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Let's do a head count here:

Ekko is confirmed Town.

Of the remaining players I think Melontonin, Natalija, Zara and Lanji are good.

That leaves the others as potential Indies.
Lind said he subscribed to Hayumi and was in a QT.

Also, the Gura WUs haven't been there since Hayumi went afk.

So Hayumi is Rej, but can still be Indie.
okay but do u know his full role or not? He said that you did…

Honestly I don’t feel the need to claim squat to you people and I’m not going to quite frankly. My team knows my full claim and Fuji was willing to hard vouge for me. Same with flower. And they’ve both played numerous games with me. That’s enough for now. I haven’t submitted shit actions since like two night phases ago for reasons that shouldn’t need explaining; ie me having no internet.
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