I cant believe i'm gonna say this but i trust Natalija the most in this game so far
She reminds me of the NF game in which she was Tobi, she's a lot more proactive and blunt about her pursues, whereas she was on the quieter side in the WG game i felt.
I think people are ignoring one person that's been around but not really and that's
@solis , he should be looked at.
I also have a weird feeling about Light, don't even know why just an off feeling atm.
Also Mango is another one i don't like, look at this:
This wording i have a big problem with, he sheeped a vote on LG to get him to talk based off something Usopp said about LG's posts. He didn't even bother to check it himself, it took me 3 seconds to find what Usopp was referring to:
Bad bad bad,