True, they will always find a way to portray them as good guys when in reality they are the most toxic ones, all they do is downplay anyone who is not zoro or mihawk and every second sentence they write contains sanji and how bad he is, they think he is some kind of god who is stronger then luffy when he isn't. Its always luffy>zoro>sanji but they just cant go one second when someone tells them the truth in their face, for example what zoro did was way more impressive then sanji but zoro did not block it for more then a second and needed a drug to get back to fighting while sanji not even his strongest form fought king and queen for some time, they would say with their headcannon he fought for a second, still got up like few seconds later, but of course they would not say it because either they are delusional or they just disregarding facts on purpose to be more toxic and then act like saints, pathetic.