If you punish people who discriminate others people, they'll hesitate to do.
that does not make hostility go away. it will only make the people more resentful.
Do they make same income, have the same wealth?
if they do the same work with the same quality.
america is not holding every citizens to the same standards. affirmative action, hello?
The entire point of immigration is to create 2nd class citzenry.
I agree.
its a little bit more complicated than that, but overall thats what it is.
You just need to discipline the people and sanction them when they discriminate.
you will not create tolerance or acceptance this way. only hatred.
this train of thought is truely sick. its in the same ballpark as reconditioning camps.
In the end the tribalism will win as it has done for 1000 years.
yes. its human nature.
if you think about how human civilizations begun and how we evolved alongside each other this makes perfect sense. its ingrained into us for a hundred thousands of years. nothing you can change in the span of a couple hundred.
Russia and China understood this. the US did not. or they did, but refuse to act accordingly.
another reason why I prefer Russia and China over them.
These are the stereotypes the powers that be in the US wish to perpetuate. Because it makes us seem inferior. We are not.
thats some bullshit... you fell for the race bait. we are different. all of us are. even within the same ethnic.
do you honestly believe that "whites" (funny how its always whites and never asians, black or hispanics, only whites are racist) resent others just because? have you ever taken a moment and reflected on why these stereotypes exist?
you only have to take 1 small look at the "peaceful" BLM protests to figure out why "white" people (others are aswell, but thats always ommited for obvious reasons) are pissed.
not sure what your ethnicity is, but I have spoken to black people from the US and not even they would move to a black neighbourhood.
https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2019/crime-in-the-u.s.-2019/topic-pages/tables/table-43#:~:text=In 2019, 69.4 percent of all individuals arrested,was reported, 19.1 percent were Hispanic or Latino.
idk even know why I try. you will just end up rationalizing hard facts with irrational media talking points.
blacks and hispanics have a problem in the US. the biggest problem they have is that some of them are giving the rest of them a bad name. and instead of fixing the problem at its core its blamed on white people instead. muh systemic racism!!!!
weird how asians manage to be underrepresented in crime statistics. I guess thats also because of white supremacy and racism or some other buzzword.