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Luffy is a retarded manchild and poor captain who constantly lead his crew to their death, only reason why they are still alive being the plot armor.
In my opinion, he doesn't get hit nearly enough
"lUffy is a StUpid captAin"

Meanwhile Kaido sends Jack to get Doffy against 4 battleships that have Fujitora, Swngoku, Tsuru line up.

Don't diss God fruit Luffy

He didn't ask for a Bullshit retconned Devil fruit
Luffy himself admitted he can't do shit without his crew lol.
They chose to sail with him because they love him.
He's a good guy that would go to hell for his friends, but that doesn't make him a competent captain
He is the perfect pirate captain, All the major decisions which has been taken by Luffy have only allowed them to move forward, Luffy is basically vibe checking rest of the crew by putting them in danger and keeping them on their toes to fend off any danger. This makes the crew more stronger. If they grow lax they will die.


Talent is something you make bloom.
Luffy himself admitted he can't do shit without his crew lol.
They chose to sail with him because they love him.
He's a good guy that would go to hell for his friends, but that doesn't make him a competent captain
The entire story and piracy takes are based on one's man view of an adventure type story.

It's not about being "real". If it were, Most of them would've died already, and not even due to Luffy's fault.

But jumping off some colossal waterfall just because you got instantly triggered by an irrelevant "rival" is pretty dumb.
And for that, he deserved to get his ass whopped and locked in a cage.
He is the perfect pirate captain, All the major decisions which has been taken by Luffy have only allowed them to move forward, Luffy is basically vibe checking rest of the crew by putting them in danger and keeping them on their toes to fend off any danger. This makes the crew more stronger. If they grow lax they will die.
He also punched a celestial dragon and it didn't end up good for the crew
Also at this point straw hats risked their life for Luffy more than he did for them lol
Luffy didn't show any concern to half-dead Zoro vomitting blood and having all his bones broken after taking hakai
didn't care about usopp and nami being chased by ancient zoan that forced him to use G4
will show complete disregard to take safe route they all agreed on, for no other reason than cheap dick waving contest
He is the perfect pirate captain, All the major decisions which has been taken by Luffy have only allowed them to move forward, Luffy is basically vibe checking rest of the crew by putting them in danger and keeping them on their toes to fend off any danger. This makes the crew more stronger. If they grow lax they will die.
:suresure::suresure::suresure:you can thank plot armor for that. goffy is so lucky he's the MC.
How do I upload media to the forum :choppawhat:

It seems impossible other than adding an external link. Finding image hosting sites can be difficult.
Easy trick I like to use:

If you want to upload an image, but WorstGen won't accept the image source, do this:
1. Download the image
2. upload the image of Twitter (if you don't want to flood your friends' timelines with pics, you can change the box that's next to your profile pic that says "Everyone" to a closed circle, so only you can see the post)
3. Now just upload the Twitter Image to WorstGen

A lot easier than looking for sources that work, I got so sick of being unable to use the fucking Wiki pictures, that I came up with this runaround. Someone with better tech advice could probably come up with something better, though.
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