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Oh boy :suresure:

Give me the short summary.
it all started when I first made my account. My original name was corona_solis. This was before Covid got so bad and I couldn't have known about this.
Changed name.
Left forum for a while.
When I came back Harashima began to call me corona-kun.

Then like half a year ago Harashima promoted his political opinions about bowing to oppressors like CCP amd pretty much being a bootlicker. (dude was probably trolling)

I respond telling him it's nonsense, calling him a spineless bootlicker and subordinate.(was exaggerating ofc and heavily trolling)

Dude took this personally.
He just brought that up after months and is still upset that I trolled him.

Also note that Harashima is a baiter and constantly tries to trigger people.

What he still couldn't tell me is whether he prefers to kiss the feet of European militant Christians, of CCP commies or of ISIS salafists.
He keeps evading my questions because he's still very upset and personally offended.

He seems to hate the fucking guts of Europeans, USA and generally white people tho
so I couldn't be too wrong about Harashima preferring CCP colonists over Western colonists.

The thing is that I initially believed Harashima to be from UK, then when he kept talking about colonialism I assumed he is from India but dude keeps evading the question.
But he told Meeyori that he is Austronesian and since then I call him a part time headhunter and cannibal to bait him.

Harashima doesn't want to talk to me like a normal human being and the reason must be that he sees me as an inferior species of expansive white colonists, also the fact that I'm German makes him throw Nazi bait at me.

Mr. Reloaded

Cause a pirate is free
it all started when I first made my account. My original name was corona_solis. This was before Covid got so bad and I couldn't have known about this.
Changed name.
Left forum for a while.
When I came back Harashima began to call me corona-kun.

Then like half a year ago Harashima promoted his political opinions about bowing to oppressors like CCP amd pretty much being a bootlicker. (dude was probably trolling)

I respond telling him it's nonsense, calling him a spineless bootlicker and subordinate.(was exaggerating ofc and heavily trolling)

Dude took this personally.
He just brought that up after months and is still upset that I trolled him.

Also note that Harashima is a baiter and constantly tries to trigger people.

What he still couldn't tell me is whether he prefers to kiss the feet of European militant Christians, of CCP commies or of ISIS salafists.
He keeps evading my questions because he's still very upset and personally offended.

He seems to hate the fucking guts of Europeans, USA and generally white people tho
so I couldn't be too wrong about Harashima preferring CCP colonists over Western colonists.

The thing is that I initially believed Harashima to be from UK, then when he kept talking about colonialism I assumed he is from India but dude keeps evading the question.
But he told Meeyori that he is Austronesian and since then I call him a part time headhunter and cannibal to bait him.

Harashima doesn't want to talk to me like a normal human being and the reason must be that he sees me as an inferior species of expansive white colonists, also the fact that I'm German makes him throw Nazi bait at me.
Oh wow. I didn't think it was that serious :snoopy:
Naruto update up to chapter 515 this one is gonna be a bit on the shorter side since I don't feel like doing a big WU right now
You fellas can ask me anything though and I'll answer

Pain's arc was unreal, this was some final boss shit going on with the destruction of Konoha + how so many people died (temporarily) during it.

I was sure that something would have to reverse some stuff somehow because that sequence of the almighty push + the attack on Konoha itself felt like some bad future shit going on. I thought it was gonna be time travel or something but the real reason ended up bein a bit more interesting. I think it was Kakashi's death that made me think this since he's too big of a character to die without a purpose basically.

Danzo is a fuckin loser btw and probably the most pathetic character in the series easily.


Nartuo's entrance was pretty rad during this. I really like Sage mode since the idea of nature chakra is a fun one. Plus he can do some sick moves with it. Though with how Ol' Naruto is doin now I"m not sure we're gonna see it anymore sadly.

That bony nine-tails form was definitely something else as well. If Naruto ever goes full 9 tails it's gonna be some scary shit IMO. Though again we might not get that.

Naruto's talk no jutsu continues to be OP as he convinces Pain to kill himself and go all Shenron to bring all the dead back to life except Jiraya lmao.

Also I liked that scene where he talked with his father.

Now to Danzo's blunder arc

This arc was all about Ol' Danzo getting the power of the Hokage he always wanted and instantly squandered it during the Gokage meeting. He didn't even achieve any of his big plans cause he literally got called out on it right away, what a nerd.

This was my face during the Naruto and Sakura exchange when she said she loves Naruto

Sakura is a dogshit liar and I felt embarrassed for her both times that she did it since literally everyone knew right away that what she was saying was false.

The idea of a neutral zone for everyone is interesting as well btw


Nice to see that Ol' Sasuke got the power of Susanoo, though I will say I am mighty uncomfortable when he uses his eye powers cause that looks like it fookin hurts a lot when he does.

This dude is going full evil btw, it might be a bit harder to redeem him this time around since even his own village wants him dead now. Even Naruto is willing to die with him.

Danzo is a Jobber's jobber btw, dude literally had anti-kill hax on his side and basically wasted it and got his ass kicked.
I do not miss him and am glad he's dead

Now to the last bits
Kabuto continues to be a fuckin snake by teaming up with Tobi sporting a wide variety of resurrected shinobi. A lot of dangerous fellas and a lot of flashbacks are in the future.

Sasuke is gonna be pissed if he sees a resurrected Itachi
Bone guy is back as well which is concerning cause now he no longer has illness nerf to save whoever is fighting him...
Zabuza is probably fighting the Shigesu fella cause of the sword stuff
Haku is gonna be dangerous IMO since he is big killer Zombie now
5 annoying af Amatsuki members are back, we've seen how much damage just one can do
And Asuma and Kato are there for pure psychological pain

Naruto got super saiyan mode which was nice. I really liked that flashback and talk with his mother and such. That scene where the dying parents are giving their final words to Naruto was really sad honestly.

Also TAC you said that Shark Jobber would redeem himself when he did the opposite. Other than give intel to Tobi and Kabuto this guy gets his ass kicked hard during this part of the story to the point where even his own sword doesn't want to be around him anymore.

Jobber of the Mist indeed

Might Guy was fuckin awesome though, that 7th gate move was pure kino.

Also I'm not sure if Yamato is gonna make it, though I kinda hope he does since he's pretty useful.

And the elders are clowns for not utilizing strong as hell ninja with Killer Bee (who's on my favs list) + Naruto

Clowns that started the problem with Sasuke in the first place since they ordered the deaths of the Uchia clan. They need to go imo

@NikaInParis @Natalija @Light D Lamperouge
@DarkestKnightofSpoilers @Jaguark101 @Pringles @RayanOO @TheAncientCenturion
@Seven7 @Ghostly Reflections @DoctorIndigo @Rottkins @EtenBoby @solis @CoC: Color of Clowns @Wildfire Kaios @Danketsu

That’s actually mad impressive ngl! But yeah the Pain arc i feel is my fav arc in all of naruto! Pain was one of the most badass villains to ever exist and his THEME??? Bruhhhhhhhh GODLIKE!!!! Btw what do you think of sakura now? 😂😂😂

Btw kakashi felt Nerfed and weak when he died in my personal opinion….and yes, i think you should see Naruto’s entrance in the anime but going beyond that?….umm err….at your own risk
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also @Pot Goblin i know orochi was created way after danzo but danzo just seens like a more competent orochi ngl

and I’m finally glad to hear your review on Sakura! I was waiting for so long brooo

but yeah keep watching what goes on with sasuke and his late brother, you’ll be pleasantly surprised
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