First Jinbe has role a helmsman .
In the manga Oda never gave Zoro an official Role as fighter or Vice captain , but in the Databooks & Vivercards Oda sometimes says he is a fighter and sometimes say he is a vice captain .
but those Databooks & Vivercards are nor that reliable as manga , we know how Vivercards made a lot of mistakes , even the same with Databooks they said sabo is dead but he turned to be alive in the manga lol.

even if you want to surprise your fans you cant lie like this .
Also they said about vivercards that its from oda

, but they cant trick us anymore

, what they reveal in these books is what appeared in the manga or what they think its .
even ryuma being a shimotsuki in vivercards is hinted in the manga before not something out of the blue .
And lastly zoro never get a introduction box , so lets wait and see maybe this arc oda will give him his intro box and we will know if oda will give him an official Role or not