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There's no "Tina!"
Well @Lindltaylor according to your 100% accurate information Zem would have to be one of these two targets;

Since we already know that all kills will show up, even if they failed.

So either the Believers mafia tried to kill her, or Tohru did.

So then the question should be; if The Believers mafia tried to kill her, would that mean she is part of the Two Timers aka being teammates with Beky, or is she superbulletproof indie/ power townie?

That is if indeed you can trust your information 100% in a game where mechanical results should be taken with a grain of salt.

I suppose if Tohru tried to SK Zem then the possibility is that she could be part of the Believers mafia, or like otherwise mentioned a super bulletproof indie/ power town.

I did this post out of memory which is why I didn't quote your post, but If I recall correctly you saw her tank a superkill at night, I'm just a bit curious as to how you know Zem in particular survived a SK. Unless you're hinting that you're the one that shot it.
These are the only 2 Superkills that showed up that failed, make of them what you will.

What I know, without letting out too much, is that a Super-kill went to Zem last night and it didn't do anything. So either she's super-bullet proof which she claims not to be. Or she was protected.

But she apparently tanked one more from Muugen this phase, whom considering the situation, I don't know how credible this is.
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