came out with explanation on everything appears really too perfect to be true. I don't believe anything he is saying now.
I think I was pretty candid about Mango being scum. Dodging questions = scum plain and bloody simple.

Yall up in here lynching townies left and right. Not sure what T-pein problem is but if I have to guess he is probably still sprung.

Like I said based on what I read Gambit, Mango and you yourself are probably the scum we are looking for. The thing is it seemed as though Gambit was caught waay to easily which is why I believe he could possibly be jester and scum are using him to their advantage. I cannot be sure if Mango actually killed homeboy I am going based of the fact that he dodge questions nothing else. When you have games with confusing abilities you need to use your head and just read.

I normally go into detailed but its extremely difficult when I come into this shit show we are losing and I have next to zero info on the game.

Also I noticed Robin is tilted and slightly frustrated, could also be scum. There is honestly absolutely nothing to throw a fit over if you are town. Just ignore Usopp and move on. Players that focus on aspects that doesn't help town whatsoever are usually scum. When I checked the first few pages Usopp seemed like scum and now he seems like town. I am leaning town for him because everyone else is either tunneling or simply wasting time.
I like your post, you seem town
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