Is jinbe gonna witness greatness soon?

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Zoro said to kuma "im in your debt" after he spare strawhats for exchange his life. what if zoro comes and KO all fodders who point guns at bonny rn the rescue her from saturn.

next ch is coming out in zoros birthday.
He can do that from where he is, it's time for Oda to show him use base CoC. Oda has this habit of introducing CoC users that never use it.
Kuma is truly the most honorable One Piece character
Or rather he would be if our Grandmaster Zoro didn't exist...

Gread read that i strongly advice, touches good points

What Zoro did in Thriller Bark is really underrated
From all standpoints
Incredibile endurance and toughness above Luffy's
Portrayal lightyears above Sanji's
A unique moment that only a person like Kuma could really understand

where's the headcanon?

When did I say it's bad you fucking clown?

How is it obviously bigger?

The initial feat is more impressive from Zoro, however when you consider Kuma taking it weekly then that's a different discussion.
Take a measure tape and start calculating :beckmoji:.
Fr now though, i don't think we can compare those two situations.
Kuma himself says that in Zoro's condition he would definitely die and we are talking about pain and fatigue that put luffy down of all people.
Through the series we have see what crazy things needs to happen in order for luffy to go down.
I believe you should rethink this :goyea:


My favorite thing about Zoro’s “nothing happened…” moment is how so many fandoms try to downplay it, but at the same time want their favorite characters to have the same moment.

It’s probably one of the most iconic moments in the series. I had goosebumps when I first read it, and no amount of downplay will ever change that.
" Nothing Happened " changed me as a person

Tanaka (Luffy's VA): Luffy is sometimes very cool, but Zoro is ALWAYS cool. Nakai (Zoro's VA) is resolute and cool when he is acting in front of the microphone, but when he has finished acting, he becomes a friendly person.

Nakai (Zoro's VA): In the early days of One Piece anime, I was often depressed after watching the anime broadcast because I was the only one who was not a good actor compared to the other amazing Straw Hat VAs.

Tanaka says, "Netflix live-action casts will grow up, so they need to shoot the drama quickly. But we anime VAs are much older, and we don't know how many more years One Piece anime will last, so we need to stay healthy."
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@Pew we all agree with this: goated anime episode :steef:
Not only that but had the best official art too: Official promo art of Zoro vs King by animator Midori Matsuda

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zoro was heavly neft against killer but still one shot a supernova which is = to Sanji in term of strenght:myman:
*Proud Teacher*
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What do y'all think.

What will Zoro get ?
FS or FS killer?

My bets are on FS killer.
Nobody is decrowning Mihawk from having the strongest AdCoO. He's already stronger in remaining 2.

Zoro might develop FS killer instead of FS like Shanks to Beat mihawk.

Also somebody change the poll. Stack is ancient History now.

Monster Duo post Wano (it clear that strawhat member that matter are just Luffy&Zoro the rest just follow)
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*Proud Teacher*
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What do y'all think.

What will Zoro get ?
FS or FS killer?

My bets are on FS killer.
Nobody is decrowning Mihawk from having the strongest AdCoO. He's already stronger in remaining 2.

Zoro might develop FS killer instead of FS like Shanks to Beat mihawk.

Also somebody change the poll. Stack is ancient History now.
I think fs killer like shanks, but I feel like that Oda is going into the real of demons with Zoro (some sasuke shit will happen with Zoro)


Monster Duo post Wano (it clear that strawhat member that matter are just Luffy&Zoro the rest just follow)
Remove them and SH won't survive New World lol.
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I think fs killer like shanks, but I feel like that Oda is going into the real of demons with Zoro (some sasuke shit will happen with Zoro)
Demons got anything to do with Observation Haki?


well there are form of demonic power that enchant your sense (predicting the future as well)
Dark king and King of hell , both have scars over there Eyes.

Some sort of ritual or sacrifice?

Unlike Zoro , rayleigh eyes are always open.

Zoro scar is a mystery and bro will open it sooner or later for sure.

Or else , why would Mihawk Fight Zoro who is handicapped like Shanks right now with one eye only.