Is jinbe gonna witness greatness soon?

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-luffy and Zoro vs awakened lucci

G5 Luffy played with awakened lucci untill he hurt sentomaru then luffy destroyed lucci.

Zoro was playing with lucci limiting himself to nitoryu untill sanji mocked him then he destroyed lucci.

In both case luffy and zoro showed overwemming supériority to lucci and AP to one shot a yc1.

-Luffy and zoro vs Saturne & Nusjuro.

Luffy send Saturne flying and zoro send nusjuro flying using rashomon.

-Zoro and luffy vs giant crow and snake.

Again just like Egghead both luffy and zoro are shown taking out giant beast with GOD title in 1 attack

Now since we are in the Underworld realm (zoro is the King of hell)

Where there is gaban, loki, the 3nd holy knife will appear) we will surely get even more comparable portrayal.

Gaban already comparing them to Roger and Ray.

Thing can only get better.

I firmly think zoro is fighting a top tier this arc.

Shamrock, gaban, loki are all top tier (low top tier for gaban)

Another one will appear to create a ballance with shamrock and its the 3nd holy knife.

Like shamrock he will have a mythical fruit/or a new logia.