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Ghost Princess
@Grammaton [Noctis] has been killed! Their role was:​

You are Noctis!

[Passive - Who???] - Does Noctis even exist? How about Oreki? Let's not forget about Houtarou and Nero either. In fact, let's take it all the way back to ancient greek with luffy0206. Who are these people?? Investigations of any kind will fail on Noctis.

[Active - Liking All Posts] - Those who are familiar with Noctis know that he is a persistent post like when hosting. During the day phase, he may target a player with this ability to have one of two effects(he chooses): be immune to the target's actions for the following cycle or grant that target double action for the next night. However, in order for the action to take place, he must like all the player's posts that day.

[Active - Personal Investigation] - Noctis often set out to do his own investigation due to his issues with teamwork. Each cycle he may choose between three potential actions.
--- [No Janitors Allowed] - He can choose to gather a piece of evidence from a dead player, he will get the bullet that contains fingerprints of that person's killer.
--- [Sampling] - He can choose to compare an already collected fingerprint sample from the dead player with the fingerprint of another (living or dead) player to discover if that person matches the fingerprint of that person's killer.
--- [Match] - If Noctis has multiple fingerprints, he can choose to find out which of these match each other (i.e. which were killed by the same player).

[Active - Russian Roulette] - There are times Noctis willing to take risks for the greater good. During the day, you may select a player of your choice. At the start of the following Night, your target will receive a gun. The gun has six barrels and with two bullets loaded, you will select in which two barrels you want to put the bullets in. If your target chooses the correct barrel with a bullet they will kill you. If you win, you will gain the option to kill them or gain full control over their role for a cycle. [2-Shot] [1-Cycle Cooldown]

Money - 5,000 Yul.
Wincon - Eliminate all threats to Town.


I will never forgive Oda
[Active - Russian Roulette] - There are times Noctis willing to take risks for the greater good. During the day, you may select a player of your choice. At the start of the following Night, your target will receive a gun. The gun has six barrels and with two bullets loaded, you will select in which two barrels you want to put the bullets in. If your target chooses the correct barrel with a bullet they will kill you. If you win, you will gain the option to kill them or gain full control over their role for a cycle. [2-Shot] [1-Cycle Cooldown]

So Grammy likely used this?
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