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The End and the Beginning
You were even right on me having killed you too. And no one listened. :catcry:
I feel like you probably know where you went wrong, but ceding control of the thread and allowing yourself to be demotivated basically set back your ability to be effective. Even as a dead player, you could have held me to task more.
Ehhh. He got played pretty hard by Red Mafia for what it's worth. Confirmation bias led him to siding with anyne who was agreeing with him, it ultimately ended up damaging his ability to push his suspect (me) in the thread. He can do better than that.
I'm not really sure how letting one mafia go neglected to back my push is really bad gameplay though, that's kinda what you have to do when you have so many factions running around.

What damaged my ability to push you was that you claimed - you did that, and you weren't touchable

Never fails despite how often everyone sees it go south, and the massive complexity of these games =/


There's no "Tina!"
Ehhh. He got played pretty hard by Red Mafia for what it's worth. Confirmation bias led him to siding with anyne who was agreeing with him, it ultimately ended up damaging his ability to push his suspect (me) in the thread. He can do better than that.
I can agree that most of his targets early on were purple and that he later switched to red, but I can understand his sentiment of siding with anyone who agrees with him tbh. His play, though townie, was scum read by a few and with the influence scum had in the thread, he needed supporters is my thinking.

I agree Ultra can do much better, but in the context of this game particularly, I would say he's one of the better performers among town.
You were even right on me having killed you too. And no one listened. :catcry:
I feel like you probably know where you went wrong, but ceding control of the thread and allowing yourself to be demotivated basically set back your ability to be effective. Even as a dead player, you could have held me to task more.
You guys would have one anyway, so I think I made the right choice. You guys put in overtime to build the consensus you needed to make it to the end of the game. One powerless guy deadposting isn't going to do anything.


There's no "Tina!"
Btw What did yall want to accomplish with the deepstate mafia write up? Lol

It made me laugh so much ahaha
Purple mafia shenanigans. Ours were the celestial WUs. It was really funny and nice seeing people actually make the wish believing the celestial. We didn't expect players to believe it and were coming up with a fake WU to grant their wish as well lol.

Don't really know about that since I didn't bother playing after I died - and not sure if it would have mattered anyway.
Well, after you died, the thread went to shit basically.


The End and the Beginning
I'm not really sure how letting one mafia go neglected to back my push is really bad gameplay though, that's kinda what you have to do when you have so many factions running around.

What damaged my ability to push you was that you claimed - you did that, and you weren't touchable

Never fails despite how often everyone sees it go south, and the massive complexity of these games =/
It is difficult, I'll concede that, but I really shouldn't be an easy player to lynch all told anyway. My claim was vague, had holes and only went so far, I think I sold it pretty well, especially in the chats out of the thread. The problem with you focusing down so much was that once your biggest supporters started flipping scum you lost the initiative. I feel like you had the play here to fake claim hard results against me and early on you would have been followed, if I were Town you'd obviously be done but... I think we both know you needed to take that risk at some point. As a whole, I think you were just a bit too careful, and perhaps overthought your standing with the town a tad too.
I can agree that most of his targets early on were purple and that he later switched to red, but I can understand his sentiment of siding with anyone who agrees with him tbh. His play, though townie, was scum read by a few and with the influence scum had in the thread, he needed supporters is my thinking.

I agree Ultra can do much better, but in the context of this game particularly, I would say he's one of the better performers among town.
Well the problem he ended up running into is once he lost his control on the thread and I was the one vouching for him he really didn't have any room left. It's... exactly why I vouched for him lol. It was to steal his thunder a bit, and it worked.
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