Is jinbe gonna witness greatness soon?

  • Total voters
Disclaimer: This has taken inspiration from @Zoro D Goat post in the Lanji FC. Thank you for the idea.

This is my perspective of the Zoro Wank Hierarchy. If I didn’t add you I apologize. There’s too many Zoro fans. Please let me know and I’ll add you. Also I have not been around as long as some of these dinosaurs, so pardon me if I misplace you. Also, please don't take this too seriously. If the listings are close together, they hold same rank. If they are spaced a line apart, you're below/above the top/bottom row.

This is also based off what the collective understanding is.


Overseer ~ @Guan Yu
IM-SAMA / Highest Papal Authority [Church of Roronoa "Shimotsuki ~ Frost Moon" Zoro] ~ @Cinera

Pirate King ~ @HA001
Gorosei (5) ~ @ShishioIsBack @Light D Lamperouge @nik87 @Aknolagon @Fenaker

Commander In Chief: @Buggy D Clown
Fleet Admiral: @Queen
YONKO: @stairs-kun

Admirals (3) ~ @BossYimz @Cyrus the Cactus @Garp the Fist
Inspector Generals (2) ~ @NidaiKitetsu @T.D.A

Warlords (7): @Rivaille @Don DaSlayer @Seth @yj @Marimo_420 @stormylife @KiriNigiri

Doflamingo/Joker (1): @Blother
Impel Down Wardens (2): @ZoroSlaysDragonTuna @Ice devil slayer
CP0 (5): @bennbeckman @Reddot4 @Amparezy @Mihawksenpai @Den_Den_Mushi
Sword (5): @Camie @mly90 @hedera__helix @Lone Laguna Espada @Jew D. Boy

Buster Call Vice Admirals (5): @Reborn @Geo @Orojackson Refugee @Zowo @Sword God Ryuma

Rear Admirals (10): @MarimoHeado @Luffy bin Dragon @Cross_Marian @PizzaBread @LolonoisZolo @LadyVados @Rekien @Guymieux @Rukusho @zzShinichi
Associates/Alliance: @Natalija @Admiral Lee Hung @AdmiralKinyagi @Haoshoku @Gol D. Roger @playa4321 @Dragomir @vikas @TheKnightOfTheSea @Paperchampion23 @Fuckthis3 @The White Crane

Meme Lords: @Debanv @Gon’s Missing Arm @Finalbeta @Xdrake @Roronoa-sama
Commodores (6): @style @Krusher1357 @wereng99 @Zenos7 @ShadyOjiro @I'mTired

Captain (11): @Peroroncino @IceWitch @Enma @Monet @Grumpy Zoro @Mr. Bushido @executor partner @Extravlad @MarineHQ62 @solis @Thabeast

Navy Soldiers: @Sunita @Greenbeard @Zoro @Himura @Gensui Sazid @bblue @Tamerani @Yukihime @Foxy Bunny @zorojurou @zorojuro07 @RyumaZoro @Ryuma @yorosenpai @RZ.119 @Mikail @Dark Hound @kumae @imacub @HAJIKATA @Gauntlet @LuffyMazino @DKI @djnhsly @Sade

Informants/Apoo: @K!NG HARA$H!MA @Yo Tan Wa
Coby Before Garp: @LuthonTheDragDown

@Guan Yu I’d appreciate it if you add this to the front page. Us Zoro fans should have better structural integrity than the Lanji FC.

Bruh, I spent way too much time on this...
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Light D Lamperouge

𝖂𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝕮𝖔𝖚𝖑𝖉 𝕳𝖆𝖛𝖊 𝕭𝖊𝖊𝖓
Disclaimer: This has taken inspiration from @Zoro D Goat post in the Lanji FC. Thank you for the idea.

This is my perspective of the Zoro Wank Heirarchy. If I didn’t add you I apologize. There’s toooo many Zoro fans. Please let me know and I’ll add you.


Governing Leader/Overseer: @Guan Yu

Pirate King: @HA001

Double Fleet Admiral: @ShishioIsBack @nik87

Admirals: @Cinera @Blother @Zowo

Inspector Generals: @Nidai Kitetsu @Fenaker @Aknolagon @Den_Den_Mushi @T.D.A

14 Division Commanders: @Light D Lamperouge @Benn Beckman @Seth @ZoroSlaysDragonTuna @stormylife @Ice devil slayer @Queen @Orojackson Refujee @Cross_Marian @Don DaSlayer @Jew D. Boy @Marimo_420 @yj @zzShinichi

Meme Lords: @Gon’s Missing Arm @Finalbeta @Debanv @Xdrake @stairs-kun

Special Secret Agents Cipher Pol X: @Reddot4 @Mihawksenpai @Amparezy

Kaizoko Vergo: @K!NG HARA$H!MA @Yo Tan Wa

Flying 6: @Oblivion @KiriNigiri @Luffy bin Dragon @Sword God Ryuma @Roronoa-sama @Haoshoku

10 Vice Admirals: @Lone Laguna Espada @Geo @Reborn @Guymieux @PizzaBread @Rekien @MarimoHeado @wereng99 @Krusher1357 @Salah WG

11 Supernova Captains: @mly90 @hedera__helix @CbShadow @Monkey D. Luffy @draganax @solis @Kromage911 @Cyrus the Cactus @executor partner @Peroroncino @I’mTired

5 Rear Admirals: @playa4321 @Rivaille @MarineHQ62 @vikas @Gauntlet

Commodores: @Garp the Fist @Dark Hound @sneko @Fuckthis3 @Enma @Camie @style

Captain: @kumae @IceWitch @Camie @Natalija @Paperchampion23 @TheKnightOfTheSea

Lieutenant: @Thabeast @LolonoisZolo @Gensui Sazid @Shisui_038 @AdmiralKinyagi @LuffyMazino @Patapujuro @The White Crane @DKI @djnhsly

Navy Soldiers (I’ve Never seen you post/wank Zoro): @Gol D. Roger @BossYimz @Sade @Monet @MasterD @Rukusho @Buggy D Clown @Admiral Lee Hung @Dragomir @RZ.119 @Zoro @Md Zolo @Grumpy Zoro @zorojurou @Foxy Bunny @HAJIKATA @Greenbeard @mr bushido @RyumaZoro @Himura @wordyworm @yorosenpai @Tamerani @bblue @ShadyOjiro @Zenos7 @Sunita @gojo

Who should I add? We should vote to change, to move up or down, etc.

@Guan Yu I’d appreciate it if you add this to the front page. Us Zoro fans should have better structural integrity than the Lanji FC.
Put me on top and it's a solid list.

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
Disclaimer: This has taken inspiration from @Zoro D Goat post in the Lanji FC. Thank you for the idea.

This is my perspective of the Zoro Wank Heirarchy. If I didn’t add you I apologize. There’s toooo many Zoro fans. Please let me know and I’ll add you.


Governing Leader/Overseer: @Guan Yu

Pirate King: @HA001

Double Fleet Admiral: @ShishioIsBack @nik87

Admirals: @Cinera @Blother @Zowo

Inspector Generals: @Nidai Kitetsu @Fenaker @Aknolagon @Den_Den_Mushi @T.D.A

14 Division Commanders: @Light D Lamperouge @Benn Beckman @Seth @ZoroSlaysDragonTuna @stormylife @Ice devil slayer @Queen @Orojackson Refujee @Cross_Marian @Don DaSlayer @Jew D. Boy @Marimo_420 @yj @zzShinichi

Meme Lords: @Gon’s Missing Arm @Finalbeta @Debanv @Xdrake @stairs-kun

Special Secret Agents Cipher Pol X: @Reddot4 @Mihawksenpai @Amparezy

Kaizoko Vergo: @K!NG HARA$H!MA @Yo Tan Wa

Flying 6: @Oblivion @KiriNigiri @Luffy bin Dragon @Sword God Ryuma @Roronoa-sama @Haoshoku

10 Vice Admirals: @Lone Laguna Espada @Geo @Reborn @Guymieux @PizzaBread @Rekien @MarimoHeado @wereng99 @Krusher1357 @Salah WG

11 Supernova Captains: @mly90 @hedera__helix @CbShadow @Monkey D. Luffy @draganax @solis @Kromage911 @Cyrus the Cactus @executor partner @Peroroncino @I’mTired

5 Rear Admirals: @playa4321 @Rivaille @MarineHQ62 @vikas @Gauntlet

Commodores: @Garp the Fist @Dark Hound @sneko @Fuckthis3 @Enma @Camie @style

Captain: @kumae @IceWitch @Camie @Natalija @Paperchampion23 @TheKnightOfTheSea

Lieutenant: @Thabeast @LolonoisZolo @Gensui Sazid @Shisui_038 @AdmiralKinyagi @LuffyMazino @Patapujuro @The White Crane @DKI @djnhsly

Navy Soldiers (I’ve Never seen you post/wank Zoro): @Gol D. Roger @BossYimz @Sade @Monet @MasterD @Rukusho @Buggy D Clown @Admiral Lee Hung @Dragomir @RZ.119 @Zoro @Md Zolo @Grumpy Zoro @zorojurou @Foxy Bunny @HAJIKATA @Greenbeard @mr bushido @RyumaZoro @Himura @wordyworm @yorosenpai @Tamerani @bblue @ShadyOjiro @Zenos7 @Sunita @gojo

Who should I add? We should vote to change, to move up or down, etc.

@Guan Yu I’d appreciate it if you add this to the front page. Us Zoro fans should have better structural integrity than the Lanji FC.
Nat’s actually a Sanji fan in hiding, it’s time she gets the boot :lulz:

Formerly Seth

Disclaimer: This has taken inspiration from @Zoro D Goat post in the Lanji FC. Thank you for the idea.

This is my perspective of the Zoro Wank Heirarchy. If I didn’t add you I apologize. There’s toooo many Zoro fans. Please let me know and I’ll add you.


Governing Leader/Overseer: @Guan Yu

Pirate King: @HA001

Double Fleet Admiral: @ShishioIsBack @nik87

Admirals: @Cinera @Blother @Zowo

Inspector Generals: @Nidai Kitetsu @Fenaker @Aknolagon @Den_Den_Mushi @T.D.A

14 Division Commanders: @Light D Lamperouge @Benn Beckman @Seth @ZoroSlaysDragonTuna @stormylife @Ice devil slayer @Queen @Orojackson Refujee @Cross_Marian @Don DaSlayer @Jew D. Boy @Marimo_420 @yj @zzShinichi

Meme Lords: @Gon’s Missing Arm @Finalbeta @Debanv @Xdrake @stairs-kun

Special Secret Agents Cipher Pol X: @Reddot4 @Mihawksenpai @Amparezy

Kaizoko Vergo: @K!NG HARA$H!MA @Yo Tan Wa

Flying 6: @Oblivion @KiriNigiri @Luffy bin Dragon @Sword God Ryuma @Roronoa-sama @Haoshoku

10 Vice Admirals: @Lone Laguna Espada @Geo @Reborn @Guymieux @PizzaBread @Rekien @MarimoHeado @wereng99 @Krusher1357 @Salah WG

11 Supernova Captains: @mly90 @hedera__helix @CbShadow @Monkey D. Luffy @draganax @solis @Kromage911 @Cyrus the Cactus @executor partner @Peroroncino @I’mTired

5 Rear Admirals: @playa4321 @Rivaille @MarineHQ62 @vikas @Gauntlet

Commodores: @Garp the Fist @Dark Hound @sneko @Fuckthis3 @Enma @Camie @style

Captain: @kumae @IceWitch @Camie @Natalija @Paperchampion23 @TheKnightOfTheSea

Lieutenant: @Thabeast @LolonoisZolo @Gensui Sazid @Shisui_038 @AdmiralKinyagi @LuffyMazino @Patapujuro @The White Crane @DKI @djnhsly

Navy Soldiers (I’ve Never seen you post/wank Zoro): @Gol D. Roger @BossYimz @Sade @Monet @MasterD @Rukusho @Buggy D Clown @Admiral Lee Hung @Dragomir @RZ.119 @Zoro @Md Zolo @Grumpy Zoro @zorojurou @Foxy Bunny @HAJIKATA @Greenbeard @mr bushido @RyumaZoro @Himura @wordyworm @yorosenpai @Tamerani @bblue @ShadyOjiro @Zenos7 @Sunita @gojo

Who should I add? We should vote to change, to move up or down, etc.

@Guan Yu I’d appreciate it if you add this to the front page. Us Zoro fans should have better structural integrity than the Lanji FC.
Nidai > Enma.

You forgot TAC the cabin boy.
TAC would poison the list
Post automatically merged:

Nah, I’ll vouch for this again - Light definitely belongs above me in this hierarchy, either he goes higher or you put me lower (and I like where I’m at) :zosleepy:
No. I need to see more wanking.
I’ll fix the list and add more Zoro bros (if there are) tmrw. Exhausted rn.

You cool with F6?

Light D Lamperouge

𝖂𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝕮𝖔𝖚𝖑𝖉 𝕳𝖆𝖛𝖊 𝕭𝖊𝖊𝖓
I should drop you to Lieutenant :beckmoji:
I never see you wank Zoro. But you disrespect Sanji so you stay
Lol. Tbf you're newish and I am not into OP much nowadays, especially the Arena so I understand. But go through some older threads or pages and you'll see what I am talking about lol.
Disclaimer: This has taken inspiration from @Zoro D Goat post in the Lanji FC. Thank you for the idea.

This is my perspective of the Zoro Wank Heirarchy. If I didn’t add you I apologize. There’s toooo many Zoro fans. Please let me know and I’ll add you.


Governing Leader/Overseer: @Guan Yu

Pirate King: @HA001

Double Fleet Admiral: @ShishioIsBack @nik87

Admirals: @Cinera @Blother @Zowo

Inspector Generals: @Nidai Kitetsu @Fenaker @Aknolagon @Den_Den_Mushi @T.D.A

14 Division Commanders: @Light D Lamperouge @Benn Beckman @Seth @ZoroSlaysDragonTuna @stormylife @Ice devil slayer @Queen @Orojackson Refujee @Cross_Marian @Don DaSlayer @Jew D. Boy @Marimo_420 @yj @zzShinichi

Meme Lords: @Gon’s Missing Arm @Finalbeta @Debanv @Xdrake @stairs-kun

Special Secret Agents Cipher Pol X: @Reddot4 @Mihawksenpai @Amparezy

Kaizoko Vergo: @K!NG HARA$H!MA @Yo Tan Wa

Flying 6: @Oblivion @KiriNigiri @Luffy bin Dragon @Sword God Ryuma @Roronoa-sama @Haoshoku

10 Vice Admirals: @Lone Laguna Espada @Geo @Reborn @Guymieux @PizzaBread @Rekien @MarimoHeado @wereng99 @Krusher1357 @Salah WG

11 Supernova Captains: @mly90 @hedera__helix @CbShadow @Monkey D. Luffy @draganax @solis @Kromage911 @Cyrus the Cactus @executor partner @Peroroncino @I’mTired

5 Rear Admirals: @playa4321 @Rivaille @MarineHQ62 @vikas @Gauntlet

Commodores: @Garp the Fist @Dark Hound @sneko @Fuckthis3 @Enma @Camie @style

Captain: @kumae @IceWitch @Camie @Natalija @Paperchampion23 @TheKnightOfTheSea

Lieutenant: @Thabeast @LolonoisZolo @Gensui Sazid @Shisui_038 @AdmiralKinyagi @LuffyMazino @Patapujuro @The White Crane @DKI @djnhsly

Navy Soldiers (I’ve Never seen you post/wank Zoro): @Gol D. Roger @BossYimz @Sade @Monet @MasterD @Rukusho @Buggy D Clown @Admiral Lee Hung @Dragomir @RZ.119 @Zoro @Md Zolo @Grumpy Zoro @zorojurou @Foxy Bunny @HAJIKATA @Greenbeard @mr bushido @RyumaZoro @Himura @wordyworm @yorosenpai @Tamerani @bblue @ShadyOjiro @Zenos7 @Sunita @gojo

Who should I add? We should vote to change, to move up or down, etc.

@Guan Yu I’d appreciate it if you add this to the front page. Us Zoro fans should have better structural integrity than the Lanji FC.
Like we dont see you sliding youself into that admiral position my friend.