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Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One

You can't do anything to me lmfao. You'll end up being on the receiving end of that.
Alright well guys I’ve got covid but I can buff someone tonight. Anyone wanna take the risk? :feelsokeman:

Akai asked for someone to buff him. Idk what aspect my buff will help him when I submitted my action but according to light, it helped him restore his passive.
I know he wanted his passive to restore.

So, light is speaking truth here.

@Kiwipom did kiwi claim she restored akai passive before akai made that in public that his passive is restored or after that?


No dude... that's a bike...!!
well imma go watch a movie or smthing

u guys r getting cocky cuz jinri decided not to play tbh

recall on day 1 and day 0 when i told yall 3 players have the ability to powerwolf the fk outta the game

jinri AL and lind

well man im glad we r getting rid of all 3 now

imagine jinri wins by being killed tho ahahah
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