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Lol this was me every time I saw you saying my name in the thread:

LOL i remember i wanted to cfd you and hayumi on that one day, either of u wouldve been a good shot rofl

Yes Everlong sacrificing JJ will always be the most hilarious thing cause he did it with no hesitation.

That game was so fun to spectate, I still have pou's comic
I remember wad saying smth along the lines of "no way he actually sacrifices him" lmao, that ending was so funny

Ahaha her comic is great, the clown meme is def one of my faves for some reason


The End and the Beginning
The rest of the game felt like pure karma. You guys should have helped me lynch her D1 lol.
I think it's partly what helped Zem catch on to you being scum, I think the term is chainsaw defending? Where one defends a partner by attacking another player to switch the focus to them. Though I could be off with the timings, Day 1 feels like a year ago.


The rest of the game felt like pure karma. You guys should have helped me lynch her D1 lol.
I wanted no part in pushing towns this game :milaugh: I left that to my team, the towns I did push were on complete accident because I really felt they did something scummy.

My job was just to keep my value to town > than my value to lynch.

So I was very careful the entire time to try and make sure I never went after a town, which didn't really work.

Like I really honestly though Borto was scum for shooting Noctis :milaugh: I didn't have access to where ever they were talking if my team mentioned I didn't notice, because we didn't have a mafia chat exactly but more like a hang out discord like maybe 15% game and 85% just friends bull shitting. So I never read everything.

I even thought Salah was scum because why hammer that lynch :choppawhat:


There's no "Tina!"
To me, I think one can see it in multiple perspectives

First, scum gained control over the thread which was literally added bonus over their op abilities.

Second, scums blended well with town. They were not leaving much room for town to catch them which isn't easy at all.

Third, active town members died early (Al, Drago) or were a bit passive in leading the game.

Also, many of the town members who could have been able to scum hunt way more effectively were not that active in game like kiwi, noctis and many others.

Day belongs to town but this game both day and night belonged to scums and deservedly so.
Why do you think I was giving summaries, tagging players for vote counts and more? But I will say that town had some active players and controlled the game until day 3.

You had - Ultra, Me, Flower, Light, Nick, UB, Borto, Sallu, Kiwi, Naomi, Juliet, Jinri, Muugen, Michelle (in her own way I think), Rej, Ryu. That's 16 players and were a lot at the time.

But later tunneling, excessive trust placed on players for no reason, not enough scrutinization of claims, making tinfoils based on claims when they're realistically NAI, and more led to their down fall. Town realistically had the abilities to solo scum. Some of these roles if RNG'd into the right players would have decimated scum.

I copied an ability from lind since he tagged me so much, i was like "no way scum has that", so i had to defend him there lol (was an ability to create smth). I mean well u couldve still made a case on him and id listen what u got to say, but if ur just shading him every now and then it just looks scummy
OMG you got my [Shapeshifter] haha. Glad you trusted me tbh. Honestly don't know why Borto and Sallu were only shading me on the Sauron claim for no reason. But I couldn't care about it at this point.
The rest of the game felt like pure karma. You guys should have helped me lynch her D1 lol.
Going for me early in the game is usually a bad move lmao, i town read u back there but then u kinda just fell flat and i started to suspect u, then u did some indie hunting iirc and some other suspicious stuff

Would really avoid indie hunting cause its always kinda looking bad
Mind posting your role?

You are Leonhardt!
Delver Rank - Red Whistle

[Passive - Divergent Laws] - An unknown transcendental force only the Ouroboros Grandmaster can harness, it has been imbued in Leonhardt's weapon. In the game, actions performed by Leonhardt bypass his target's immunities. Given specifically to him, Leonhardt's abilities may not be stolen nor used by someone else, even after his death.

[Passive - Free Will] - As an Enforcer, Leonhardt is able to act on his own regardless if it goes against anyone's wishes. Leonhardt is immune to redirections, and all sorts of manipulation.
--- [Concession] - Despite taking great pride in his sword skills, Leonhardt remains collected enough to concede defeat even if he can still fight. Each cycle, Leonhardt will avoid the first action targeting him from a player with a superior delving rank.

[Passive - Bladelord] - Leonhardt absolutely despises dishonorable conduct, and it's something that he will not tolerate. Anytime a player vote against another without providing any reasoning, Leonhardt must intervene and talk to them about it. He gains additional voting power against these players.

[Passive - Septillion] - In order to achieve the Ourosboros's final plan, the organization is on the hunt for the [The-Sept-Terrions], seven powerful treasures from an ancient civilization. Leonhardt is aware of their presence in the game, scattered in the layers of the Abyss. Anytime, a player finds one, Leonhardt will be informed of their identity.
--- [Orpheus Plan] - In each phase, Leonhardt may target a player and steal their artifacts. If a player is in possession of one of the 7 treasures, Leonhardt's will also learn their role name. If the player claimed to be in possession of one of these artifacts in the thread, Leonhardt may use this ability a second time that phase.

[Active - Kernvitter] - Forged through [Divergent Laws], this artifact is the sword given to him by the Grandmaster. It is capable of cutting through anything. Each cycle, he can use it to perform two of the following actions.
--- [Restrain] - Using his sword, Leonhardt can pin down a target of his choice, role-blocking them for a phase.
--- [Slash] - With this attack, Leonhardt can destroy the next action performed by his target and disable the ability linked with it for a cycle.
--- [Demon Flames] - Leonhardt may target a write-up ability and burn it, this will negate its effects. This can only be used on day write-ups, and it will fail on some. [1-shot]
--- [Zero Storm] -
Sending a straight cyclone that cancels art casting and charged attacks, Leonhardt can target a player and role-crush them for a cycle. [3-shots]
--- [Dead Emperor Sword] -
One of his S-Crafts, Leonhardt may target a player and super-kill them. [1-shot]

Wincon - Eliminate all threats to Town.


The End and the Beginning
You had - Ultra, Me, Flower, Light, Nick, UB, Borto, Sallu, Kiwi, Naomi, Juliet, Jinri, Muugen, Michelle (in her own way I think), Rej, Ryu. That's 16 players and were a lot at the time.
Eh. Out of those, I'd say Nick, Juliet and Michelle were all quite inactive, and Rej, Ryu and Kiwi were just a tier above that.The rest were active and engaged, yes.
Awh, nice. That's sick.


There's no "Tina!"
The last few days I sounded like midnight in scum chat.

“Kill UB.”

“Kill UB.”
LOOOL this was comedy. The amount of times we were so bummed cause Broki's back. We once said "Let's kill Broki and kill Kiwi immediately to prevent her revival" cause we were so sure that she was coming back haha.

Eh. Out of those, I'd say Nick, Juliet and Michelle were all quite inactive, and Rej, Ryu and Kiwi were just a tier above that.The rest were active and engaged, yes.

Awh, nice. That's sick.
I think Nick was fairly more active than those 5. I remember seeing his posts a lot until his death. He was doing pretty great in controlling the narrative I believe.

But honestly it feels like he died in like another game cause it was so long ago lmao.
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