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[Passive - Liar Liar Pants on Fire] - As an expert in the lying field, Usopp is immune to lie-detectors and appears as Innocent on even cycles. However, due to lying being a second nature to him, he will find himself always lying about meaningless thing and exaggerating details. As such, he must always lie about an aspect of his role and his actions when asked.
--- [Lieception] - Legend says that Usopp lies often becomes reality...[Redacted]
rayan claims to be gawr gura
last dp was an day 6
might be a stretch but I see why the push for rayan to be lynched was last dp


How far I'll go...
usopp lies become a reality guys
have a look at that role
which means if rayan says he was gawr gura
that would be funny
the lies become reality is my ability
they got my role and edited stuff on it

Usopp you didn’t pass the rolecrush test tho.

All townies are rolecrushable but you survived my rolecrush :specialmeh:


Rolecrush test >>> alignment invest
actually half the townie roles that flipped r immune to rolecrushes lmao. u can hit me with them if u time it right tho

btw u seem immune to them urself lol
[Weeb Health Organization] has been activated
The weebs were having fun at disney land, kicking it back and chilling. "Let me have a bit of popcorn," said Weebarino. He grabbed his bag of popcorn and began eating only to suddenly hear the shop owner cough like crazy. "cough, cough, cough..." Weebarino looked at his popcorn and dropped it right off his hand, but the bites he took are already inside his system... :feelscryingman:

Weeb Health Organization is now raising awareness for covid on the island of Sabaody Archipelago. They are requesting 5 volunteers who will be trained in the proper ways of sanitizing and keeping the city safe from the Rona. You will be tasked to carry out an awareness act and will be provided with proper equipment and resistances to fight covid if you do not already have it on your system. All Volunteers will first get tested for postivie/negative.

Together, we will make Sabaody Great Again! If you wish to volunteer for this movement to cleanse the virus, type "I volunteer" in the thread, and your efforts will be noted! :feelsokeman:
Sound like a scam.
And people volunteered:few:
Then volunteer or I’ll be showing up at your door tonight.
un volunteer @novaselinenever @Dragomir

i don't trust it, keep my distance. :sus:
Finally a wise one.
Volunteer to be part of WHO and potentially find a cure for covid.
Just say “I volunteer” in bold and tag the hosts if you’re willing to help me, thanks :amazing:
Alive ones can you tell us, what happened to you guys after that?

I got nothing volunteer wise but we were mass roleblocked last night.
Coming out of this with just a role block is hella lucky lol.

But i also don't think this many got infected. We would have already lost if that was the case. :milaugh:
[Passive - Liar Liar Pants on Fire] - As an expert in the lying field, Usopp is immune to lie-detectors and appears as Innocent on even cycles. However, due to lying being a second nature to him, he will find himself always lying about meaningless thing and exaggerating details. As such, he must always lie about an aspect of his role and his actions when asked.
--- [Lieception] - Legend says that Usopp lies often becomes reality...[Redacted]
rayan claims to be gawr gura
last dp was an day 6
might be a stretch but I see why the push for rayan to be lynched was last dp
Coz comes out innocent on even cycles?


How far I'll go...
i asked nova about it but i cant change my alignment or role with lies lol

i can only hope to get abilities and i got 2 killshots off it and a super accuracy lock-on

trying to get a superkill with it and use on pantheons/missy/salah/yotan/kiwi
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