Is jinbe gonna witness greatness soon?

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I also didn't like Kuma flashback. I felt like Oda was trying to downplay and ruin the iconic "nothing happened" moment aswell by showing Kuma taking other ppl pain multiple times... smh.
I also didn't like Kuma flashback. I felt like Oda was trying to downplay and ruin the iconic "nothing happened" moment aswell by showing Kuma taking other ppl pain multiple times... smh.
I don’t think it was a downplay. Kuma is a special race and even he was having a hard time taking in everyone’s pain. Zoro taking in all of Luffy’s pain when he’s a bullheaded and stubborn yet ordinary human is an amazing feat. He did it because it’s his job to protect the crew when the captain can’t. Every other fandom dreams for their own nothing happened moment! Don’t let anyone try to downplay it! Not even Oda!


I don’t think it was a downplay. Kuma is a special race and even he was having a hard time taking in everyone’s pain. Zoro taking in all of Luffy’s pain when he’s a bullheaded and stubborn yet ordinary human is an amazing feat. He did it because it’s his job to protect the crew when the captain can’t. Every other fandom dreams for their own nothing happened moment! Don’t let anyone try to downplay it! Not even Oda!
It's not a downplay moment to begin with.
Zoro was nearly exhausted himself after the battle.
Also that zoro one shotted sanji lmao.
I don’t think it was a downplay. Kuma is a special race and even he was having a hard time taking in everyone’s pain. Zoro taking in all of Luffy’s pain when he’s a bullheaded and stubborn yet ordinary human is an amazing feat. He did it because it’s his job to protect the crew when the captain can’t. Every other fandom dreams for their own nothing happened moment! Don’t let anyone try to downplay it! Not even Oda!
And yet Oda himself did downplay it. Whatever excuse we want to put in, whatever it was because Kuma is from a special race, Zoro was exhausted, etc.
Kuma was also exhausted by having to live a miserabile slave life of costant pain and fatigue, and still he did what Zoro has done better and many more times, this is the message Oda sent to his fandom.
Every fandom Indeed dreams of a moment like Nothing happened for their fav, and Oda gave that moment to Zoro, and after years decided to take it away from him. I dont know how that left you guys unbothered but I envy you.
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And yet Oda himself did downplay it. Whatever excuse we want to put in, whatever it was because Kuma is from a special race, Zoro was exhausted, etc.
Kuma was also exhausted by having to live a miserabile slave life of costant pain and fatigue, and still he did what Zoro has done better and many more times, this is the message Oda sent to his fandom.
Every fandom Indeed dreams of a moment like Nothing happened for their fav, and Oda gave that moment to Zoro, and after years decided to take it away from him. I dont know how that left you guys unbothered but I envy you.
It definitely is bothersome since Oda seems to be consistently removing Zoro from the main storylines and ignoring any character development for him. I want Zoro to have more character moments like nothing happened, but I am not going to hold my breath.
I think you guys are being too paranoic about the "Nothing Happened" moment, in reality I thinkOda enforced by having Prime Kuma saying that also he could be knocked out from the pain bubble

Though I agree about the criticisms about Zoro's involvement in the plot...let's hope in the "question" that he wanted to ask to Vegapunk...if Oda didn't already forget about it
I think Zoro’s question to Vegapunk was let them land on Egghead and search for Luffy, Jinbei, and Chopper. Instead of asking outright, Oda wanted to make it a cliffhanger!
true, I am coping because kizaru is weaker than I expected. dont look up to zoro to give his all against that bum. Im only interested in zoro vs kizaru as in zoro facing one more powerfull opponent after lucci, there is no point pushing anything anymore, admiral agenda is finished in egghead. luffy prove he is a yonko while zoro prove he is strong enough to easily handle anyone from the WG as the yonko number 2.