Future Events The Admirals Will Fight And Defeat The Gorosei

Hello everyone,

Today we are going to look at part 2 of my Warcury is Akainu’s EOS Opponent prediction, and explain why I think the Admirals will switch sides and take down the Gorosei in the EOS War.

Now I know how much you love my 100,000 word threads but I’m going to keep this thread short and to the point.

The Gorosei are foils to the Admirals. While the Admirals are misguided heroes who mistakenly believe their actions defending the World Government will lead to a better world, the Gorosei are evil demons oppressing the world in an authoritarian hellscape.

While the Admirals don’t agree with every single evil decision the WG makes, the Gorosei are whole heartedly in full support of the Government’s actions and are the ones making those decisions much of the time.

While the Admirals are common born men who attained heroic strength through training, blood, sweat, and tears, the Gorosei are born Celestial Dragons who attained demonic strength by contracting with an immortal demon lord.

The Gorosei and the Admirals are narrative foils in almost every single way, and it only gets even thiccer the more we look at the Gorosei and Admiral matchups individually.


-Fujitora blinded himself while Nasujuro wears glasses which improve his vision
-Fujitora is a reckless gambler while Nasujuro is the God of Finance
-Fujitora is like a “poor” Japanese swordsman wearing robes, rags, and a basic sword, while Nasujuro is like conceptually similar to an extravagant noble Samurai general
-Fujitora eats a lot while Nasujuro in his Devil fruit form can be considered like a malnourished skeleton
-Oda had Nasujuro be the one to announce the “Great Cleansing”

While Fujitora’s entire character is about how he hates that the WG thinks of itself as God


-Ryokugyu is a Forest Man while Wyrm Sama is the “God of Agriculture”
-Ju Peter is a Worm, which irl can terrorize/invest/eat gardens and plants, while Ryokugyu is a plant human
-Ju Peter has a devil fruit which allows him to eat shit, while Ryokugyu has fasted for 3 years and ALSO has a Devil fruit that allows him to “eat” people

The garden’s greatest enemy (Ju Peter) vs the garden (Ryokugyu)


Admittedly this one is a bit of a stretch, and I don’t see as much foil between Kizaru and Mars as I do for Warcury/Akainu, Fujitora/Nasujuro, and Ryokugyu/Ju Peter. I’m open to ideas on this one.

Share your thoughts
@SakazOuki @Kurozumi Wiwi @The White Crane @Wuuuke @silverfire @scoobie3 @AkainuTheGrimReaper @Apollo @Admiral Mou Bu @ZenZu @Extravlad @kurwa @haxxor @EmperorKinyagi @Blackbeard @Owl Ki @TheKnightOfTheSea @God Buggy @Sentinel @Tyki_Mikk @Veku @Mr. Tuna Sandwich @GoldDiamond @Dragon777 @Wee-man @Cadis Etrama Di Urek @Djordje @BaboonMihawk @Negan @The Buddha @Djordje @Germinator @DarkestKnightofSpoilers @[No Name] @King7

This post is not even brain dead

But seriously, imagine CONSCRIPTING the world's highest ranked military officials and expect it to turn out well
As I said, Fuji has already fought with the Revs after that, we even saw It.

Precisely against slavery, btw:

It's not a question of how I see It: the characters see It like that. That was Just for the kawaii scenes.

No one on EH tought Vegapunk was a "bad person" for the Seraphims. The fact that Luffy and all the mugi fought to save him and his bodies shows what Is the moral compass of the story on that issue.

Unless you think Oda Is saying that Luffy stands for slavery, of course. Proof Is, again, that Fuji was presented to be explicilty against slavery:

In OP, the Seraphims are little more than cyborgs.

He hates criminals, but Luffy doesn't stand for criminals: he stands for freedom.
… Luffys literally going into the war alongside some of the worst criminals in the world including a mass murderer and a cannibal who immolated a man for fun.

Fujis an honorable marine, he’ll stand by the marines and at worst will do absolutely nothing. He won’t fight alongside Luffys side because that’s not something he can do due to his justice or honor.
Why do Admiral fans dread Zoro and Sanji vs Fuji and Ryo so much? We all know that’s the real reason Lee is pushing for this
Fuji can have morals, but he’s still pro WG. He even talked to Sakazuki after the reverie and said how he is cool with the WG and how they all need to put faith in these child slaves
He vocally opposed the warlord system because he despised the idea of working together with pirates who had to be pardoned to gain the position, never truly followed the government and only did the bare minimum, hardly ever showing up to meetings and getting a free pass to go about whatever shady business they liked.
Fuji sees the seraphim as a lesser evil.
Fuji Is clearly a "just" Marine. He stands for justice, the moral/human Justice of his Is no coincidence.
The reason some people like @Sir Yasheen for example might mistake his intentions is because Fujitora is trying to stay smart about it, if he does too much the WG will really let him go, the damage he causes outweighs his benefits, and this is not on a small scale like the case with Garp, who chose to be a brat about it, like a pirate. No wonder his son and grandson are the way they are. Fujitora is meticulous and knows how to maneuver his way using politics, we are talking about an Admiral in the navy being responsible for the banishment of the warlords, even Sakazuki admitted he couldn't have done anything about this decision.

He understands that if he loses his position he'll no longer be able to leave his mark on the system
The reason some people like @Sir Yasheen for example might mistake his intentions is because Fujitora is trying to stay smart about it, if he does too much the WG will really let him go, the damage he causes outweighs his benefits, and this is not on a small scale like the case with Garp, who chose to be a brat about it, like a pirate. No wonder his son and grandson are the way they are. Fujitora is meticulous and knows how to maneuver his way using politics, we are talking about an Admiral in the navy being responsible for the banishment of the warlords, even Sakazuki admitted he couldn't have done anything about this decision.

He understands that if he loses his position he'll no longer be able to leave his mark on the system
It’s because we disagree on what kinda honor Fujitora has. Fuji has chosen to fall along with the people the WG betrayed before betraying the WG itself because betraying them is too dishonorable for him.
It’s because we disagree on what kinda honor Fujitora has. Fuji has chosen to fall along with the people the WG betrayed before betraying the WG itself because betraying them is too dishonorable for him.
He doesn't care about the Government, he's using them to change the system, without holding a high position in the Navy that is impossible for him. All he wants is to change the system so that ordinary people can live better lives. Right now he can't go against the government directly, he doesn't have the actual manpower, but he's doing his best. Eventually Dragon and Luffy will provide the manpower, that's when he can openly go against the WG.
If you had to put money on it do you seriously think Fujitora wouldn't turn on the World Government leading some other honest marines like Smoker and Sword members, if Dragon and Luffy provided a solid opening
He doesn't care about the Government, he's using them to change the system, without holding a high position in the Navy that is impossible for him. All he wants is to change the system so that ordinary people can live better lives. Right now he can't go against the government directly, he doesn't have the actual manpower, but he's doing his best. Eventually Dragon and Luffy will provide the manpower, that's when he can openly go against the WG.
If you had to put money on it do you seriously think Fujitora wouldn't turn on the World Government leading some other honest marines like Smoker and Sword members, if Dragon and Luffy provided a solid opening
It’s not about the power, it’s like in Dressrosa, he had the power to defeat Doflmaingo but he chose to die along with its citizens instead of rescue them.
It’s not about the power, it’s like in Dressrosa, he had the power to defeat Doflmaingo but he chose to die along with its citizens instead of rescue them.
Fujitora is a gambler, he couldn't have taken down Doflamingo without serious consequences, so he gambled on Luffy as a pirate to do it for him, and this way he can expose both the warlord system and navy. His intention is clear, and due to his simple nature he's willing to throw a dice, a wise blind man if you ask me.
Hello everyone,

Today we are going to look at part 2 of my Warcury is Akainu’s EOS Opponent prediction, and explain why I think the Admirals will switch sides and take down the Gorosei in the EOS War.

Now I know how much you love my 100,000 word threads but I’m going to keep this thread short and to the point.

The Gorosei are foils to the Admirals. While the Admirals are misguided heroes who mistakenly believe their actions defending the World Government will lead to a better world, the Gorosei are evil demons oppressing the world in an authoritarian hellscape.

While the Admirals don’t agree with every single evil decision the WG makes, the Gorosei are whole heartedly in full support of the Government’s actions and are the ones making those decisions much of the time.

While the Admirals are common born men who attained heroic strength through training, blood, sweat, and tears, the Gorosei are born Celestial Dragons who attained demonic strength by contracting with an immortal demon lord.

The Gorosei and the Admirals are narrative foils in almost every single way, and it only gets even thiccer the more we look at the Gorosei and Admiral matchups individually.


-Fujitora blinded himself while Nasujuro wears glasses which improve his vision
-Fujitora is a reckless gambler while Nasujuro is the God of Finance
-Fujitora is like a “poor” Japanese swordsman wearing robes, rags, and a basic sword, while Nasujuro is like conceptually similar to an extravagant noble Samurai general
-Fujitora eats a lot while Nasujuro in his Devil fruit form can be considered like a malnourished skeleton
-Oda had Nasujuro be the one to announce the “Great Cleansing”

While Fujitora’s entire character is about how he hates that the WG thinks of itself as God


-Ryokugyu is a Forest Man while Wyrm Sama is the “God of Agriculture”
-Ju Peter is a Worm, which irl can terrorize/invest/eat gardens and plants, while Ryokugyu is a plant human
-Ju Peter has a devil fruit which allows him to eat shit, while Ryokugyu has fasted for 3 years and ALSO has a Devil fruit that allows him to “eat” people

The garden’s greatest enemy (Ju Peter) vs the garden (Ryokugyu)


Admittedly this one is a bit of a stretch, and I don’t see as much foil between Kizaru and Mars as I do for Warcury/Akainu, Fujitora/Nasujuro, and Ryokugyu/Ju Peter. I’m open to ideas on this one.

Share your thoughts
@SakazOuki @Kurozumi Wiwi @The White Crane @Wuuuke @silverfire @scoobie3 @AkainuTheGrimReaper @Apollo @Admiral Mou Bu @ZenZu @Extravlad @kurwa @haxxor @EmperorKinyagi @Blackbeard @Owl Ki @TheKnightOfTheSea @God Buggy @Sentinel @Tyki_Mikk @Veku @Mr. Tuna Sandwich @GoldDiamond @Dragon777 @Wee-man @Cadis Etrama Di Urek @Djordje @BaboonMihawk @Negan @The Buddha @Djordje @Germinator @DarkestKnightofSpoilers @[No Name] @King7
Bruh Warcury is allegedly tougher than Kaido, King and Seraphims.. What is Akainu going to do?!..
He Is clownish, I agree, but the BB Is far more connected to Zoro

Tbh can see Fuji vs GB more than Sanji vs GB.
That's it. Greenshoes doesn't have black blade, only black sheath, so Zoro doesn't have to fight him.

Imagine Zoro already fighting High Top Tier in class of awakened Shiryu... then he has to downgrade to fight Greenshoes after? Cmon..
It makes no sense for those weaklings without CoC to defeat the Gorosei. And it makes even less sense for them to defeat them if the strongest is Akainu...
(I do not mention the rest because they are so irrelevant and weak as pizzaru for example)

So let's assume that Saint Figarland Garling is Shanks father.

1- Shanks is not stronger than his father and even less if Saint Figarland Garling is now imbued with the powers of Imu.

2- Shanks blitzed and spared Akainu's slow and weak ass. ( I guess plot issues) And the poor red puppy shit his pants and almost cried Rolfmao

3- Every time Shanks interacts with an admiral he shits on them. Except Sengoku who seems to respect him.
And that according to some delusional admiral copers around here Sengoku who has CoC is weaker than all those CoC-less weaklings that Shanks has screwed up.

So the scaling is ;

Gorosei Garling> Shanks>>> admirals.
It makes no sense for those weaklings without CoC to defeat the Gorosei. And it makes even less sense for them to defeat them if the strongest is Akainu...
(I do not mention the rest because they are so irrelevant and weak as pizzaru for example)

So let's assume that Saint Figarland Garling is Shanks father.

1- Shanks is not stronger than his father and even less if Saint Figarland Garling is now imbued with the powers of Imu.

2- Shanks blitzed and spared Akainu's slow and weak ass. ( I guess plot issues) And the poor red puppy shit his pants and almost cried Rolfmao

3- Every time Shanks interacts with an admiral he shits on them. Except Sengoku who seems to respect him.
And that according to some delusional admiral copers around here Sengoku who has CoC is weaker than all those CoC-less weaklings that Shanks has screwed up.

So the scaling is ;

Gorosei Garling> Shanks>>> admirals.
@ZenZu you went kizaru mind broke him . Lmao


𝕷𝖔𝖗𝖉 𝖔𝖋 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖓'𝖘 𝕾𝖕𝖆𝖜𝖓
Sengoku is too weak for Mars or Jupiter.
I don't disagree

I was thinking of a scenario where Sengoku takes a stand against Mars or Peter, and dies/is defeated against them

Then Law defeats whichever one.

alternatively, whichever admiral(current or former) is closest to Sengoku could beat them. wasn't it implied Borsalino was his apprentice?
Just like his idol Bumgoku
The mental integrity of a teenager, man completely lost it 😂
I imagine a Sengoku fan would be okay with Akainu being the stronger of the two, maybe where it hit a nerve was when Oda revealed how the marines now are stronger than they’ve ever been, one look on Marineford shows the gap between the two, one was weeping about his failures like a rookie while the other stood strong, kept morale high and completed the task effeciently