Pot Goblin

Conejo Blanco
Do you have any predictions for the future?
Sakura is gonna be tutored by Tsunade somehow, like how Naruto is Jiraya's pupil, and how Sasuke got that mark and influence from Orochimaru.

Itachi will probably be main villain for a bit while Cripplmaru deals with his dead arms.

Cripplemaru will either find a way to be strong without his arms or somehow get his arms back or even new arms. But I'm not sure since it's the literal spirit of his arms that are gone.

This also applies to Rock Lee, major waste if he stops being a shinobi here

Kabuto will either continue to be a rat or have a redemption moment

Gaara will have a redemption arc

Sasuke is probably gonna make some big changes to himself because his goal is his brother, and clearly he's still faraway from that goal.
I keep thinking you're Rayan because of the Shunsui pfp and mod font/style username LOL!

I was like, "Wow Rayan is really going off!...Oh wait its Playa LMAO!"

Seriously though man, its disgusting how much they just exploit series and mangaka's passions and hard work like this. In Japan, your superiors/elders/higher in rank or w/e is taken extremely seriously and thus I think Oda is seen as below his staff, the editors, writers and such despite his position and immense success, fame, wealth and such?

What they did with Uta in the end is the ultimate insult too. It's so shallow and exploitative, almost like deliberately mocking us. Shanks at Wano just to promote Film Red, build hype for new readers, scare Green Bull and hype up Shanks and have a convenient way to get rid of GB too. Fucking ridiculous!

I bet CP0 were meant to be a lot stronger, more competent, dangerous etc like CP9 as they are the guards for the Celestial Dragons too and "The Worlds Strongest Intelligence Agency" and we saw how insanely dangerous and competent CP9 were, so by all means, the actual personal, direct Cipher Pol for the Celestial Dragons and thus The Gorosei and Imu should be much stronger, more competent, dangerous, cunning, etc right?

A lot of villains are just being turned into brutes and clowns and Orochi who was actually really cunning, vicious and such, is also a clown character and just served to get beheaded multiple times and not achieve anything at Onigashima either! I'm scared Oda might give Blackbeard this treatment too especially how he treated the Yonkos and now the Admirals too, or at least BB's crew at minimum!

man kaido fought for over 65 chapters what treatment did he get apart from being the greatest villain in the history of manga?
Japaner bro.
They are different to us, read their workmoral, it whole different world...
It kinda sad but the most japaner don´t disagree to their bosses, so is Oda the same.
He can´t disagree to them, they literally can force him to anything.
Sadly this topic is not mentioned much in twitter world or youtube..
We as fandom should stand behind Oda, not Shueisha.
You guys probably know that the Mangaka not gain much of the movie sales, most of these money goes to Shueisha and the other companies like Toei...
you think Oda is the victim here?

not sure

he 'disagreed' with them before and worked at his own pace instead.

Dude wants to end One Piece in 3 years he said. Shueisha isn't forcing him to do so.
Over the past years he kept saying that he wants to end it, that he has health issues, that he won't live forever etc...
It's Oda's fault. Stop excusing Oda's writing for Wano. You think if Oda didn't want to write something, Shueisha could force him to? Lol
I don´t excusing it but this men is already with full stress, netflix show shit here, anime stuff here, working with other projects, movie middle of his most important arc who he work over 10years and at top forced to end the arc faster. We see all the scrips and ideas who Oda had but need to cut off because of timeproblem. I agree I don´t want to excusing things for Oda, he probably had also bad works, but as longer read and knowing what Shueisha do to other mangaka, I can see they had big influence on Oda writing for the endphase of Wano. Oda usually end a arc very good, even if the arc himself wasn´t really good(DR or WCi), but wano you can feel to many plots are left, you can feel that he was forced to end things faster.

Again I don´t want to protect him for all what he do for Wano, he make lot of mistakes too, I agree, but the end was the most important thing and it seems like they force him to rush the things, which is fucked up.

Deleted member 83

Alright time for the next update fellas on Naruto
I'm currently on chapter 150

Imma break this down section by section, starting with the Forest of Death


I knew there was something up with this fella since his team was faceless npcs and didn't give him a proper line like the other teams before the 2nd round started. I thought he was gonna die but it turns out he is just a Judas here working for Orochimaru. Probably gonna be a big, big pain in the ass as the series goes on.

This series continues to deliver the punches in terms of injury and death. That guy that got crushed by Gaara's sand tomb was fucking brutal. And Naruto making a bunch of shadow clones to burst out of the giant snake's stomach was very striking.

I am going to go ahead and say rest in piece(s) to any faceless npc characters in the series cause they will consistently bite the dust hard throughout the series.

Orochimaru will definitely be a more main villain throughout the story (despite his condition later). It was a good first impression for the character. Using Genjutsu to make Sasuke and Sakura shit themselves from illusions, nerfing Naruto with that 5-pronged seal move, and giving Sasuke that cursed mark that I'm sure will also be a big pain in the ass later in the series despite Kakashi sealing it.

Naruto punching Sasuke because "Sasuke is not a coward" was a good moment.

The series continues to deliver with a unique power system and strategy. It honestly reminds me of Jojo a little cause there always seems to be layers of strategy going on that's usually capped off with a big "gotcha" reveal. I like it a lot since it keeps you on your toes.

Now about that Sound Clan battle. Different variety of characters showing off their moves. I do wish that Rock Lee got the W on at least one of them but oh well. I will give props to Sakura as she started treating Lee very kindly after he helped protect her and the others. Ino and Shikiamaru have interesting abilities that can easily lead to either a insta-win or a big blowback. The fact that damage gets reflected on the main body is dangerous. Cause even these lower level Sound Ninja goons were very willing to kill their ally just to kill Ino. Someone might unironically die (not those 2 though) because of that in the future.

Sakura got a couple of good moments here
Sasuke is now demon buddies with Naruto since he also has a berserk form. I imagine there may be a team where he might fully let it take over and it's gonna fuck shit up.

Choji is fat and will be a constant anchor throughout the series.

Anko having the same curse mark for Orochimaru will probably also be a big deal later. That's something that'll need to be explored a bit.

Onto the Prelims
I love me some tournament arcs so this was a fun one for me.
Right away it was a little relieving that Kakashi sealed the curse for now since it made it a later problem but it was a little on the concerning side when Orochimaru was bold enough to meet him face to face.
Kabuto also showed his abilities as a doctor since he can very easily play dead, I expect that to come back constantly as the series goes on.

This tournament hosted a large variety of abilities from a lot of the side characters we're going to see throughout the series. Some were more impressive than others lol.

Sasuke vs Yoroi: Clever plan to try to draw the curse mark out from Sasuke, but it was a nice moment of resistance when Sasuke decided to kick his ass using Rock Lee's Tenjutsu instead. Fun fight

Zaku vs Shino: GOD DAMN, this clown just blew his fuckin arms off. Zaku should've just withdrawn honestly especially since his arms were the main source of his powers. Shino seems like a pretty neat guy that I will dub a Buggomancer. Kinda screwed up that they get infested from birth. But I kinda hope it's not uncomfortable though it probably is. You can probably hear them in your skin and stuff.

Misumi vs Kankuro: Smart move to have the puppet be in front and leave the real body in the bag. It's so funny how a casual prelim round is so casual about death. Since if Kankuro wasn't using his puppet he would've had his neck broken in front of everybody just like that.

Sakura vs Ino: Good fight with some good moments. I had a feeling that when Ino cut her hair and spread it on the floor every where that it was gonna be a trap. Though props to Sakura for escaping that body snatch Jutsu. I hope that this is a continuing theme that Sakura can resist stuff like that cause that is a super useful ability to have. It's also nice that the rivalry is more friendly than I first thought.

Tenten vs Temari: Tenten got negged offscreen lmao. Definitely not a good start for her rip.

Shikamaru vs Kin: That shadow bind move is some dangerous stuff, scary as hell when you can set it up so that your opponent kills themselves basically. Shikamaru is a fun character.

Naruto vs Kiba: Really fun fight, I'm a big fan of Naruto's tricky strategies using duplication and transformation Jutsus. Getting hit in Kiba form and transforming in an injured Akimaru (I think that's his name) so that Kiba punches a real Akimaru was mint. Kiba had some cool moves and being able to make a fight a pure 2v1 is nice as well. Naruto's last combo using shadow clones was awsome as well. And to think Naruto won while nerfed is also a good feat to have.

Hinata vs Neji: Fist of the North Star powers which I'm a fan of. Definitely a sad fight of a girl trying to gain confidence for herself despite the odds. Naruto picking up Hinata's blood saying that he vows to win was ice cold and a big highlight for me.

Gaara vs Rock Lee: I knew this was a fan favorite fight and I can see why. I also watched the anime version of the fight and that was also well done, the anime has pretty good pacing. That weight drop was kick-ass, being the first to land hits on Gaara was kick-ass, Hidden Lotus was also kick-ass (I love Kaio-Ken type moves). Gaara was a scary mofo throughout and definitely big OP fella throughout the series. I also really liked Rock Lee's flashback.

I am calling a hard cap on Rock Lee being permanently crippled cause of the fight. IDK how he'll bounce back but it would be a big waste to not use this character that won us over during this fight. Especially with such an interesting power of the Inner Gates. And that was before the stuff about Tsunade being the queen of healing came up.

Dosu vs Choji: Choji is fat and will be a constant anchor throughout the series.

Now to the finals
RIP to sound guy leader + Tired Eyes Guy, keeping the tradition of brutal deaths in the series.

In comes Jiraya, another presumed fan favorite. Definitely, a really quirky character that I would say I'm a fan of. Of course, not too fond of pervy gags and such but the character works despite that. Unnerfed Naruto which was nice and showed us that Nartuo is actually pretty decent at Chakra control since he instantly walked on Water btw. I love the frog summoning btw.

Definition of a hands-on teacher btw, dude kicked Naruto off a cliff to get him to access Red Chakra. Props to the Nine-Tailed Fox for giving Naruto some juice. Though I imagine since Ol' Nine-Tails is a big villain dude he's gonna be an asshole about it later and deny Red Chakra when Naruto really needs it. Gonna hurt real bad when he does do that.


Idk why but I found the big frog summoning to be absolutely rad as shit. I'm a sucker for style so seeing this coat-wearing, pipe-smoking frog was really hype. At the time I crossed my fingers that we would get so see Big Frog Boss again in the series. Sasuke also got some nice one on one time with Ol' Kakashi.

I do want to mention the scroll and the 4th Hokage real quick. It was revealed that the 4th also made a contract with Mr. Big Frog Boss as well as Jiraya. Which transitions to who I think the 4th is in general. Probably pretty obvious but this fella is Naruto's dad. Seeing the parents of other characters in the series sealed it for me since they looked similar to their kids. But when I first saw the portrait of him it was clear based on how he's the only other fella in the village with spiky blond hair and bright blue eyes. Add in how the 4th sealed the demon away and Naruto was the holder and we got a winner.

I'm not sure if Naruto knows yet and it will be interesting when that gets revealed.

To the finals itself

Naruto vs Neji was cool, I liked Neji's backstory and the reveal that the main branch father was prepared to die. Hopefully that eases the relationship between the two families.

I really liked the reveal that Shikamaru was a genius. Having someone who can plan stuff out multiple steps ahead is very, very useful and honestly can lead to cool moments. He's probably the most interesting of the side character rookies and definitely my favorite of that group. Next to Rock Lee of course.

RIP to those mob clowns that wanted Gaara to throw the fight lmao.


Sasuke and Kakashi with the fashionably late entrance was neat. Chidori is a cool ass move and I hope Sasuke keeps improving on it throughout the series.

I would say he had the upper hand against Ol' Gaara before said sand fella went beast mode. Then all of a sudden the finals get interrupted.

Orochimaru started his plan and kidnapped the 3rd Hokage in some kind of seal thing. Kabuto the Rat continues to be annoying using his mass sleep move. Props to Sakura for resisting it.

I was recommended to stop reading at 115 but seeing the reveal that Orochimaru trapped the 3rd in a seal and was planning to fight him made me weak so I kept going.

Finally the Konoha Crush and what happens after
Literally could not stop reading during this section of the story.

The 3rd vs Orochimaru and Naruto vs Gaara are big highlights in the series for me.

I personally thought the 3rd was gonna make it but god damn did he make his death worth it.

Liked his fighting style of using a Wukong staff and such. The fact that resurrection can be used like that to bring powerful shinobi is probably going to be another giant pain in the ass later in the series. Since both Hokage were fighting like they never died.

The 3rd is an ice-cold mofo and did a kick-ass play to get the W over Orochimaru. Rekilling the two Hokage and permanently crippling that snake bastard. The moment when he cuts off the soul of Orochimaru's arms was beyond amazing. What a great way to get the last laugh against the villain. The best part is that despite his ability to change bodies it's more than likely that the useless arms come with him. Since it's his soul's arms that got cut off and nothing physical. That shit is gonna follow him for a long while if not the rest of the series unless a way is found to heal them.

Orochimaru wanting to groom and take over Sasuke's body is also creepy.


I got my wish for Big Frog Boss to come back and it was amazing. I really liked the fight between Gaara and Naruto. Perfect way to end this saga. Naruto is damn good at transformation since he turned Big Frog Boss into a fox.

Gaara's flashback was honestly really sad. Fella just wants someone to love him. Personally, I smell a redeeming arc from Mr. Sand fella. I hope so cause that can lead to really interesting moments.

Also big rip to Sakura once more, Naruto got a big frog this arc, Sasuke got the Chidori, and Sakura got tied up to a tree lmao.

Kakashi revealing he's always late cause he visits his dead friend Obito was also a sad moment.

Now with Orochimaru out of the way for now + a new hokage needed there's gonna be a bit of a shift in where the story goes. Enter Itachi Uchia

Scary fella with a scary ass ability to basically torture you however he wants as long as he wants. His encounter with Sasuke is probably gonna be the catalyst for something since he manhandled Sasuke, tortured him for 24 hours, and said he needs more hatred in his heart. Definitely gonna be a game changer.

Shark guy is kinda scary but will probably end up being a jobber IMO. Big sword is interesting though.

Tsunade gives me ideas for the future of our 3 main characters. Since she's known as a big healer lady

Big 3 famous Shinobi are Orochimaru, Jiraya, and Tsunade

Naruto is being taught by Jiraya
Sasuke is being influenced in some way by Orochimaru due to the curse mark
I think when Tsunade is properly introduced she will eventually teach Sakura in some way

All in all, I'm having a great time with the series. There have been no hurdles so far, every arc has been kino.

@NikaInParis @Natalija @Light D Lamperouge
@DarkestKnightofSpoilers @Jaguark101 @Pringles @RayanOO @TheAncientCenturion
@Seven7 @Ghostly Reflections @DoctorIndigo @Rottkins @EtenBoby @solis @CoC: Color of Clowns
Lmao I absolutely love how much you’re excited by big frogs, I always thought they’re cool but few agree


I will never forgive Oda
Sakura is gonna be tutored by Tsunade somehow, like how Naruto is Jiraya's pupil, and how Sasuke got that mark and influence from Orochimaru.

Itachi will probably be main villain for a bit while Cripplmaru deals with his dead arms.

Cripplemaru will either find a way to be strong without his arms or somehow get his arms back or even new arms. But I'm not sure since it's the literal spirit of his arms that are gone.

This also applies to Rock Lee, major waste if he stops being a shinobi here

Kabuto will either continue to be a rat or have a redemption moment

Gaara will have a redemption arc

Sasuke is probably gonna make some big changes to himself because his goal is his brother, and clearly he's still faraway from that goal.
Very interesting stuff
I don´t excusing it but this men is already with full stress, netflix show shit here, anime stuff here, working with other projects, movie middle of his most important arc who he work over 10years and at top forced to end the arc faster. We see all the scrips and ideas who Oda had but need to cut off because of timeproblem. I agree I don´t want to excusing things for Oda, he probably had also bad works, but as longer read and knowing what Shueisha do to other mangaka, I can see they had big influence on Oda writing for the endphase of Wano. Oda usually end a arc very good, even if the arc himself wasn´t really good(DR or WCi), but wano you can feel to many plots are left, you can feel that he was forced to end things faster.

Again I don´t want to protect him for all what he do for Wano, he make lot of mistakes too, I agree, but the end was the most important thing and it seems like they force him to rush the things, which is fucked up.
why are you using shunsui??
I don´t excusing it but this men is already with full stress, netflix show shit here, anime stuff here, working with other projects, movie middle of his most important arc who he work over 10years and at top forced to end the arc faster. We see all the scrips and ideas who Oda had but need to cut off because of timeproblem. I agree I don´t want to excusing things for Oda, he probably had also bad works, but as longer read and knowing what Shueisha do to other mangaka, I can see they had big influence on Oda writing for the endphase of Wano. Oda usually end a arc very good, even if the arc himself wasn´t really good(DR or WCi), but wano you can feel to many plots are left, you can feel that he was forced to end things faster.

Again I don´t want to protect him for all what he do for Wano, he make lot of mistakes too, I agree, but the end was the most important thing and it seems like they force him to rush the things, which is fucked up.
Shueisha did not force Oda to rush the end of Wano, Oda made that decision, they just wanted the film to coincide with the start of the final saga, and it did.
Sakura is gonna be tutored by Tsunade somehow, like how Naruto is Jiraya's pupil, and how Sasuke got that mark and influence from Orochimaru.

Itachi will probably be main villain for a bit while Cripplmaru deals with his dead arms.

Cripplemaru will either find a way to be strong without his arms or somehow get his arms back or even new arms. But I'm not sure since it's the literal spirit of his arms that are gone.

This also applies to Rock Lee, major waste if he stops being a shinobi here

Kabuto will either continue to be a rat or have a redemption moment

Gaara will have a redemption arc

Sasuke is probably gonna make some big changes to himself because his goal is his brother, and clearly he's still faraway from that goal.