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CoC: Color of Clowns

Barking's not enough
Lmfao true! I always felt they had chemistry at Sabaody and she did save his life after all. I feel she compliments him a lot personality wise too, like a female version of his own captain too hahahaha! A female mixture of Luffy and Sanji even! Take that as you will LMAO! (Holy based)

I think its gonna be with Vegapunk and SSGs actual arc tbh. Revolutionaries too definitely with Kuma. I thought she would play a massive role with WCI/Big Mom but alas...I had a side hope that she and Urouge would be at Elbaf at least but idk anymore.

Given the SSG new weapon are children, well robot children or android children or w/e, Bonneys fruit or even Shinobus might work on them and age them up to their actual adult primes like the actual ex-warlords they are based on too.

I'm really surprised we've not seen Bonney's fruit targeted by the WG too, to de-age Garp, the Gorosei, Kong, Tsuru and Sengoku, whoever else etc. Or even age up too like with these kid clones ofc.

If Laws fruit can give immortality, why not Bonneys fruit which can literally manipulate your age and thus lifespan? Her awakening?
Also imagine her busted her fruit could be potentially? Oda loves giving OP as fuck DFs to female characters too! Like Boas, her fruit is very underrated and much more powerful than people realise!

I'm surprised BB didn't try to take her fruit when he had the chance to as well!?
Urouge is definitely being saved for Elbaf. Elbaf, fable backwards, has a giant tree, so, we'll finally get more Sky Island lore, and find out more about the races that make up the sky folk. Still hope Law and Urouge meet up.

Yeah, Bonney's fruit is really interesting, wonder where Oda is going to take it... Maybe it's hard for people to get used to their bodies once they de-age? Blackbeard could have been going for it, but decided to flee the moment Akainu showed up.

Fuck, what if Bonney tries to assassinate Vegapunk for what she did to Kuma, and the Seraphim? That would be dark, but awesome.
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