Lucky Number Seven~
Hello Ladies and Gentlemen!
I'm glad ya'll are still being so active in the thread, it's
absolutely marvelous seeing everyone post so much up until now, keep up the activity
Let's get to the spicy rumors of today, I bet ya'll are already excited about what's new *
Have you already heard of a faction called ''Deepstate Mafia''? Their name sounds so funny right?! Ahaha That's something the 'Illuminati' imposters would come up with, do they really think the public would buy that this faction can actually do something? *
Well, rumors have it that this faction didn't last very long, in fact it never existed to beginn with, the imposters of the Illuminati are truly funny, i'll give them that
Moving on~β
Now it's time again to have some fun and be creative, today's
Word of the Day shall be
sunny! Impress me with your poems and the best one will win a special prize, Good Luck!!
Stay tuned for more rumors and fun!