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Zoro Worshipper
so basically no one could target you when you became vanilla right?
but, like you said, looks like tris could investigate you and she was right about you killing fuji
what do you think about her?
Yes that is definitely odd.

My ability mentions that once I activate the Superkill all actions will miss on me for one cycle and this ability tires me down vanillaising me.


The Greatest Samurai -

Fubuki used [Psychic Barrier] on [???]

Lara Croft activated [Explosives] and placed an explosive on a post.

Kurumi Tokisaski used [Tenth Bullet: Yud] on [???]

Oden activated [Togen Totsuka] to super-kill @Zemmi [Nagato]

"Peace… I don't know how to get there… but… but someday I'll break the curse. If there's such a thing as peace, I will find it!"
You are Nagato!
[Passive - Uzumaki] - As a descendant of the Uzumaki Clan, Nagato is doted with enormous chakra reserves and he's extremely resilient. As such, he is immune to role-crushes and any kind of debuffs.
--- [Chakra Control] - Nagato has remarkable control over his chakra and could alter its frequency constantly. He is immune to any kind of role investigations as well as alignment changes.

[Active - Rain Tiger] - At night, Nagato can make rain fall using his chakra on a groove. With falling raindrops closely linked to his senses, he will detect when the rain is obstructed by a chakra belonging to an evil person. He will learn how many [Guilty] players are in that groove. Once during the game, he may use this ability during the twilight phase, and discover the number of guilty players on the main lynch wagon. He may not use it again the following night.

[Active - Six Paths of Pain] - Using the Outer Path and with the help of black receiver channeling his chakra, Nagato is able to manipulate up to six bodies as though they are his own. With multiple bodies controlled, Nagato has access to six separate fields of vision at the same time. As such, he will learn the identity of one player that visited him at the end of each cyle, and he's able to evade the first harmful action targeting him each cycle.
--- [Deva Path] - Able to manipulate attractive and repulsive forces, Nagato may target a player and repel their next action destroying it. Alternatively, he may target a player and pull him towards him stealing their vote. At night, he may choose to abstain from targeting other players but instead repelling all actions targeting him. This effect may only be used twice.
--- [Asura Path] - Channeled through a puppeteer, this body augmented with summons of mechanised armour and various ballistic and mechanical weaponry. Nagato may target a player and destroy one of their abilities with a chakra blast. [3-shots].
--- [Human Path]
- Able to read the mind of any target by placing his hand on the target's head or chest and yanking the soul out of the body, Nagato may target a player of his choice and learn their alignment. This can only be used at night. They will be role-crushed the following day phase. [3-shots]
--- [Animal Path] -
Through this path, Nagato may summon various creatures and animals to help him. A [Giant Panda] can be summoned to protect a player of his choice, while a [Giant Chameleon] can be summoned to track a player. Twice during the game, Nagato may summon a player of his choosing. They will commute to his location, actions targeting them will fail however actions targeting Nagato that phase will affect them. He may only summon once per cycle.
--- [Preta Path] - Granting him the ability to absorb chakra in any form, Nagato may form a barrier and absorb all actions targeting him. This lasts a full phase, and it may not be used alongside any other action. He will gain one-shot versions of the ability absorbed. [3-shots]
--- [Nakara Path] -
Calling upon the King of Hell, Nagato may target a player and asks them a question privately through the host. If they're lying, they'll be role-crushed during a cycle. Alternatively, Nagato may target a player and heal them from any ailments they're currently suffering from. This will restore any ability they have lost as well, if any. This ability may only be used once per cycle, one or the other.
--- [Outer Path] - Able to wield the power of life and death, Nagato will unlock his [Outer Path] after using all Six Paths at least once. He may target a player and revive them, in exchange he will be role-crushed for a cycle.

[Active - Chibaku Tensei] - [Redacted]

Wincon - Eliminate all threats to Town​
Wario showed up in an actions write-up along with other roles, and Wario and N'Zoth were submitted by the same person I believe.
That's not enough to say one way or the other. There are more players than role submissions, and even if the Deep One is not a role, he may be a game mechanic like the Grand Line. I am suspicious of anyone who says we should dismiss that writeup, because it included a warning that our investigations results are corrupted, and if that's true then the mafia would be eager for us to forget about it.


Zoro Worshipper
You do it to yourself with how you play, not all are scummy, some just really don't trust you because of how you play.

"when in doubt, lynch beta"
Nobody listens to you unless it's you admitting to another bonehead move
These are weak ass excuses. Not the way Mafia is played.

Specially this one coming from odd, it's non sensical and unsporting. He's definitely sus regardless. He has been all the game, not claiming it now.
These are weak ass excuses. Not the way Mafia is played.

Specially this one coming from odd, it's non sensical and unsporting. He's definitely sus regardless. He has been all the game, not claiming it now.
Poor defense of someone who makes themself always look scummy, was trying to be helpful and instead of acknowledging it you brush it off.
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