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The Doctor, and the Emperor's Judgement -

@Fujishiro attempted to super-kill @Dr_Professor83, but failed.

Gudetama activated [Chalaza] on [???]

Caligula activated [Pollice Verso]

Nino Nakano super-killed @Worst [Mosquito]

“Don't be afraid to bite on a giant, learn from the mosquito”

Delver Rank - White Whistle
[Passive - The Elephant, and The Mosquito] - Buzzing around, the Mosquito's exact location is extremely difficult to discern. They have an uncanny ability to sense our murderous intentions, taking flight and disappearing milliseconds before a fatal swat. Mosquito is immune to all actions in the game, including super-kills.

[Passive - Pest] - Few animals on Earth evoke the antipathy that mosquitoes do. Their itchy, irritating bites and nearly ubiquitous presence can ruin a backyard barbecue or a hike in the woods. Everybody hates them. In each phase, Mosquito starts with 3 votes against him, and will always lose a coin flip.
--- [Everywhere] - Mosquitos are everywhere. At the start of the game, the role has access to 2 Mosquitos, meaning it may use all of its actions twice. For each phase spent pestering everyone in the thread and managing to be the top poster, Mosquitos will double in number. Alternatively, for each phase left alone where it doesn't receive any vote or isn't targeted, a new Mosquito will fully grow. The number of mosquitos present is equal to the number of each ability the role may perform.

[Passive - Carrier] - The greatest human killer, mosquitoes are huge vectors of parasitic diseases. In the game, Mosquitos are carrying debuffs pathogens in their systems, alongside other more traditional diseases. When they successfully transmit a disease to a player, the effects they afflict on their targets are RNG'd amongst the pathogens carried by mosquitoes.
--- [Berserk] - The player will attack anyone they interact with during a cycle, and their targets are randomized.
--- [Blind] - The player has 2/3 chances of targeting the players adjacent to their target instead.
--- [Delver's Plague] - The player's actions are randomly redirected to the first phase. In the second phase, the player is vote drained and role-blocked. In the third phase, they are role-crushed. If visited, during the last 2 phases, there is a 50% chance of contagion.
--- [Dengue] - Locked.
--- [Frozen] - The player is role-blocked, and their defense is downgraded. If they did not have any defense, a simple role-block could kill them.
--- [Malaria] - Locked.
--- [Poison] - The player will slowly weaken if not healed. During the first phase, they will lose their vote. During the second phase, they will be role-blocked. Three phases later, they will be hit by a regular kill. Certain 'Poisons' may be stronger than normal.
--- [Telleman's Disease] - This waterborne results in severe stomach illness that lasts 2 cycles. In the first phase, the player may only perform 1 action. In the second phase, their only action will be downgraded in power. In the third phase, they will be blocked. In the fourth phase, they will be role-crushed through immunity.
--- [Zika] - Locked.

[Passive - Insect] - As a non-human, Mosquito can see the force-field of the abyss which makes him immune to the [Curse of the Abyss]. He can dive without being affected by it.
--- [Fossil] - Mosquitos have been around forever. It is rumored that DNA from previous Weebs warriors is present in the guts of Mosquitos. In order to successfully extract one sequence, scientists need at least 3 Mosquitos. If extracted it, a full role from a previous game could be recreated.

[Active - Bite] - In each phase, Mosquitoes may target a player and bite them. The mosquito has an 80% chance of infecting a player without bulletproof status, and not being protected. A player being protected, or with a bulletproof status, has a 40% chance of being afflicted. A player with a super-bulletproof status has only a 20% chance of being infected. The second time, he bites a player, the chances go up by 20%.
--- [Pathogens] - Any time Mosquito bites a player, they will ingest pathogens from their target. If the target was suffering from any ailment, Mosquito will transmit it to the next player he bites, infecting them with it.
--- [DNA] - Any time a Mosquito bites a player, it will ingest blood from its target. Each cycle, the Mosquito may extract DNA it got from a player in order to recreate one of its abilities as a one-shot.
--- [Itchy Rash] - During the bite, Mosquito's saliva is transferred to their host, causing a rash. Each rash on a player adds 0.5 votes on them.

[Active - Buzzing] - Each phase, Mosquito may target 3 posts and start buzzing around them distracting the players that post on them. Their next actions will be randomly redirected.

Wincon - Eliminate all threats to The Two Time Mafia

Oden speaking,

I'm using my write-up ability to let y'all know that deaths and other long-lasting effects happening from the double actions are not real.
Reborn whom I have ''killed'' is alive in the real dimension. his role was real. any action that has long-lasting effects on your respectful targets isn't real, it was a dream.
the secondary lynch is real. investigations are real. flipped roles are real
make an Oden dish



When were you under the impression this game is..
The Doctor, and the Emperor's Judgement -

@Fujishiro attempted to super-kill @Dr_Professor83, but failed.

Gudetama activated [Chalaza] on [???]

Caligula activated [Pollice Verso]

Nino Nakano super-killed @Worst [Mosquito]


Oden speaking,

I'm using my write-up ability to let y'all know that deaths and other long-lasting effects happening from the double actions are not real.
Reborn whom I have ''killed'' is alive in the real dimension. his role was real. any action that has long-lasting effects on your respectful targets isn't real, it was a dream.
the secondary lynch is real. investigations are real. flipped roles are real
make an Oden dish

The 50 billionth waste of timers Mafia.
The Doctor, and the Emperor's Judgement -

@Fujishiro attempted to super-kill @Dr_Professor83, but failed.

Gudetama activated [Chalaza] on [???]

Caligula activated [Pollice Verso]

Nino Nakano super-killed @Worst [Mosquito]


Oden speaking,

I'm using my write-up ability to let y'all know that deaths and other long-lasting effects happening from the double actions are not real.
Reborn whom I have ''killed'' is alive in the real dimension. his role was real. any action that has long-lasting effects on your respectful targets isn't real, it was a dream.
the secondary lynch is real. investigations are real. flipped roles are real
make an Oden dish

The fuck is that role
The Doctor, and the Emperor's Judgement -

@Fujishiro attempted to super-kill @Dr_Professor83, but failed.

Gudetama activated [Chalaza] on [???]

Caligula activated [Pollice Verso]

Nino Nakano super-killed @Worst [Mosquito]


Oden speaking,

I'm using my write-up ability to let y'all know that deaths and other long-lasting effects happening from the double actions are not real.
Reborn whom I have ''killed'' is alive in the real dimension. his role was real. any action that has long-lasting effects on your respectful targets isn't real, it was a dream.
the secondary lynch is real. investigations are real. flipped roles are real
make an Oden dish

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