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Gorosei Informer

It's Reddit. The entire point of that site is for whiny concern trolls to ruin smaller subs they dislike. They send their shitty mods who get paid by the propaganda firms now backing the site, and destroy any smaller communities who post outside of their grand schemes. They're the same kind of people who make up lies about their neighbors just because they don't like their race, nationality, gender, sexuality, etc. It's better when you think of Reddit as a quarantine zone for people who don't want to hear any opinion that challenges their own.

Every time they fall for our fake spoilers, the spiteful side of me smiles like Zoro after he sliced up Monet.
Yeah that makes a lot of sense, Reddit has some of the most bullying I've seen.

Sounds like they're trying to be a mafia as as well as cult from what you're saying which is even sadder. A digital mafia lmfao.

Thats EXACTLY WHAT MY NEIGHBOUR DOES TO US TOO! Hes been doing that shit to us for YEARS and is a GIGANTIC racist too! Oh my god, I go off SO HARD about that asshole! LOL! When I was almost murdered for real, the lying piece of shit went around telling people I instigated it and implied I deserved it, when I was the one who jumped and assaulted and thus by a former "best friend" of mine too.

Yeah now you mention it, it really is just like Twitter and Tumblr, another quarantine zone for the most toxic/worst people and echochambers that they love to be.

Its a shame really good content tends to get posted there occasionally and aside from here and Drizzts channel, its the only place I know that really criticises OP (the piratefolk sub I mean but apparently main sub and memepiece are bitter with one another now too ironically lol). I know Morj has become a lot more critical now though, Tekking was suprisingly critical in a clip posted recently and some others like Sawyer and Roger have been critical of OP too.

Gorosei Informer

Bonney's past is almost as confusing as Zoro's, so, fuck, why not. They also had that steamy Sabaody moment.

When do you think we're getting Bonney? Since she's connected to Kuma, I think she'll show up to meet the Revolutionaries soon.
Lmfao true! I always felt they had chemistry at Sabaody and she did save his life after all. I feel she compliments him a lot personality wise too, like a female version of his own captain too hahahaha! A female mixture of Luffy and Sanji even! Take that as you will LMAO! (Holy based)

I think its gonna be with Vegapunk and SSGs actual arc tbh. Revolutionaries too definitely with Kuma. I thought she would play a massive role with WCI/Big Mom but alas...I had a side hope that she and Urouge would be at Elbaf at least but idk anymore.

Given the SSG new weapon are children, well robot children or android children or w/e, Bonneys fruit or even Shinobus might work on them and age them up to their actual adult primes like the actual ex-warlords they are based on too.

I'm really surprised we've not seen Bonney's fruit targeted by the WG too, to de-age Garp, the Gorosei, Kong, Tsuru and Sengoku, whoever else etc. Or even age up too like with these kid clones ofc.

If Laws fruit can give immortality, why not Bonneys fruit which can literally manipulate your age and thus lifespan? Her awakening?
Also imagine her busted her fruit could be potentially? Oda loves giving OP as fuck DFs to female characters too! Like Boas, her fruit is very underrated and much more powerful than people realise!

I'm surprised BB didn't try to take her fruit when he had the chance to as well!?
Revo chapter with some weevil, coby and blackbeard in it is my guess
I think this makes the most sense since this would give an idea what is happening with both of these plot points before we move onto the strawhats
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Carrot won't join the crew bro, can't believe people still believe to it
One piece chapters ha e taught me that anything is possible these days
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