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Yeah, one of Ratchet and Ultra is prob scum here.
i say ultra over ratchet - ultra has been making some questionable plays and was on the inclision that adams lynch redirect could be a town move
at partner

do u have smth to confess

im tired
im mahito and a superkill failed on zemmi
This sounds like scum Ratchet fake outrage ^.
so you went from sheeping zemmi to ultra - desperate much
Fake writeups are a thing
you sure came out of nowhere which wu is fake you say?
It's not as interesting as you think but Muu is certainly 100% scum if he tried to kill me.

Though I'm not 100% sure he did because like I said earlier I wasn't given any notice. Take that as you will.
ni i am not you are 100% certainty wrong.
@Zemmi you tanked a super kill last night as well. I got this info at night.
interesting - did your show in wu?
nothing personal, just business, how you like that?
seems all personal since you have no business here m8t
Yes, so Muugen is purple team.
oh yeah what makes you say that? how could i be purple team but also be beks mate which is red?

you are just spouting nonsense out of your ass - stop sheeping ultra now that zemmi is caught.
I will take you are his scum buddy. You two are working together to get me lynched.

I won't deny I might have tanked 1 but there is zero way I could have tanked two.

So I know you guys are lying.

Also like I said I didn't get noticed of either, so either I was protected or you both are lying.
so beks, lind and i are all mates with one another....

no i am not lying you tanked a SK with no defense on it nor has someone came out to claim they defended you which is suspect in itself since they should be active coming into the new cycle.
I agree to this lol.
you targeted me last night?
I know she tanked a super kill for sure. Thing is she didn't say anything about it and I assumed that it may have been like Gojo's role where she is one-shot super bulletproof.

But her reaction was like she didn't even know about it.
well she still has yet to claim and im outed so there is that

I've tanked kills before and didn't even know about it
you sure have been coming to zems aid here subtly havent you odd - you were siding with me in council then did a 180 you her mate orare you scum trying to buy cred?
Call me whatever you want lmao, this doesn't exhonerate you from anything lmao

Don't you find it very interesting how TAC's lynch redirect needed 2 votes to be redirected, yet you were the only one who had voted drago?

You're nowhere near being cleared.

Even if you hitting Zem was real now you're still hanging, ain't no two ways about it

no i dont it was astolen ability idk anything about those my own abilities already come with conditions so i cant speak on anyone elses.
So Lind is sacrificing himself by trying to save someone who's almost a consensus lynch rn in the effort the take out 1 townie?

Since you said that @MUUGEN is Adam's teammate then that would make @Lindltaylor his teammate too. Meaning 3 out of 6 ( assumed number) people from that team would be down in two cycles.

Does this sound like something Lind would do? I mean I know he defends his mates but this is idiotic and nonsensical play if your scenario is the truth.
does it sound like something i would do?
I should also probably mention at this point that Muugen has, most likely, as in almost certainly, survived a kill that he should not have, this night.
are you saying you fired one at me or are you just sprouting out assumptions now?

regardless if you did whyd you take so long to say it. you sally and cyph all holding on to secrets now that sem is int he spotlight
Would you be protect twice from Super Kills though? Like in two phases back to back? And what kind of super powered town support would that role be.
im wondering this as well
You aren't town, because you know I would never say I swear to you and lie to you like that.

This makes me sad.
this sounds like scum zem to me everytime you say im scum or that your town it reverts back to i would neve they would never...
He also had something else fail on him.

Immunities I tell ya!
if youre truly a vanilla come out and say it stop holding back cause idek what youre on about and you even waiting to come out with any info until i attacked zemmi which is funny tbh you scared youre going to lose your master?

good thing you have ultra to latch onto when sem is gone
Has Muugen given any reason why he may have survived?
i was never told i was targeted to begin with.
Nope. None so far.

@MUUGEN you survived a kill and other stuff on you.
who shot me and what was thrown at me its really not hard to deduce the wu from last night given you know my flavor.
Who was the second player you targeted on day 1? You knowing the player who did not use any other abilities seems like you or a buddy used a rolecop ability.
i trageted tiff and al - i originally thouhgt i did flower and al but novas pointed out i chose jinro - she didnt send out any abilities.
everyone sussed me for god hecks reasons
they tricked Nana into giving weird reactions
alot of fluff and genshin impact talk
AL also been very active there, I generally got towny impressions from him also in that chat
Flower named herself "Your Leader"
more Genshin Impact talk
Alibaba me, Ratchet and AL are aparently waifubros
who was all in this chat?

& can you give reads for them so we can try to weed it out?
Bird poem

A-well-a everybody's heard about the bird
B-b-b-bird, b-birdd's the word
A-well, a bird, bird, bird, bird is the word
A-well, a bird, bird, bird, well-a bird is the word
A-well, a bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well, a bird, bird, bird, well-a bird is the word
A-well, a bird, bird, b-bird is the word
A-well, a bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well, a bird, bird, bird, well-a bird is the word
A-well, a bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a don't you know about the bird?
Well, everybody knows that the bird is the word
A-well-a-bird, bird, b-bird's the word, a-well-a
A-well-a everybody's heard about the bird
Bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well, a bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well, a bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well, a bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well, a bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well, a bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well, a bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well, a bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a don't you know about the bird?
Well, everybody's talking about the bird!
A-well-a bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a bird, surfing bird, brr, brr, ah, ah
Ah, bap-a-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pap
Ma-ma-mow, pa-pa, ma-ma-mow, pa-pa
Ma-ma-mow, pa-pa, ma-ma-mow, pa-pa
Ma-ma-mow, pa-pa, ma-ma-mow, pa-pa
Ma-ma-mow, pa-pa, ma-ma-mow, pa-pa
Ma-ma-mow, pa-pa, ma-ma-mow, pa-pa
Ma-ma-mow, pa-pa, ma-ma-mow, pa-pa
Ma-ma-ma-ma-mow, pa-pa, ma-ma-mow, pa-pa
Ma-ma-ma-ma-mow, pa-pa, ma-ma-mow, pa-pa
Ma-ma-mow, pa-pa, ma-ma-mow, pa-pa
Ma-ma-mow, pa-pa, ma-ma-mow, pa-pa
Ma-ma-mow, ma-ma-mow, pa-pa
Ma-ma-mow, ma-ma-mow, pa-pa
Ma-ma-ma-ma, ma-ma-mow
Ma-ma-ma-ma, ma-ma-mow
Ma-ma-mow, pa-pa, ma-ma-mow, pa-pa
Ma-ma-mow, pa-pa, ma-ma-mow
A-well-a don't you know about the bird?
Well, everybody knows that the bird is the word
A-well, a bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a mow, mow, pa-pa, ma-ma-mow, pa-pa
Ma-ma-mow, ma-ma, mow, pa-pa
lol was going to use this one
Also Maki was Mafia so Mahito could be town.
finally someone is thinking logically here
Honestly I think it’s weird that some of you are switching off Muugen and over to Zemmi just because of his claim after he attempted to super kill her, even tho he’s survived a kill himself and he’s essentially confirmed scum.

At this point in the game, I’m not seeing what makes her a priority over him even if he’s telling the truth about the kill. That’s without even giving her the benefit of the doubt in this situation.
who has stated theyve tried to kill me you ultra flower sally ?

nthing you have pointed out has confirmed me to be scum hayumi.. who are you even you had no case against me last cycle or in the night council, you really trying hard this cycle.
Muugen would lie about anything
Yeah, but the thing is, I‘m worried about that being a distraction tactic. Last game had a death immune role in Kumamon who could neither get killed nor lynched. What if Muugen just outs his scum mate to have us waste time on her when we can‘t off her in order to stall for some phases and decimate us? Or, she‘s part of another faction and he wants to save himself. Or, he‘s just scum and lying. There‘s zero reason to get Zem before him. Surviving two superkills is op af and not even the GF of the Red Team could do that. This screams death immunity if I‘m being honest here.
ehhh what so first beks and i are mates then its muu and ratchet are mates then itslindl muu beks then ratchet beks muu - now you are saying zem and i are mates wtf are you even on about do you listen to yourself speak?

zem and i have been at each other all game this is how i know you are just sheeping and latching onto any sus thrown out by ultra now
and I'm catching all his teammates.
my mates are all town - then againa a curse has no friends.
Muugen definitely needs to go here.
oh yeah whys that?
If Muu turns out to not be scum Im going to have some stern words with all of you, and possibly giving you guys less food.
im not fuji listen to your brother we can survive and win together
Zemmi can survive a superkill? Might be shady but I doubt town would go and perform that on her bc she was not a big suspect
So that's make it even shady for muu to target zem :wonderland:
nana catch up before you try to spout some nonsense
I was clearly highly suspicious of Muugen, Lindl & Ekko. Which they all kept defending each other on repeat. Also defending the previous lynch target.
i never defended any of them first of all only beks cause i had tmi on his failed kill attempt but try again


When were you under the impression this game is..
Well @Lindltaylor according to your 100% accurate information Zem would have to be one of these two targets;

Since we already know that all kills will show up, even if they failed.

So either the Believers mafia tried to kill her, or Tohru did.

So then the question should be; if The Believers mafia tried to kill her, would that mean she is part of the Two Timers aka being teammates with Beky, or is she superbulletproof indie/ power townie?

That is if indeed you can trust your information 100% in a game where mechanical results should be taken with a grain of salt.

I suppose if Tohru tried to SK Zem then the possibility is that she could be part of the Believers mafia, or like otherwise mentioned a super bulletproof indie/ power town.

I did this post out of memory which is why I didn't quote your post, but If I recall correctly you saw her tank a superkill at night, I'm just a bit curious as to how you know Zem in particular survived a SK. Unless you're hinting that you're the one that shot it.
These are the only 2 Superkills that showed up that failed, make of them what you will.

Either Muu or Zem were targetted by the purple mafia, also did Lind slip I clearly typed People not Purple.
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