Powers & Abilities Shanks: How Swordsmen and Gun users use advanced COA.

Red Hair Shanks: The Hakigod

Hello Community, I want open such a thread longtime ago but I didn´t get enough time, time pass and we get some more informations about Haki overall.
Since Pirate Warriors 3 I expect kinda haki power for the One piece world, Shanks haki skills in the fight probably show hints how advanced CoA could look like when Top tiers using it, at least that was what I though in the past.

Years pass and we reach the Wano Arc and finally our Maincharacter pass the stage to learn advanced CoA!! Yes advanced CoA, the next lvl of the usually normal haki form(coated) which we see in the past as basic haki lvl. Since when Future sight come out for Katakuri, we know every haki skill had their own next lvl.
In that case we see the power of advanced CoA and learn the power of it:

So that is the next lvl of haki, a aura around your hand with you kinda use in a combat battle, but also it seems like you can use it for long range based attacks(more later in my post, this counts at most for gunfighter and swordmens). We already get hints of the next lvl of CoA when Luffy clash with Katakuri, we see often lighting(red?) around the area, but the one which Shanks literally use is kinda different. In PW Shanks can use haki shockwaves, dimensions cutter and other many skills who are based on haki, not just a simple clash but haki based attacks!!.

Toei bring out last week the scene where Luffy try to learn advanced CoA and it is based on the thing which I expect, a red aura around his fists:

Let analyze this panel:
Luffy covers first his fist with CoA, then a red aura like a barrie cover side by side the area around his fist, Luffy gather soo much haki on his fist who flows of red aura haki.
He then release the red aura around his hand and use it as attack, a big shockwave hit his opponent or he use this aura as barrie to protect himself(as he try to use it against Big mom but fail), the shockwave kinda get release with many haki. To learn this haki you need to train your CoA at maximum, it could also cover Luffy probably overall with G4 and let make him use it longer and better, his CoA overall should became harder and stronger.

These are the first thing which we need to know about Advanced CoA, later in the manga we see again kinda this form of haki, but not a weak version but one of the strongest form in the entire manga, when two Legends fight each other:

Toei version for the clash between Primebeard and Roger, of course it is just a teaser and preview and not the end scene for the clash between them, they forget to draw that both cover their swords with CoA. Over in the manga, they release like I tell above the haki aura each other, they didn´t even crossed their swords but the haki shockwave was too strong and shake the whole island+sea around the area, it is one of the reason why Oden himself was shocked when he see this panel.
Whitebeard and Roger show the next stage of advanced CoA, but just in the highest way overall, which even Luffy advanced CoA can´t come close yet.
In the scene of toei the haki is again covered in red+black colour similar like Luffy haki colour in the last episode of One piece(I post it above).

Do it remind your guys something? It is literally the same haki skills which we see years ago in Pirate warriors from Shanks moveset.
And kinda Pirate warriors 4 come out and we see more of Shanks power. In my opinion it kinda show what advanced CoA could look like in the future of the one piece manga for swordmen and gunfighter. Overall I think it kinda even showcase Shanks CoA skills.

I will show you guys now the skills of Shanks in the Game:
Shanks using advanced CoA with his Gun and Sword!!!
Shanks advanced CoA with his Gun:

As we see in the panels above, Shanks use advanced CoA together with his Gun, he release red haki beams who make most like big explosions(should even hurt Logiauser, with make sense why Kizaru hold himself back when BenBeckman aims at him). I like the idea of @comrade that Roger haki blast was so strong that he could just destroy a mountain with one simple haki blast via his gun. It make sense why strong pirates like Roger and Shanks having guns, their haki is so strong which make their gun attacks really leathal and deadly. People like BenBeckman and Yasopp probably use advanced CoA, they use haki blast rather then ammunition. Over it make sense to fight with haki rather then ammunition, One piece high/top tier battles take for hours/days, they cannot charge their weapons again and again in the mid of the battle. It make sense that they rather fight for hours/days with using haki blast/shockwaves with lethal haki power, it is more effective and better in a battle.

That is the first thing which we get from the new moveset of Shanks in PW4, in my opinion a hint how Gunfighter use their power in a battle in the One piece world.

Shanks advanced CoA with his Sword:

Well this are the panels with could hint the future power of swordmen with advanced CoA. Their sword not just covered with black haki, they also get red aura around the sword and it seems like their blade became larger with also mean a greater range for the swordmen and also better defense, probably it kinda became like a lightsaber, everything who isn´t covered with haki get cuttet like butter. In that case a invisible armor protecting the sword, it works for offensiv and defense, this is how I could imagine when Zoro and Mihawk using their advanced CoA, their sword became similar like a lightsaber with increase the attackpower.
Zoro´s ashura could get a new meaning with kinda this lvl of haki lol:

Also a another panel:

In this scene Shanks increase and focus his hakiaura at maximum lvl, you can literally see his sword became a lightsaber and his hakilvl is at maximum.
Kinda show that Shanks focus his maximum haki to his sword with make his attackpower even far greater, the thing which Whitebeard and Roger show just are probably the first step of advanced CoA, most like their attack was just a salutation to each other, far away from their maximum haki power lol.
And we kinda get this:

Shanks Advanced CoA attacks:


Shanks can release haki airslash in the game, it is similar what kinda Roger show in the manga against Oden:

Oden was hit by such a airslash and get send fly, Oden himself kinda ask himself what a kinda attack this was.
Later we see how he look shocked when Roger and Whitebeard release their Advanced CoA(most like Oden himself didn´t know anything about advanced CoA).
Shanks can use such airslash most like too, it was already hinted in PW3 before even Roger face Oden, likely step for step everything with Shanks so far show in PW3 becaming true, it is kinda incredible how just a game showcase the next lvl of Haki:owo:

Shanks release red lightning bolts:

Shanks spamm red haki lightning bolts around the area, kinda a attack based on haki.

Shanks use insane Advanced CoA Shockwave:

Shanks use a Tornado haki attack:

As you see in the game Shanks most attack are based on haki, his showcase with both his sword and gun are just based on his incredible haki.
In my opinion the Gunfighter and swordmens(at least high-top tiers) fighting with kinda these abilities. Probably the truth lies between my speculation/theory.
I wouldn´t be surprise if Shanks really show kinda these attacks in the manga, at most far powerfull and stronger.

My first though about advanced CoA on figther who a specialized with weapons like Shanks,Mihawk and BenBeckman.

@Red Admiral , @comrade , @Bogard , @Jo_Ndule , @Sentinel , @Buusatan94 , @SHIHI , @Kejon , @HA001 , @Zowo , @NeutralWatcher
Cool, but what Shanks is doing there can be done by any Yonko, I've said it numerous times and I'm saying it again "all Yonkos have around the same level of haki" it doesn't mean their haki on the same level but rather that their haki is quite comparable to each other.
more like
Zoro is the greatest sword Heretic in history

That is why he will become WSS :metaleye:

uses 3 sword calls it 3 sword style:noo:
randomly picks up swords to fight:josad:
goes through more swords than a girl goes through shops while shopping:lusalty:
uses scythes and calls it swordsmanship:whitepress:
doesnt even use swords and calls it No Sword Style :suresure:
uses Demonic voodoo magic and calls it 9 sword style:gokulaugh:

forget about Pure Swordsman Zoro at this rate only thing that even makes Zoro a swordsman is that He and Mangaka calls him swordsman:ihaha:
i have yet to understand how spinning 2 swords in front of u like a helicopter busts a mountain:risicheck:
Well if he hasn't it how would have he forged a black blade
Black blades haven't been hinted so far to require the level of armament that allows you to hurt someone from inside. Hyogoro himself was the one retconning the breath of things into haki yet he clearly showed he can't use that level, only the lower one (flowing armament like the one Rayleigh used versus the elephant).


World's Strongest Swordsman
coulda sworn u were trying to say i was bitter for bringing up “admirals for no reason” but here you are 30 seconds later contradicting yourself by bringing up kaido and big mom for no reason
talking about the game dumbass


World's Strongest Swordsman
doesnt matter if its about the game

point is you cant make 5 posts in a row without contradicting yourself, its hilarious

im even being generous by using the number 5
Its a shock you can even count that high with how retarded you are.
Of course it matters if its a game thats the whole point of that post, but its good to see im rent free in your head.
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It does exist. People in Wano, the samurai would die for their blade. Those are pure swordsmen. But Shanks isn't that extreme about it.
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also zoro isn't that extreme he easily exchange Shusui for Enma he will be sad if he lose his sword but he don't care about his Sword Like wano's samurai if he lose a sword he will get another
he probably will lose or Exchange Sandai For Nidai in end of ark and probably will get shodai in Eos

I always thought it's obvious. Wano made it clearer.

Even here they say how much they love their swords.

But is Shanks like that? I doubt he is. He carries a sword with him and also uses it to fight. But is he a sword fanatic? No
dude Shanks have sword since he was less than 10 Years Old (at least) even zoro didn't have any sword in that age
so basically you say zoro isn't a pure swordman (fan made title that only shanks fan use in west) he didn't have any sword until kuina's dead
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also zoro isn't that extreme he easily exchange Shusui for Enma he will be sad if he lose his sword but he don't care about his Sword Like wano's samurai if he lose a sword he will get another
he probably will lose or Exchange Sandai For Nidai in end of ark and probably will get shodai in Eos

dude Shanks have sword since he was less than 10 Years Old (at least) even zoro didn't have any sword in that age
so basically you say zoro isn't a pure swordman (fan made title that only shanks fan use in west) he didn't have any sword until kuina's dead
in addition to this^ even Zoro admits he doesnt have overly passion for any sword instead it doesnt feel good to him "if he doesnt have 3 of them with him". which basically destroys the notion Zoro cares for his sword anymore than ur average joe. like if he was a pure swordsman like ppl claim he is he would have reacted to losing his sword or getting them damaged the same way Luffy reacts if anything happens to his hat.
most likely thing is that Zoro only cares for Wado and it holds a important spot in his heart same way strawhat does for Luffy. and Zoro's cares for Wado isnt bcuz its a sword but bcuz its the momento of his dead friend and its a token of promise that will witness Zoro becoming WSS and in a way somewhat symbolize that Kuina also reached/experienced to that destination.
one of the reason why this sword will at least made it to WSS Zoro unharmed as Zoro promised he will become WSS for both of their sake
in addition to this^ even Zoro admits he doesnt have overly passion for any sword instead it doesnt feel good to him "if he doesnt have 3 of them with him". which basically destroys the notion Zoro cares for his sword anymore than ur average joe. like if he was a pure swordsman like ppl claim he is he would have reacted to losing his sword or getting them damaged the same way Luffy reacts if anything happens to his hat.
most likely thing is that Zoro only cares for Wado and it holds a important spot in his heart same way strawhat does for Luffy. and Zoro's cares for Wado isnt bcuz its a sword but bcuz its the momento of his dead friend and its a token of promise that will witness Zoro becoming WSS and in a way somewhat symbolize that Kuina also reached/experienced to that destination.
one of the reason why this sword will at least made it to WSS Zoro unharmed as Zoro promised he will become WSS for both of their sake
Yeah even Wado is important for him Because of Kuina
Yeah even Wado is important for him Because of Kuina
like u said Wado's importance lies in the promise with Kuina. so it represent Zoro's promise to his fallen friend.
for example Luffy is not a hat collector, but SH is the most important item in his possession. Zoro and Wado is in the same situation.
Wado's important doesnt come from what it is instead what it represent. it could have been a freaking high heels and Zoro will still cherish it:kayneshrug:
likewise Luffy will cherish it with his life if Shanks gave him his used wet socks when making that promise instead of strawhat:kata:
these things value lies in what they represent to the chars instead of what they truly are.
I guess the problem of op fan is sometimes we are overthinking things (including me). I bet Oda will give us proper explanation on why only a few people can make their blade turns to black. I guess there is something more than haki. I mean haki is required ofc as it was stated in the manga as the first hint, but perhaps there is another thing required as well.