wow this guy is legit, who is he?
Nobody knows, but yeah he seems legit.

Anyway, what I think about it:

- Chapter pretty much is all Kaido's side it seems, though only very small portions.
- Confirms Page 1 is back lol officially this time.
- Hopefully it teases Kaido's son by the end. Don't leave us hanging another week Oda!
- 2 Tobi Roppo are female, Robin/Nami battles by any chance? Even if its a little stereotypical....
- If the above is true, it may lend credence to Chopper, Brook and Franky fighting the other 3. Drake probably will betray them. I still think Usopp vs. Orochi will be a thing. GOD USOPP. The top 4 strawhats will fight the Calamities + Kaido's son? :p
Because something weird is about to happen if this is proven to be true... And all we know this but hey! We can just fap and laugh like it's s good sign.

Now let's see Kaido's son but this is not good.

Goodbye, Beast Pirates!
Maybe they're even stronger than Drake...or at least almost stronger than him...
And if you ask me, I prefer 2 girls on the f6 doing some shit, than one 2ºmain commander doing anything...