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So i see that this game is over, i want to congratulate with town for making it this far, you shound consider yourselves lucky for surviving this long with me as scum, ( actually if i was town i would have done more damage probably ).

I wanna thank my team : @myteam

Congratulations to purple...... you backstabbed us , i'm not surprised or angry honestly , actually i wanted to do the same, i tried to convince my team but they have a code of honor or something like that so you should consider yourselves luckier than town cuz if i was in charge.......i mean to be honest i wanted to betray my own team as well and kill them all somehow with a machiavellian plan but after spending like 1 month with them i decided to spare their lives :sweat: so @myteam you guys are probably the luckiest here......

I was the Celestial btw so the wish thing was fake that was also part of my machiavellian plan ( or the Jazz Move as someone calls it these days ) to create false hope in town's heart and then crush it, i had more of these but apparently :

We had to use resources for usefull things like killing townies rather than trolling them

I still had a lot of fun, wish i would have killed some more townies here and there tbh.....
Thank you for keeping me alive:sweat:
You were sick this game
Did u like my write ups? I wanted to make them a bit entertaining and memorable with the teehee and *giggles* lmao

This is exactly what I was telling them. Role Crush UB and get her.

We amped the convert so much that it would even bypass the immunity haha.
Btw. Why did u wanna convert me lol, i didnt have that much to really help u compared to like for example muugens role etc

(Have u seen my role? I guess yall got it after i got killed)

This actually makes me feel better because I kept telling my team just to give it to you lol. They kept telling me no lol
I cant wait to see that LOL, hope nova adds me soon to yalls chats, been looking forward to them for a while now

No lie I wouldve given it to you if you said you wanted to be indie lmao
Wish u wouldve shown up earlier on discord, p sure i wouldve just said i wanna be indie if there was enough time to switch lol


The End and the Beginning
idk if lynchimg rhea im ur place is considered getting out of, could be to certain extent yea
It most certainly is. Rhea was inactive and it's very difficult to go back to a previous wagon that was up for a lynch when you just come off a scum flip. Since that point, I only had one or two votes placed on me for the remainder of the game. You're free to decide for yourself if it worked or not.
ur ability seemed rly townie so u probably wont be lynched for it anyway but the cop results and kills failing on u is questionable added to mafia leaving u alive for too
Kills failing on me was somewhat circumstantial, I didn't have any direct immunity until this last phase when I used a Genie Dish to get Rimi Sakihata as a role. Investigations failing on me was brought up by Ultra several times, but no one else wanted to push it.


The End and the Beginning
But I'm aware I'm wasting my time explaining this to you, Ekko. You've already decided that it was luck, or host intervention, or a miracle of the stars that resulted in me getting into the Town Core afterwards. Certainly had nothing to do with my ability to play.


What could have been...
It most certainly is. Rhea was inactive and it's very difficult to go back to a previous wagon that was up for a lynch when you just come off a scum flip. Since that point, I only had one or two votes placed on me for the remainder of the game. You're free to decide for yourself if it worked or not.
Kills failing on me was somewhat circumstantial, I didn't have any direct immunity until this last phase when I used a Genie Dish to get Rimi Sakihata as a role. Investigations failing on me was brought up by Ultra several times, but no one else wanted to push it.
lind was town at the time so he investigated u. honestly if he wasnt it probably wouldnt of been brought up

and he dropped his push on u after being culted

gg wp still. purple did rly well its undeniable
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