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Let's make a deal... Spare me and I will give you guys correct information on two players with one being 100% town and that player will be someone who is not clear between you guys

I will give you guys another Red Mafia member. There will be no false information.

I think it's a fair deal and you guys can lynch me coming DP. So what do you say? If you guys agree then like this post.


No dude... that's a bike...!!
Let's make a deal... Spare me and I will give you guys correct information on two players with one being 100% town and that player will be someone who is not clear between you guys

I will give you guys another Red Mafia member. There will be no false information.

I think it's a fair deal and you guys can lynch me coming DP. So what do you say? If you guys agree then like this post.
how about fk no

ur gna destroy us if we let u get passed this night lol

but feel free to drop down ur scummate name anytime

this is my last post here since i am limited to 5. do not derail this sht ningens




I will never forgive Oda
Let's make a deal... Spare me and I will give you guys correct information on two players with one being 100% town and that player will be someone who is not clear between you guys

I will give you guys another Red Mafia member. There will be no false information.

I think it's a fair deal and you guys can lynch me coming DP. So what do you say? If you guys agree then like this post.
on one hand, you murdered Reborn. So that's a positive for you.

On the other hand, the meme of lynching Noctis must not be interrupted or suspended for anything. So that's a negative.


Let's make a deal... Spare me and I will give you guys correct information on two players with one being 100% town and that player will be someone who is not clear between you guys

I will give you guys another Red Mafia member. There will be no false information.

I think it's a fair deal and you guys can lynch me coming DP. So what do you say? If you guys agree then like this post.
Depends on how shocking the mafia member reveal is :kriwhat:


Lead them to paradise.
i'll try to find rayan or tobi's names tomoro if i can lock-on them

im not liking that ulti writeup still did not appear. seraph looking real bad to me now ngl
I roleblocked him...

Also whoever coached Rhea about what to do today after Al's death must be somewhat experienced

2. @Seraphoenix Claims ulti
4. @Queen Claims Kuma
9. @krogothwolf Robotnik
Dr. Robotnik
activated [Ultimate Life Form: Shadow the Hedgehog]
This is his only post in the game, im not sure what to make of it to be perfectly honest.


16. @RayanOO ---Doubtfull he's the ringleader behind Rhea to be perfectly honest (also i rolecrushed him and he hasn't met his post quote prior, he did today but besides Lara killing people there was no one else, this tells me that the remaining scum is within the people i rolecrushed. Well, besides scumzuki Oden(Noctis).

19. @Flower Gurren Vampire hunter, 100% town. I dont see her doing this at all.

21. @Salah WG With Rhea flipping into Lara i can trust him i think, Yoda is in the game.

28. @SinOfGreed Hinted at being Kool Aid Man, i rced him but he claims to be immune.

36. @Michelle Eiffel tower ( her claim)

37. @Juliet Rol A healer, claims to have healed @Go D. Usopp ™ to allow him to use his ability, he can confirm.
46. @PerfectHie --- @Random Asshole Came out saying this

My invest failed on Noctis
(Accusing purple mafia)

Did no hesitate to vote Red mafia.

This leaves these 2 for possible scum after Noctis's Flip.
44. @Naomi Been helpfull and voting both scum sides following me, i somewhat trust her. But would fit with Femto who's probably red mafia GF, of all the people proposed for a lynch it was:

The [Eclipse] is upon you.

The following players have been branded as sacrifice - @Naomi, @LuthonTheDragDown, @Yo Tan Wa and @Lindltaylor
Lindt: an outed scum, so red team may have decided to sac him and have his abilities absorbed as well as Lara getting his abilities.
(remember that mistake with Rhea being included and then removed? That red flag made me sus her and try to RC her.

Luthon: Confirm Town.
Yo Tan Wa: Town
And finally : Naomi.

Look at the picture, who's in the middle? Thats Griffith, with the Eclipse activating, i was orginally go with the idea the Naomi being Griffith and using the eclipse to ascend to Femto but here is the kicker, this was used a bit before the eclipse started.

Femto used [Brand of Sacrifice] on [???]

So Femto was already in the game, and why would Femto put themselves in as a sacrifice and risk being Lynched? Naomi is clear of being Femto, she could still be Purple mafia but i doubt it very much.

And so it leaves 3 people.

Sera and Krog/Typo

And i think i know who Femto is boys and girls,
its Typo
what now ? You can mod-kill people too ? The guy is immune ffs I don’t get it how Lindl lynch is better
I am towning my way better than town

Vote Lynch Noctis
----Tried to deviate from the Lindt push prior to his outing.

----Did not vote Rhea at all today, he voted Noctis at the end(but the votes were locked) in fact:

Noctis = Scum
He is not defending himself properly, hasn't said shit he was supposed to say to face the accusations against him in a way town could, he is pretty much bullshitting his way through the day phase. this has nothing to do with how much reliable the source of accusation is I can start quoting his posts and all to prove my point here but I shouldn't be giving this much effort to help town, look at it yourselves.

Salah. the reason you asked me to write this
I thought I can talk about that but as soon as I started I thought...If I am right then I should not talk about that, no matter what. no input here.

Flower = town
I played around 13832190312 games with flower, as team mates as scum mates as 3rds, as subs, in TOS game, Turbo, as a player and host. so when I saw she is town, she is town cut the crap.
the only thing you have the right talk about here since you are not sure about me is whether I have motives to defend flower if she is scum or no

Tobi = town
In his posts you can find a man trying to help and understand this game in a way not a scum would do, townie vibes all over his posts, but at some point he gave up becoming a lost townies. show him the way. (unless he is more experienced than I think he is)

lol fuck not gonna talk about Beta v2.0, PTSD I swear, Beta traumatized me since the first game I played with him and this ladies gentlemen is another one. save your lives, stay safe.

This is the demo version of Typo Reads, purchase the full bundle to continue and get full reads on players.
price : 2 million panties
Omitted her completely today when she was a hot Topic with Salah AND Nocits, but notice how the first dude he highlights is his purple mafia rival. :goyea:

Typo is Femto.

@LuthonTheDragDown @Light D Lamperouge @Zem @Flower @Kiwipom @LANJI CUCKSMOKE @SinOfGreed @Tobi @Juliet @Random Asshole

Please read this, i know it's long. But it's really important and i couln'T afford breaking this into multiple posts with the restriction.

Also please verify if Rhea is actually dead in the players list.​


Lead them to paradise.
I roleblocked him...

Also whoever coached Rhea about what to do today after Al's death must be somewhat experienced

2. @Seraphoenix Claims ulti
4. @Queen Claims Kuma
9. @krogothwolf Robotnik

This is his only post in the game, im not sure what to make of it to be perfectly honest.


16. @RayanOO ---Doubtfull he's the ringleader behind Rhea to be perfectly honest (also i rolecrushed him and he hasn't met his post quote prior, he did today but besides Lara killing people there was no one else, this tells me that the remaining scum is within the people i rolecrushed. Well, besides scumzuki Oden(Noctis).

19. @Flower Gurren Vampire hunter, 100% town. I dont see her doing this at all.

21. @Salah WG With Rhea flipping into Lara i can trust him i think, Yoda is in the game.

28. @SinOfGreed Hinted at being Kool Aid Man, i rced him but he claims to be immune.

36. @Michelle Eiffel tower ( her claim)

37. @Juliet Rol A healer, claims to have healed @Go D. Usopp ™ to allow him to use his ability, he can confirm.
46. @PerfectHie --- @Random Asshole Came out saying this

(Accusing purple mafia)


Did no hesitate to vote Red mafia.

This leaves these 2 for possible scum after Noctis's Flip.
44. @Naomi Been helpfull and voting both scum sides following me, i somewhat trust her. But would fit with Femto who's probably red mafia GF, of all the people proposed for a lynch it was:

Lindt: an outed scum, so red team may have decided to sac him and have his abilities absorbed as well as Lara getting his abilities.
(remember that mistake with Rhea being included and then removed? That red flag made me sus her and try to RC her.

Luthon: Confirm Town.
Yo Tan Wa: Town
And finally : Naomi.

Look at the picture, who's in the middle? Thats Griffith, with the Eclipse activating, i was orginally go with the idea the Naomi being Griffith and using the eclipse to ascend to Femto but here is the kicker, this was used a bit before the eclipse started.

So Femto was already in the game, and why would Femto put themselves in as a sacrifice and risk being Lynched? Naomi is clear of being Femto, she could still be Purple mafia but i doubt it very much.

And so it leaves 3 people.

Sera and Krog/Typo

And i think i know who Femto is boys and girls,
its Typo

----Tried to deviate from the Lindt push prior to his outing.

----Did not vote Rhea at all today, he voted Noctis at the end(but the votes were locked) in fact:

Omitted her completely today when she was a hot Topic with Salah AND Nocits, but notice how the first dude he highlights is his purple mafia rival. :goyea:

Typo is Femto.

@LuthonTheDragDown @Light D Lamperouge @Zem @Flower @Kiwipom @LANJI CUCKSMOKE @SinOfGreed @Tobi @Juliet @Random Asshole

Please read this, i know it's long. But it's really important and i couln'T afford breaking this into multiple posts with the restriction.

Also please verify if Rhea is actually dead in the players list.​
Why is it krog/typo? are you implying I'm typo?
I don't like Femeto, and they seem like they have something against me for making me sacrifice.

My scum read, on exposed scum turned out true. for anyone who saying i did not help, apparently just ignored me. yeah i must be Scum for killing red scum and purple scum and being active and giving reads and scum hunting etc.
Obviously not town :lawsigh:

Al-red scum-scum (like rock paper sciccors, since never know since he always replies with something along line 'I did??"
jinri- sus her as fake town, turned out purple scum
robin-don't trust/scum

i'm still sus kiwi (smiley mention she visited me and other making 4 visits, but she claimed her action failed. did not like how she kept throwing shade my way, undermine me by calling my play as omgus. the hell??? also she was opportunist vote on noctis version 1.

Go D Usopp (though other mention he town, did not like how he was opportunist with noctis version 1, who couldn't even defend themselves, never fan of those type pushes, plus both my actions failed on him two phases, where Juliet apparently got through to him. :sus:

Vote Noctis @novaselinenever @Dragomir

(i feel bad, if what usopp said is true even though he sounds like scum imo, you rng scum, tough luck :feelscryingman:)

@Queen i'm saving my money as poor, i'v gotta social distance from covid infected people like you. :gonope: plus you wanted people to donate to you.. which means they would have to visit you to donate..meaning they also get infected... and second reason i don't like broker type roles. you may appear cute and cuddly on the outside, but sounds like scum hiding inside for baiting people to donate to you, while your infected. and also seeing their roles :sus:

[???], [???] and [???] have been infected.
possible covid acting like cult by spreading? :believe:

Then again i think of dracula/vampirism ls also like cult/converter.. people claiming she ok.. checking sign up Michelle didn't specify which dracula meaning has potential to be old/evil type one seen in media etc :pepeke:
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