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I have tried to phrase this nicely but I’m unable.

this post was offensive and uncalled for.
this is why he's been on ignore and why i dont enjoy my time on this shit forum tbh
Since Muugen is on top, I think we should just roll with it and see what comes out of it.

[change vote lynch Muugen]
such a weak game play from so called townie leader tiff.

i know you can play better than this so try again.
I know I've been digging into you the whole day but I really don't know what your angle is with this post.

You're going off of the egg pasta and asserting that someone in the first 200 is scum but you're determining that based on who explicitly said they're town? Why
The wording if taken at face value implies so:
I've got some juicy information to share with ya'll and you better listen carefully about what's to come *giggles*

Rumors have it that amongst the first 200 posts of this thread at least 2 scum have been posting and trying to pretend they're Town, they must be in shock and sweating right now after getting some attention like this pffft, serves them right *giggles*
muu isn't a popular choice here
you seem to be annoyed I made the council over someone like you.

you have still yet to vote me yet are advocating heavily in favor of my lynch, stop playing so scared Al like i said you've come to bore me.
Also Muugen you have been terribly unconvincing in actually establishing Drago and their stated mason as mafia. You've made the accusation but brought little to the table. You called it a policy vote.
im not really trying to push them yet is the casae i inherently never believed their claim nor found any value in claiming D0 which was heavily invoked so he can save face and make council.

the little 3 are all Policy Votes.
1) Sorry about you being sick. Hope you feel better. Sorry for suspecting you about low thread presence. It's simply that you also had low thread presence when you were scum as well. So according to you, that's not really alignment indicative then.

2) From your entire read of day 0. Any players that stuck out to you?

You mean the egg thing? Honestly ignored that. I don't trust it yet. But the top 3 players I scum read right now are:
You are scum reading me based on what?

What are you reads on MUU and Broki?

I'm gonna directly say this, people not scum reading MUU are sus af.

Saying I'm popular hence people will vote for me is the most delusional take I've seen. That too after his scummy behaviour in D0. Saying he has been MVP in past games in OJ hence people will take that into account for voting him. Does he really think people will have a fanboy moment and vote for him without using their own brains?

I refuse to believe this is a bad play by Muu if he is town. This is just a very bad defense as a scum.
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