Is jinbe gonna witness greatness soon?

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Pre timeskip luffy had gone from 100M to 300 M for beating lucci in ennie loby (a goverment island), there is a chance for zoro bounty to rise alot after beating lucci in egghead (a government island).
WG and Yonko Islands = updated bounties, if Goofy gets a bounty for doing god knows what then Zoro is definitely getting a new bounty for beating Lucci, the rest gets a flat increase of 50 or 100M.
WG and Yonko Islands = updated bounties, if Goofy gets a bounty for doing god knows what then Zoro is definitely getting a new bounty for beating Lucci, the rest gets a flat increase of 50 or 100M.
Plus this is ROB LUCCI second defeat in verse. He never lost that is how he become famous and respected by the World Government. First defeat was by luffy and now zoro.
Lucci saw it or maybe he didn't. The entire arc without putting on the bandana, there has to be more to it. :endthis:
Na, Lucci is too big for world government to ignore his defeat. Even if no new bounty the gorosei, marine and cypherpool will take it seriously. If the gorosei fight zoro it will further confirm this fact to them.
Thing is how bountys post TS have been working they're pretty underrated like zoro got 1.11 for defeated a YC1 so wouldn't be surprised if he even doesn't get a raise
that's the only i gave up into the zoro agenda bountys
At least pre TS were relevantfuck he even became famous because of that